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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 29 Oct Good 4


Out 8m Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 5.7




Track conditions update: 12:05AM Monday 30 October
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 29/10 - 7:45am - Rider Replacement Races 2 & 4


Mon 23/10/17 11:00am


Tue 24/10/17 03:00pm


Thu 26/10/17 09:30am


Thu 26/10/17 12:00pm


Sun 29/10/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

WEATHER FINEE                        TRACK RATING GOOD 4/GOOD 3 (Retrospective R8)
RAIL 8MM                                        PENETROMETER
Chairman of Stewards J. Williamson
Stewards P. Zimmermann, K. Daly, B. Connell
Clerk of Scales D. Reid
Judge P. Chilton, P. Golley
Veterinarian A. Murdoch
Swab Attendants A. Challen, J. Crompton
Starter R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary W. Ostrofski
Stewards Report: Rebecca Goldsbury Iron George
Date: 25 October 2017
Panel: J Williamson, D Aurisch & A Reardon
Queensland Racing Integrity Commission stewards today inquired into the handling of IRON GEORGE, ridden by Apprentice Rebecca Goldsbury, during the running of Race 5 at the Sunshine Coast Turf Club on Friday October 13. Evidence was taken from Apprentice Goldsbury and trainer Mr Ben Currie.
Apprentice Goldsbury was asked to explain her actions at a number of points during the event. The first area of concern raised by stewards was an apparent failure, after having begun well, to continue forward to the lead and cross to the fence forward of DUTCH TREAT. Apprentice Goldsbury indicated that she had been issued instructions, which were confirmed by Mr Currie, to attempt to settle outside DUTCH TREAT as Mr Currie felt this horse would show early speed, however would likely be crossed by runners from the outside barriers, which would allow IRON GEORGE to obtain cover. She indicated that given her instructions she was satisfied with the position obtained during the early stages. Stewards were satisfied to accept this explanation.
Secondly, stewards were also concerned when MANDRYKA improved to the outside of IRON GEORGE during the middle stages of the event, causing IRON GEORGE to be unable to shift wider to obtain clear running approaching the home turn. Stewards asked Apprentice Goldsbury if she had considered shifting to a three wide position when MANDRYKA had commenced to improve to the outside of IRON GEORGE. Apprentice Goldsbury explained that she had given this consideration, however, elected not to, as the field was still 700m from the finish and IRON GEORGE was having its first start over 1400m for the stable and she was concerned that the gelding may not run out a strong 1400m if asked to cover more ground. Apprentice Goldsbury added that she wass of the view that MANDRYKA may continue to a position outside the lead, which would allow her to shift out and follow that runner. Apprentice Goldsbury indicated that with hindsight this may have been an error in judgement. Stewards agreed with these comments, however, were satisfied to accept this explanation as Apprentice Goldsburyys actions were not considered unreasonable given the circumstances.
The third concern raised by stewards was that it appeared, after a run was presented between DREAM OF SLIPS and MANDRYKA near the 400m, Apprentice Goldsbury failed to ride with purpose and vigour to maintain this position, when MANDRYKA commenced to shift in, causing this run to close and IRON GEORGE to be held up for clear running until the 300m. Apprentice Goldsbury explained and demonstrated on the video footage that she had endeavoured to secure this position, however IRON GEORGE did not quicken after having been held up and awkward on heels leading up to the 400m. Stewards accepted this explanation as it was established that IRON GEORGE, whilst travelling strongly, was not in a position to fully establish this run despite urgings from Apprentice Goldsbury.
Stewards also raised concerns regarding Apprentice Goldsburyys riding in the home straight. These concerns are outlined in the below charge to which Apprentice Goldsbury pleaded guilty. Stewards charged Apprentice Goldsury under AR 135(b):
>The rider of every horse shall take all reasonable and permissible measures throughout the race to ensure that his horse is given full opportunity to win or to obtain the best possible place in the field..
The particulars of the charge being that Apprentice Goldsbury,, as the rider of IRON GEORGE during Race 5 at the Sunshine Coast Turf Club on Friday October 13, 2017, did fail to take all reasonable and permissible measures to win or finish in the best possible position, in that:
When presented with a run between DREAM OF SLIPS and MANDRYKA when passing the 300m she failed to ride with sufficient purpose and vigour to improve her position and obtain this run when it remained available to her for 100m until passing the 200m, which caused her mount to lose ground and momentum at a vital stage of the event.
Additionally it was, in the opinion of the stewards, unreasonable for her, when passing the 200m, to steer away from this run, which was still available to her and unnecessarily direct her mount to the outside of LIGHT SHOWS, which caused her mount to shift out abruptly,, become unbalanced and lose significant ground and momentum.
Stewards particularised that these failures to fulfil reasonable actions, which were clearly available to her, resulted in IRON GEORGE not being afforded the opportunity to win or finish in the best possible position.
Whilst Apprentice Goldsbury pleaded guilty to this charge, she explained that at this point of the race she had become concerned that the race was getting away from her and given that she was on the favourite in the event was feeling pressured to secure clear running. Apprentice Goldsbury added that knowing that her mount was travelling well, she had already determined she would be unable to obtain a run in her current position and was therefore single-minded in her thoughts of shifting wider on the track to secure clear running. Stewards determined that her riding at this point of the race was not acceptable and was unreasonable in all of the circumstances.
Stewards considered submissions on penalty and advised Apprentice Goldsbury that given her riding had directly resulted in IRON GEORGE, which was the $1.85 favourite, not winning the event, this matter was considered very serious. Stewards found that her riding fell below aa standard expected of a rider in her circumstances and with her experience as an apprentice having entered into her fourth year and having competed in upwards of 700 races. Furthermore, that despite not having faced a charge of this nature in the past and her guilty plea, and whilst accepting that there were no sinister motives behind her actions, stewards considered that a penalty should be applied. Apprentice Goldsburyys licence to ride in races was suspended for a period of 1 month, to commence midnight 28 October and to conclude at midnight 28 November 2017.
From Gatton Friday 27.10.17 Race 8: Trainer D. Hansen was fined $400 pursuant to Rule 114(1) for failing to scratch AIRLIE REWARD by the prescribed time, resulting in an emergency failing to gain a start.
As D. Browne (illness) and apprentice J. Guthmann-Chester (injury) were indisposed, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
