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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Metropolitan

Sat 14 Apr Good 4


True Position Entire Circuit


Good 4 Pen 6.2

Nil last 24hrs, 11mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, Nil last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:05AM Sunday 15 April
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 14/4 - 7:30am - Rider Replacement Race 6 No. 13


Mon 09/04/18 11:00am


Tue 10/04/18 03:00pm


Wed 11/04/18 09:00am


Wed 11/04/18 12:00pm


Sat 14/04/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1

Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – A. Reardon, P. Zimmerman, C. Fedrick
Clerk of Scales – N. Boyle
Judge – P. Chilton, P. Golley
Veterinarian – M. Lenz, S. Flynn
Swab attendants – C. Spencer, A. Crompton
Starter – R. Hanson
Race 1:  Legrand-App-Electra Cables Benchmark 80 H’cap – 2200m
HOUDINI THE GREAT – Slow to begin.
GREAT GLEN – Slow to begin. Raced 3 wide in the early stages before improving to the lead passing the 1600m.
IDLE SITUATION – Forced 3 wide near the 1300m, and raced 3 wide for the remainder of the  race. Raced in restricted room and became awkward between runners near the 600m.
IRISH OPTIMISM – Obliged to race in restricted room  after passing the 1200m and had to be steadied.
BACKHOUSE BILLY – Due to the pace only being steady near the 1200m was restrained from heels and shifted wider and improved to the lead passing the 800m.
STANLEY – Obliged to steady from heels near the 1200m when the pace slackened.
Following this race the track rating was upgraded to a Good 4.
Race 2:  Brilliant Lighting QTIS 2yo CG&E H’cap – 1200m
HOPES ETERNAL – Slow to begin.  Apprentice J. Guthman-Chester  was asked to comment on the disappointing performance of the horse. He indicated the horse did not travel comfortably at any stages of the event and was very disappointing and could offer no explanation. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities and a swab sample was taken.  Trainer J. Zielke reported he would have blood tests performed on Monday and the horse will be sent for a spell.
BIG ARJAY – Slow to begin.
A MAN TO MATCH – Near the 1000m when being restrained shifted out, hampering another runner and lost ground in this incident, and  then continued to overrace until the 800m.
SESAR – Slow to begin. Was inconvenienced and had to be steadied near the 1000m.
SHENRON – Raced 3 wide without cover, and also hung out from the 800m until entering the home straight.
COASTAL BOY –  Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Stewards asked jockey L. Tarrant to comment on the positioning and performance of the colt, which had been anticipated as the leader. He indicated it had been his intention to ride in a more forward position, however the horse began awkwardly and shifted in and as a result  was obliged to settle further back in the field than he would have liked. He added the horse overraced and raced greenly in the early stages and he attributed this to having settled in a midfield position and also having the addition of blinkers as a gear change today. Jockey Tarrant indicated he had recommended to connections that the blinkers be removed for the  horse’s next race start.
Race 3:  Matelec Sets The Pace QTIS 2yo Fillies H’cap – 1200m
FISH ‘N’ SNITZ – The start of this race was delayed when the horse required farrier attention.
MISS SARA – Was inclined to hang in from the 800m and had to be steadied on a number of occasions between the 700m and 500m when awkwardly placed at heels.
SPIRIT’S FIRST – Overraced in the early stages shifted out near the 700m, forcing another runner wider on the track.
CEOL NA MARA – Was inclined to hang out, and was also forced wider near the 700m by another runner.
KEIRABELLA – Held up rounding the home turn.
MYSTIC MIST – Raced wide without cover.
AETHERIUS – Raced wide.
STRAWBERRY BLONDE – A post race veterinary examination  revealed a minor laceration to the off hind coronet.
ZOOM BY – Bled from the off-side nostril during the race. Connections were advised that the horse must perform a 1000 metre gallop before stewards prior to its next race start.
Race 4: Ommi Australia Class 6 H’cap – 1600m
On return to scale a protest was lodged by jockey L. Cassidy, rider of the 2nd placegetter, BERGERAC, against COGLIERE being declared the winner, alleging interference over the final 100m. After taking evidence from the parties concerned and viewing the stewards’ patrol film, it was established that near the 60 metre mark the whip of R. Fradd struck the hand of L. Cassidy, causing jockey Cassidy to drop his whip. Stewards were satisfied that whilst COGLIERE had shifted out, they were also satisfied that BERGERAC had also shifted in, and therefore were not satisfied that COGLIERE was the sole contributor to this contact.  Furthermore stewards could not be satisfied that jockey Cassidy losing the use of his whip had had a material effect on the placings and therefore the protest was dismissed and correct weight semaphored on the Judge’s placings.
