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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 11 Feb Soft 5


+6m Entire Course


Soft 5 Pen 6.5

6mm last 24hrs, 34mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 5mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:04AM Monday 12 February
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 11/2 - 7:45am - Rider Replacement R.5 No.5


Mon 05/02/18 11:00am


Tue 06/02/18 03:00pm


Thu 08/02/18 09:30am


Thu 08/02/18 12:00pm


Sun 11/02/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 3, 7, 8

WEATHER – FINE                           RAIL – 6M                 PENETROMETER – 6.49
GOOD 4 (After Race 3)
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – K. Daly, L. Hicks, C. Fedrick
Clerk of Scales – B. Connell
Judge – P. Chilton, C. Dunn
Veterinarian – Dr T. Doherty
Swab Attendants – S. Heidke, L. Chaplin
Starter – R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
As R. McMahon and L. Dittman were indisposed due to illness, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
The Club doctor reported that M. Hellyer had been cleared to fulfil his engagements.
UBIRR ROCK – Slow to begin.
MISHANI PALOMA – Significantly slow to begin. Trainer L. Ross was advised that a warning would be placed on the filly. Inclined to lay in under pressure in the home straight.
PERLYSE WOMAN – Slow to begin. Inconvenienced by another runner near the 400m.
SOWHAT IMAROCKSTAR – Placed in an awkward position near the 900m and had to be eased. Placed in restricted room for a short distance passing the 600m. Laid in under pressure passing the 400m and had to be steadied to avoid heels as a result.
TOO HOT TO HOLD – Placed in restricted room for a short distance passing the 600m. Laid in under pressure from the home turn onwards.
COURAGE WITHIN – Slow to begin. Raced wide throughout.
HELL OFA GOOD SORT – Overraced in the early stages.
HOLUS BOLUS – Had to be steadied near the 400m to avoid heels.
ARAUCARIA – Raced wide throughout.
EL ARISH – Had a small amount of blood in its mouth after becoming fractious in the enclosure, underwent a pre-race veterinary examination and was cleared to take its place in the field. Raced three wide without cover. Hung out from the 600m and made the home turn wide.
LOVE BITES – Trainer S. Kendrick was fined $100 for the late declaration of R. Stewart as rider. R. Stewart was asked to comment on the horse’s performance and the tactics he adopted. He indicated that from the wide alley he had been instructed to attempt to obtain cover and he was therefore forced to steady to the rear of the field to secure a position closer to the fence. He indicated that he then had some difficulty securing clear running rounding the home turn and the horse ran on fairly.
RED FACETS – Had to be steadied from heels near the 800m and lost ground. Raced wide without cover. Forced wider by another runner after passing the 500m.
TYCOON FLUTTER – Pulled the off fore plate shortly after the start.
HETUKA ZARSHO – M. Cahill indicated that at no stage after passing the 1400m did the horse travel comfortably and proved very disappointing in the run to the line. Trainer R. Heathcote’s representative indicated that in light of today’s performance the gelding would be sent for a spell.
SUPERBEE – Overraced for a short distance passing the 1300m. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the gelding had heat stress and was suffering from a case of thumps. Trainer D. Vandyke undertook to trial the gelding prior to it racing again.
AUDREE – Apprentice A. Fancourt reported that her mount was inclined to lay out.
STORM GIRL – When asked to comment on his mount’s performance, R. Fradd indicated that the horse was making an abnormal respiratory noise after passing the 600m. A post-race veterinary examination confirmed the presence of an abnormal respiratory noise. Connections were advised that the mare would be required to trial and the results of an endoscopic examination must be produced prior the mare’s next start.
Following the running of this event the track was upgraded to GOOD 4.
REAL CLASSIC – Slow to begin.
ENDLESS DON – Bumped by another runner on jumping.
OH WHY – Began awkwardly and bumped with another runner on jumping.
DYNASTIC – After being held up rounding the home turn, attempted to improve into a run between CARTAGENA and BEYOND BRAVE (M. Hellyer), which shortly after laid in, causing tightening to DYNASTIC, which as a result became very awkward and lost ground. M. Hellyer was reprimanded for his actions in that he continued to ride with vigour on his mount, which had already commenced to hang in.
BEYOND BRAVE – Tightened for room and checked near the 200m between LITTLE JOHN, which shifted in despite the efforts of its rider, and BEYOND BRAVE, which shifted out abruptly when its rider had attempted to straighten his mount following an earlier incident.
LITTLE JOHN – Commenced to overrace when the pace slackened near the 1200m, shifted out to avoid heels and as a result raced three wide without cover from the 1100m. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the colt had a superficial laceration to the off hind hock as a result of being galloped on. The horse was treated by the veterinary surgeon.
The start of this race was delayed when XYLOPHONE got its near hind leg caught up in the barrier partition.
PAGE ONE – Overraced when the pace slackened in the early stages.
PENTAGRAM – Slow to begin. Overraced badly when the pace slackened approaching the 1300m.
XYLOPHONE – Slow to begin. S. Bogenhuber reported that it had not been her intention to lead, however when caught wide she elected to allow her mount to stride forward passing the 1200m.
FULL DIAMOND – Slow to begin.
