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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 10 Sep Good 3


+4m Entire Circuit


Good 3 Pen 5.8

Nil last 24hrs, 2mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 24mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:02AM Monday 11 September
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 10/9 - 7:30am. Late Scratching R6 N6


Mon 04/09/17 11:00am


Tue 05/09/17 03:00pm


Thu 07/09/17 09:30am


Thu 07/09/17 12:00pm


Sun 10/09/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 6, 8

WEATHER FINEE            TRACK RATING GOOD 33                     RAIL
Chairman of Stewards J. Williamson
Stewards D. Aurisch, C. Albrecht, K. Daly
Clerk of Scales D. Reid
Judge I. Chilton, I. Shultz
Veterinarian A. Murdoch
Swab Attendants S. Heidke, K. Warwick
Starter R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary P. Carey
Sunshine Coast August 6 Race 5 Class 2 HHCAP 1200m
Stewards have concluded inquiries into the running of the above race. An inquiry was opened immediately following this event as stewards had concerns regarding the ease with which the winner, RAJA AMPAT, obtained clear running to the inside of runners from the 700m onwards.
Stewards questioned B. Stewart, the rider of MUDDY ROPE, in that after he after he had obtained a position on the fence behind and to the inside of NIGHT ATTIRE and forward of RAJA AMPAT he elected to shift away from the fencee leaving the 800m, which afforded RAJA AMPAT the opportunity to improve to the inside of his mount. He explained that whilst following NIGHT ATTIRE he became aware that J. Byrne, the rider of NIGHT ATTIRE, was reluctant to shift in to the fence, and as he was concerned he would be unable to shift off the fence later in the race if he improved to the inside of that horse, he elected to shift away from the fence in order to follow NIGHT ATTIRE, which he felt was a strong chance in the event.
Byrne, the rider of NIGHT ATTIRE, was also questioned regarding his reluctance to shift to the fence when he had opportunity to do so near the 900m, and his decision to direct his mount out near the 800m, which resulted in his mount travelling in a 3-wide position outside TYCOON TYKE and affording clear running along the fence for RAJA AMPAT to improve. He explained that when TYCOON TYKE was crossing to the lead when leaving the 900m he had anticipated that horse continuing to shift in and assume a position on the fence. He therefore endeavored to remain one horse off the fence in an attempt to improve and settle outside TYCOON TYKE when this gelding settled on the fence. He further added that he was surprised and disappointed when J Orman, the rider of TYCOON TYKE, remained one horse off the fence.
Stewards questioned J Orman, the rider of TYCOON TYKE, regarding his reasons for staying one off the fence when he had opportunity to shift to the fence from the 900m, which resulted in RAJA AMPAT being able to improve to the inside of TYCOON TYKE after passing the 500m. He informed stewards that as he felt he was not sufficiently clear to cross NIGHT ATTIRE near the 900m, he elected to remain one off the fence as he was not aware that NIGHT ATTIRE had not crossed to the fence. He indicated that he was satisfied to travel one off the fence with NIGHT ATTIRE racing to his inside as he was not aware that jockey Byrne had shifted that gelding to his outside. He also added thatt TYCOON TYKE was inclined to hang out slightly, as has been a trait of the gelding throughout its racing career.
Betting transactions on this event were also examined without any unusual activity noted. After considering the explanations from all riders, stewards were satisfied that their actions were not unreasonable in the circumstances and took no further action.
Race 1: Caboolture Sports Club BenchMark 70 HHcap 1600m
FIVE STUD POKER Overraced in the early stages.
SHOTACROSS THE BOW Improved onto heels near the 700m and shifted wider and raced 3 wide without cover from that point onwards.
VENECIA Apprentice S. Lacy reported the mare hung out throughout and felt short in its action from passing the 500m. A post race veterinary examination revealed the mare to be lame inn the near hind leg.
Race 2: Canecutters Rest Class 4 HHcap 1200m
RAGGLE VARRR Slow to begin..  Jockey M. Hellyer advised that the mare hung out from rounding the home turn.
FINAL OVER Apprentice S. Lacy reported it had not been her intention to lead, however after beginning well she was unable to restrain to obtain cover, and when racing keenly near the 800m allowed the horse to stride forward and cross to the lead.
Race 3: Martin Jonkers Motors Maiden HHcap 1000m
BLONDE BY CHOICE Jumped away awkwardly and made heavy contact with the barrier partition. After passing the 700m was obliged to race in restricted room and had to be checked when racingg betweenn JUPARA PRINCE, which shifted out, and TRUMPFUL,, which shifted in.. Jockey M. Cahill, rider of TRUMPFUL, was advised to be mindful to give sufficient room to his fellow riders when shifting ground. Raced greenly throughout.
MISS RIVER BELLE Slow to begin. Overraced in the early stages and had to be checked from heels near the 700m.