HIDDEN GOLD – Obliged to race in restricted room passing the 1400m and was then obliged to restrain from heels after passing the 1200m due to the slow pace which was set during the event, then continued to overrace and was restrained from heels near the 1000m before shifting to a 3 wide position and raced wide from that point onwards.
CONSTANTINE – When positioned wide during the early stages was restrained to assume a positon on the fence at the tail of the field.
COGLIERE – Jockey R. Fradd reported that it had not been his intention to ride in a forward position outside the lead, however after beginning well and when in the early stages of the race the pace was only steady, elected to allow his mount to stride forward.
BERGERAC – Laid in rounding the home turn. Stewards questioned jockey L. Cassidy regarding the tactics adopted when in a 3 wide position midfield where he had opportunity to stride forward as the tempo of the race being set during the event was only steady, he indicated he had given consideration to striding forward however he felt if he did so, the runner to his inside, namely COGLIERE, would have increased the tempo and he would have still been obliged to race 3 wide, and having asked his horse for an effort far earlier in the race then he would have liked.  Trainer S. Tregea confirmed he  has instructed jockey Cassidy to leave his run later in the event as he did not want the horse to possibly hit the front too early.  Laid in when rounding the home turn.
MY DIAMANTINE – Lost its off fore plate in running.
Race 5: IPD No More Than One Metro Win H’cap – 1400m
GENERAL COS – Trainer N. Saunders was fined $200 for failing to declare a rider for the horse by the prescribed time.  Jockey L. Tarrant was dislodged from his mount after passing the winning post. He was subsequently examined by the ambulance officers and cleared to take his remaining rides.
OLD HABITS – Slow to begin.
MR BELLAGIO – Jumped away awkwardly and shifted out, hampering runners to his outside. Overraced in the early stages.
SUSURRI – Hampered shortly after the start.
CRAIGLEA DEKEN - Hampered shortly after the start.  Raced wide without cover.  Lost its off hind plate in running.
SHOTACROSS THE BOW - Hampered shortly after the start.
HELAROCITY – Raced greenly and hung in during the early stages. Raced wide.
REAL EGO – Steadied when placed in restricted room near the 1000m.
MALMOOSA – Improved onto heels in the final 100m and went to the line without being fully tested.
TVERSKY –  Raced wide. Jockey R. Fradd advised that the horse race flat and that it may have come to the end of its preparation.    Trainer J. Duncan confirmed the horse would be sent for a short spell.
Race 6: Clipsal By Schneider Electric Open H’cap – 1400m
RULING DYNASTY – As L. Magorrian was to be overweight, M. Murphy was substituted as the rider of the horse.  Apprentice Magorrian was reprimanded.
FORTENSKY – Change of tactics. Connections advised the horse would be ridden worse than  midfield from the awkward alley.  The horse subsequently settled midfield.  Held up for clear running over the final 200m and went to the line without being fully tested.
Correct weight was delayed when connections of equal 4th deadheater SPUR LE JOUER disputed the deadheat for 4th between this horse and EMPHASIS.  Evidence was taken from  Mr S. Kendrick, trainer of SPUR LE JOUER, jockey T. Brooker, rider of that horse,  Mr R. Stephenson, trainer of EMPHASIS and  Judge Mr P. Chilton.  Mr Chilton explained that no image of the nose of EMPHASIS could be identified as the nose was obscured by inside runners on the mirror image of the photo finish and also obscured by the nose of SPUR LE JOUER. He had therefore ruled that as no clear margin could be demonstrated he had declared the horses to have dead-heated.  After hearing this evidence, stewards were satisfied that the manner in which Mr Chilton arrived at his decision was correct  and could not find any evidence on the photo finish that  would suggest the decision was incorrect and therefore declared correct weight on the semaphored numbers.  
LUCKY TOM – Raced 3 wide without cover from the 800m.
BROTHERLY SECRET – A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
MISS DUBOIS – Stewards questioned jockey J. Lloyd regarding the horse’s overall performance.  He indicated that from the wide alley he had been instructed to settle the horse at the tail of the field and did so, adding that the pace of the race caused his mount to be off the bit for the entire race.  He was obliged to niggle the horse throughout,  and he was able to save ground when rounding the home turn by improving to the inside.  He added that the horse found the line well under riding in the home straight.
Race 7: Go Electrical Princess Stakes 3yo Fillies – 1600m
IMPROVISE – Change of tactics. Connections advised the horse would be ridden in a more forward position if circumstances permit. The horse subsequently settled in a handy position.  Inconvenienced by another runner shortly after entering the home straight.