BRANDY BAR A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the horse had cast the off fore plate and was mildly lame in the off foreleg.
HANCOCK Raced in restricted room near the 600m. Made contact with another runner when endeavouring to secure clear running rounding the home turn and continued to do so until passing the 300m when disappointed for a run, and remained held up for clear running until approaching the 100m.
FATAL RENDEZVOUS The veterinary surgeon reported that the horse pulled up with heat stress.
HINTERLAND SAM Began awkwardly. Raced greenly when racing wide in the early and middle stages.
ODELIA Raced wide without cover. Bumped by another runner on a number of occasions rounding the home turn and into the early stages of the home straight.
SPLITLOCK As R. Fradd was delayed arriving on course due to transport difficulties, R. Stewart was substituted as rider.
LIBERTY LASS Placed in restricted room over the concluding stages and had to be steadied.
CATCH CANDY Slow to begin. Overraced and had to be restrained from heels near the 600m.
GINGO Raced wide without cover.
SIOUXSIE Slow to begin. After racing in restricted room near the 600m, had a tendency to lay in and race greenly until entering the home straight.
SHEES A MITZY After obtaining clear running passing the 300m the mare was placed under pressure and commenced to hang in badly, resulting in its rider being unable to test her mount from that point onwards. Trainer C. Hickey was advised that a warning would be placed on the horsees racing manners.
BALTIC PRINCE J. Lloyd reported that it had not been his intention to lead, however when caught wide in the early stages and unable to obtain a position closer to the fence, he elected to allow his mount to stride forward to the lead passing the 800m.
DHAMBA Apprentice H. English reported that she had been instructed to ride the horse in a rearward position from the wide alley today. She added that the horse overraced in the early and middle stages.
SNOWY RIVER RAPID Steadied near the 1200m to avoid heels. Both apprentice A. Sewell (KITTY SOFTPAWS) and apprentice T. Brooker (ELVISON) were reprimanded for permitting their respective mounts to shift ground when not sufficiently clear. SNOWY RIVER RAPID then overraced until passing the 700m.
DIVISIONAL Held up rounding the home turn.
TIZABEE Raced wide throughout without cover.
TUFF BREAKER Slow to begin.
HIDDEN ACTION Due to miscommunication, R. Fradd was declared as rider. B. Grylls was subsequently substituted as rider.
HUMPHREY NO PANTS Slow to begin.
SECRET SITES Held up rounding the home turn and continued to have difficulty securing clear running until approaching the 200m.
CUSHY NUMBER Became unbalanced and lost ground near the 300m when placed in restricted room between ONE MANSINI, which shifted out, and AD FINEM, which shifted in under pressure. J. Morris, the rider of AD FINEM, was reprimanded for this incident and advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances. Stewards were satisfied that in this incident the manner in which CUSHY NUMBER reacted to the incident had a bearing on the interference suffered.
STORM GIRL Lost the off fore plate and stood on the toe clip, suffering an injury to the hoof. Declared a late scratching at 1:16 pm. On the announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on STORM GIRL be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to 1:16 pm:
14 cents in the dollar for the win #8
13 cents in the dollar for place of winner #8
16 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #2
17 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #3
FIRST STIMULUS Reared as the start was effected and lost ground.
ANSWERED Slow to begin. Forced wider near the 1100m before shifting back closer to the fence near the 900m.
DAMN FINE Hampered on jumping away. Overraced badly in the early and middle stages, and whilst overracing after leaving the 1200m shifted out to avoid heels and in doing so forced another runner wider on the track and then was permitted to stride forward to a position outside the lead passing the 800m. Lost both front plates and also the off hind plate in running.
SOL WITNESS Jumped away awkwardly.
ENDLESS DON Raced wide in the early stages.
NOVATIVE Raced wide from the 1200m and commenced to weaken from the 600m.
SIDEWALK TALK Slow to begin. Held up after leaving the 300m and had difficulty securing clear running for the remainder of the event.
JIMMY HOFFA Connections advised that from the favourable barrier the horse would be ridden more forward if circumstances permit. The horse settled in a midfield position.
ASTRONOMIC Held up for clear running for a short distance passing the 300m.
LORD CHAMBERLAIN Improved onto the heels of JIMMY HOFFA near the 1700m and had to be checked.
CLAIRVUE Apprentice M. McGillivray reported that the horse felt awkward in its action from the 700m and when asked to respond near the 600m, shortened stride. He then did not pressure the horse in the home straight as he felt the horse may have been sore in front. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings. Trainer L. Birchley indicated that he would have his veterinary surgeon inspect the gelding following which he would report to stewards anything of significance. He advised that the horse would also be sent for a spell.
SWEET ORPHAN Began awkwardly.
MISHANI WRANGLER A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the horse had a poor post-race recovery.
BELLA SUCCESS Slow to begin. Lost the near hind plate in running.
BOASTING Refused to jump with the field and lost significant ground (7L). Trainer K. Doughtyys stable representative was advised that the horse would be required to obtain a further barrier certificate before being permitted to race again.
EVERYDAY LADY Laid in under pressure approaching the 300m and continued to shift in tightening runners to the inside when its rider was unable to regain the use of her nearside rein for approximately 50m.
JINX NN DRINX As J. Morris was to be overweight, R. Fradd was substituted as rider. J. Morris was fined $200. Obliged to race in restricted room after passing the 300m.
HIMALAYAN SALT Obliged to race in restricted room after passing the 300m.
RED COLOUR Raced wide without cover throughout.
Race 7: TORO CLASS 1 HHCAP 1600M
MY KIND Overraced in the lead in the early and middle stages.
YALLAROI Overraced in the early stages.
FAIRLIGHTING Slow to begin.
FIGHTING TEO J. Orman reported that his mount was awkward in its action, particularly over the final 500m, and raced very greenly. Trainer K. Kemp advised stewards that he would have the horse inspected by his veterinary surgeon and report to stewards anything that comes to light which may have affected the horsees performance.
MAGIC SEASON Trainer F. Phillips advised that it would be the intention to have the horse ridden in the second half of the field. The horse was ridden accordingly.
MOBILE Slow to begin.
The start of this race was delayed to hold for another venue to be broadcast on Sky Channel.
ROCKY KING Raced wide without cover.
RARE OCCURRENCE Raced wide throughout.
RINGOOS A ROCKSTAR Slow to begin. Had difficulty securing clear running from the 400m until leaving the 300m.
TARZAN Jumped awkwardly, losing ground.
Following the running of this race the track was upgraded to GOOD 3 retrospective.