GO HORSEY – Raced wide throughout.
MOTUEKA RIVER – Jumped away awkwardly and was then tightened for room and lost ground.
YANKEE TANGO – Commenced to weaken badly from the 600m. When asked to comment on the colt’s performance, T. Brooker indicated that the horse would benefit from the addition of a tongue tie. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings. Connections advised that they will experiment with the addition of a tongue tie. Stewards informed connections that the horse will be required to trial prior to its next start.
RISEUPSKATING – Raced wide throughout.
ITALIA BELLA – Jockey L. Tarrant was interviewed by stewards in relation to the speed with which he steadied the pace approaching the 1300m, which ultimately caused other runners to be restrained from heels. He was advised that in similar circumstances he should show more care when steadying the pace.
JET TRAIN – Overraced badly when the pace slackened approaching the 1300m.
BLAIREAU EAGLE – Raced wide without cover.
Race 6: TEAM TC CLASS 2 H’CAP – 1200M
SHOCKFACTOR – Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground. Apprentice S. Lacy was questioned regarding her riding of the mare in the home straight where it appeared she had opportunity to improve to the inside of LE DUDE in the final 200m. She indicated that she had considered shifting to the outside of LE DUDE in the early stages of the home straight , however when that horse commenced to shift away from the fence near the 200m, she was in two minds as to whether to continue to the outside or shift back to the inside. She added that her mount, which had raced greenly throughout the event, continued to race greenly in the home straight in that it was inclined to shift away from the fence itself and when attempting to shift back to the inside was somewhat reluctant to do so. Stewards noted the explanation and were also of the view that her actions had no material effect on the overall placings of the race. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the mare had heat stress.
CHAR CHAR – A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the gelding to be suffering from a case of thumps.
VICTORY DANCE – Raced three wide without cover. R. Stewart reported at scale that his mount was reluctant to stride out in the home straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
BULLPIT – Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground, causing its rider to become unbalanced.
BEAT STREET – Bumped by another runner on jumping. Hung out from the 600m and was unable to be tested in the home straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings. Connections were advised that the horse must officially trial prior to its next start.
TVERSKY – Stewards questioned M. Cahill regarding his tactics in that he settled in a midfield position with cover, which is in contrast to the horse’s established racing pattern, which is to lead. Jockey Cahill indicated that his pre-race tactics were to ride the horse in a forward position, however after jumping from the wide alley he did not feel that the horse had shown sufficient early pace to cross runners to the inside and therefore he elected to steady in an attempt to obtain cover. Stewards, after viewing the patrol footage in the company of jockey Cahill, accepted the explanation and took no further action.
Race 8: SUNSUPER CLASS 1 H’CAP – 1000M
The declaration of correct weight was delayed slightly when M. Cahill, the rider of 2nd placegetter IMA FARMBOY, viewed the stewards’ patrol footage in the straight.
The start of this race was delayed when IMA FARMBOY proved difficult to load.
GRUOSI – Slow to begin.
IMA FARMBOY – Bumped by another runner approaching the 400m and then laid in under pressure for the remainder of the event.
TAY SWIFT – Jumped in the air as the start was effected and lost significant ground.
SIMPLY SO – A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the mare had a minor laceration to the inside of the near hind leg.
LIPS ‘N HIPS – Reared at the start. Was disappointed when attempting to force a run between runners approaching the 400m and was obliged to steady and shift back to the inside to secure clear running.
SHEZ A ROCKIN’TOFF – Jockey A. Spinks was reprimanded for failing to ride his mount out to the end of the race. In determining penalty, stewards were mindful that jockey Spinks’ actions had not affected his mount’s placing and that he had not breached this rule for a considerable period of time. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the filly was suffering from heat stress and a case of thumps.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4. M. Hellyer – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 8. A. Spinks – fail to ride mount out to end of race – AR. 137(b)
Race 2. Tnr. S. Kendrick - $100 – late rider declaration - LR. 67
Absent jockeys
R. McMahon & L. Dittman – ill – medical clearance req’d
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Le Drama, Hell Ofa Good Sort, Endless Don, Xylophone, Go Horsey, Cool Sequence, Brave Dazzler
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners and Simply So
Race 1. MISHANI PALOMA – significantly slow to begin – warning
Race 3. STORM GIRL – abnormal respiratory noise – trial, endoscopic examination – AR. 8(t)
Race 5. YANKEE TANGO – weakened badly from the 600m – trial – AR. 8(t)
Race 7. BEAT STREET – hung out – official trial – AR. 8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.           ERRINGHI SPRING – A. Allen
Race 2.           LOVE BITES – R. Stewart
Race 5.           XYLOPHONE – S. Bogenhuber
                        PABULUM – A. Sewell
                        BLAIREAU EAGLE – J. Stanley
Late scratchings
Published subject to correction upon revision