IMPULSIVE – Change of tactics. Connections advised the horse would be ridden back in the field. Jockey J. Lloyd was asked to comment on the tactics adopted in the early stages. He indicated that he had been instructed to obtain cover, which he attempted to do from the wide barrier, however felt he was going to be forced to position the horse further back in the field than he would have liked and therefore at approximately the 1400m elected to press the horse forward and see if he could obtain cover in in a midfield position. He was unable to do so and was obliged to race 4 wide from that point onwards.
EVERYDAY LADY – Raced wide.
KAIMU – Raced wide.
LA SCOPA – Raced wide.
MANILA MISS – Raced wide without cover.
SKATE TO PARIS – Jockey R. Stewart reported it had not been his intention to lead as the horse was having its first start over 1600m.  He added however after beginning well he saw an opportunity to cross closer to the fence by allowing the horse to stride forward.  He said he  attempted to obtain cover however no horse improved to his outside and he was obliged to settle outside the lead.
GLAMOROUS MISS – Had difficulty securing clear running for a short distance passing 400m.
SETOKA –  A post race veterinary examination reveal the filly to be suffering from  cardiac arrhythmia.  Connections were advised the filly must undergo an official barrier trial and the results of an ECG to be produced to stewards prior to its next race start.
Race 8: Evolt-The Electrical Evolution QTIS 3yo Plate – 1200m
ENTERPRISE MOSS – Inconvenienced on jumping away.
SETOGA – Jumped away awkwardly. Obliged to race in restricted room from the 800m until being tightened for room near the 500m and having to be checked.  Had difficulty securing clear running approaching the 100m and was obliged to alter course.
KING RAGNAR – Inconvenienced on jumping away.  Had a tendency to hang out from the 800m until entering the home straight.
CORAL BAY – Tightened for room at the start.
JOHNNY WHITESOX – Had to be steadied from heels near the 800m.  Then was obliged to race in restricted room from the 800m until the 500m when further tightened and obliged to shift in, tightening the room of another runner.
LOVE AND ROCK IT – Overraced in the middle stages and was held up for clear running rounding the home turn. Placed in restricted room approaching the 100m causing its rider to stop riding for a short distance.
CABEIRIAN – Overraced at heels during the middle stages.
CRUZE – Held up rounding the home turn and in the early stages of the home straight. Again had difficulty securing clear running near the 200m and the 100m. 
FEMME FIREBALL – Inconvenienced by another runner passing the 300m and again after passing the 100m.
GOODONYA SONJA – Raced 4 wide without cover.  Shifted in momentarily near the 500m inconveniencing other runners despite the efforts of its rider.
BOLD ENDEAVOUR – Raced wide.
MISHANI BULITT – Raced wide.
SISTA ACT – A post race veterinary examination revealed cuts to both hind legs.
Race 9: Prysmian Australian Made Cables Open H’cap – 1000m
GRACIDA – Slipped in the tie-up stalls. Examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to take its place in the field. The start of this race was delayed when this horse required farrier attention to reattach a hind plate.
IN HIS STRIDE – Bolted during its preliminary.  Underwent a veterinary inspection and was found to have an elevated heart rate and stewards acting on veterinary advice declared a late scratching at 5.15 pm with the following deductions applicable.
7 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
11 cents in the dollar on the face value win bets for the place
4 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
11 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets
PRIVLAKA – Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground.
ANOTHER WHISKEY – Slow to begin. Raced 4 wide without cover.
QUATRONIC – Raced 3 wide without cover.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 5.          Neville Saunders – Late rider - $200 – LR70
Race 6.          Lee Magorrian – A/jockey – Overweight – AR120(b)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed
All winners, Omnia Marka Tayada, Urban Knight, Bold Endeavour, Hopes Eternal
Horses swabbed pre race
Pop’n’ Scotch, Ruby Guru, Big Arjay, Shenron, Strawberry Blonde, Michani Krishna, Joymaker, Keirabella, Cogliere, Shotacross The Bow, Spur Lejouer, Brotherly Secret, Hi Lizzy, Everyday Lady, Glamorous Miss, Enterprise Moss, Sony Legend, Guard Of Honour
Race 4.          2nd (Bergerac) v. 1st (Cogliere) – Interference over the final 100m - Dismissed
Race 3.          Zoom By – Bled from one nostril – 1000m gallop before stewards – AR53(a)
Race 7.          Setoka – Cardiac arrhythmia – B/trial, ECG results to stewards – AR8(t)
Late Scratchings
Race 9.          In His Stride  5.15 pm
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 6.          Ruling Dynasty – L. Magorrian.