TANGO YANKEE Raced wide throughout.
CLASSAY Obliged to race in restricted room passing the 800m until being steadied leaving the 600m. Apprentice Z. White reported at scale that she felt that the horse was short in its action. A post-race veterinary examination confirmed this.
DAPPER ONE Held up rounding the home turn and until near the 200m.
CREIDNE Raced wide without cover.
BIDZIIL Raced wide without cover.
CRAIGLEA DETROIT Held up rounding the home turn and until leaving the 300m.
CASINO GARDENS Obliged to race in restricted room passing the 800m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2. App. T. Brooker careless riding AR. 137(a)
Race 2. App. A. Sewell careless riding AR. 137(a)
Race 3. J. Morris careless riding AR. 137(a)
From Gatton 27.10.17 Race 8. Tnr. D. Hansen - $400 failed to scratch by prescribed time, costing emergency a start AR. 114(1)
Race 6. J. Morris - $200
overweight, replaced 1 ride AR. 120(b)
Absent jockeys
D. Browne illness medical clearance reqqd
App. J. Guthmann-Chester
injury medical clearance reqqd
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Divisional, Tizabee, One Mansini, She Goes Pop, Sidewalk Talk, Mr Scry, The Gringo, Red Colour, Steel Zip, Tobacco Road, Downloading
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners and Ringoos a Rockstar
Race 1. SHEES A MITZY hung in badly warning
Race 6. BOASTING refused to jump with field, lost significant ground barrier certificate AR. 8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1..          HANCOCK
M. Pegus
>                       SPLITLOCK
R. Stewart
>                       SIOUXSIE
B. Grylls
>                       SHEES A MITZY H. English
Race 2..          TIZABEE
M. Shimodaira
>                       HIDDEN ACTION B. Grylls
>                       HUMPHREY NO PANTS N. Thomas
Race 4..          ASTRONOMIC
M. Shimodaira
Race 6..          BOLD ENDEAVOUR G. Colless
>                       EVERYDAY LADY T. Brooker
>                       JINX
Race 7..          TOBACCO ROAD M. Pegus
Late scratchings
Race 3. STORM GIRL 1:16 pm hoof injury
Published subject to correction upon revision