JUPARA PRINCE Began awkwardly and lost ground. Overraced in the early stages and had to be checked from heels near the 700m. Raced greenly throughout.
TRUMPFUL Raced wide without cover. A post race veterinary examination revealed a minor laceration to the offf hind leg.
Race 4: Rotary Service Above Self QTIS 3yo Fillies Maiden Plate 1000m
MISHANI ELECTRA Trainer B. Currie was fined $100 for failing to produce the registration papers for the horse. Raced wide without cover.
MYMMING Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground.
HOTSIE TOTSIE Slow to begin.
ADORADANCER Jumped awkwardly.
MISS AMBER Raced wide.
TOLAI MERI Raced greenly throughout. Near the 150m shifted out and had to be steadied from heels.
Race 5: Shaftesbury Centre Maiden HHcap 1400m
WOOLOOMAN SKY Change of tactics. Connections advised that the horse would be ridden in the second half of the field if circumstances permit. Blundered on jumping away and thenn the horse was ridden accordingly.
HALLSIDE REBEL Slow to begin.
HAVEN DUKE Slow to begin.
BIA TYCHE When the pace slackened leaving the 1200m improved onto heels and had to be steadied.
QUIRION Jockey R. McMahon, rider of HALLSIDE REBEL, was found guilty of a charge of careless riding, in that he directed his mountt out at a point leaving the 400m and in doing so made heavy contact and forced QUIRION out at this stage, causing that horse to become severely unbalanced and lose ground..  Jockey R. McMahon was suspended from riding in races for a period of 11 days, to commence at midnight, 17 September and to expire at midnight, 28 September.
SHEES FAST Had difficulty obtaining clear running from approaching the 400m until after leaving the 300m.
BLOOMINN AMY Raced 3 wide without cover.
STRIKE SIKA Trainer T. Thomas was questioned regarding the improved performance of the horse.. He indicated that the horsees 2 starts this preparation have been over shorter distances and has been finishing the races off well and therefore expected a more forward showing with the step up in distance of todayys event. He added that, in his opinion, todayys race was a lesser quality field and he was therefore not surprised that the horse was more competitive..
Race 6: Godfreyys Class 2 HHcap 1400m
SAVANNA ROSE Declared a late scratching at 9.13 am on veterinary advice.
HIGH AFRICAINE Slow to begin.
SMOOTH CONSUL Jumped awkwardly, bumping another runner. Raced wide from the 700m.
SICARIO Became awkward near the 200m at the heels of SMOOTH CONSUL after being inclined to lay in.
KNOWING FRANK Raced wide without cover.
MUDDY ROPE Jockey M. Cahill reported that his mount was uncomfortable racing amongst horses and was inclined to lay in throughout the event. Laid in significantly under pressure in the home straight.
Race 7: RAWCS Donations In Kind Class 1 HHcap 1200m
STAR ADELE Change of tactics. Connections advised that the horse led at its only start and today would endeavour to settle just behind the lead if possible. Slowly away and hampered on jumpingg and subsequently settled midfield. Laid in under pressure, placing its rider at a disadvantage in the home straight..
HAYLEE PRINCE Apprentice H. English reported her mount laid in from the 600m. Obliged to alter course near the 300m to secure clear running.
AMARYLISS -- Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner.
MAGIC SEASON Bumped on jumping away.
NIVO Slow to begin.
GENERAL SIDEREUS Raced wide until the 600m.
STYLIAN Buffetted and forced wider from the 600m and raced wide without cover from that point onwards. Hampered whilst weakening passing the 400m. Jockey J. Orman advised his mount laid out throughout the event.
CORAL BAY Laid in under pressure, causing its rider to stop riding with the whip from the 150m onwards.
Race 8: RE/MAX Ultimate Class 1 HHcap 1600m
UNCHARTERED Slow to begin.. Raced wide in the early stages.
SHORT CHANGED Raced wide without cover in the early stages and was ridden forward to a position outside the lead passing the 1000m.
SWINGING Raced wide in the early stages.
TOBACCO ROAD Restrained from the barrier in order to secure a position closer to the fence and settled in the second half of the field.
MIZARU Held up rounding the home turn and had some difficulty securing clear running for a short distance passing the 300m.
KIRINNS LAD Obliged to stop riding over the concluding stages when awkwardly placed at heels. Lost its off hind plate in running.
BAR FLY BARRISTER Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
HUKA PELE Lost its off hind plate in running.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4..          Ben Currie Trainer Fail to produce reg. papers for Mishani Electra $100 - AR59A*
Race 5..          Ric McMahon Jockey C/riding 11 days
M/n 17.9.17 to m/n 28.9.17 AR137(a)*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Denberg, Mr Opurrtunist, Mymming, Dancing Angel, Time To Remember, Shotacross The Bow, Raggie Varr, Collegiate
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Amaryliss, Tobacco Road, Smooth Consul,
Race 1..          Venecia
Lame near hind leg Vet. Clearance AR8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Late scratchings
Race 6..         Savannah Rose 9.13 am
Published subject to correction upon revision