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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Metropolitan

Sat 22 Sep Good 4


True Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen 6.4


5mm last 24hrs, 27mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:07AM Sunday 23 September
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 22/9 – 7:30am


Mon 17/09/18 11:00am


Tue 18/09/18 03:00pm


Wed 19/09/18 09:00am


Wed 19/09/18 12:00pm


Sat 22/09/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 5, 7

RAIL – TRUE       PENETROMETER – 6.36        
Chairman of Stewards –  J. Williamson
Stewards – D. Aurisch, P. Chadwick, P. Zimmermann, C. Fedrick
Clerk of Scales –  G. Goold
Judge – P. Chilton, W. Ellis
Veterinarian – Dr A. Murdoch, Dr S. Flynn                                              
Swab Attendants –   J. Crompton, A. Schofield
Starter – R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
Race 1: Hotspot Titanium Benchmark 75 H’cap – 1400m
THREE POINTS – Slow to begin. Bumped by another runner near the 500m. Jockey L. Cassidy reported the horse was making an abnormal respiratory noise. A post race veterinary examination no significant findings.  Trainer G. Duncan advised that in light of today’s performance the horse would be retired from racing.
LEGENDARY LUKE – Slow to begin.  Overraced in the middle stages.
MONACO SNOB – When attempting to secure clear running near the 500m became awkward at heels and had to be steadied and shifted out, making contact with another runner.
PINCH PASSION – Stewards questioned jockey M. McGillivray regarding his riding of the horse, which settled at the rear of the field, which was in contrast to its established racing pattern.  Jockey McGillivray indicated as it was having its first start over the distance he had been instructed to not overly pressure the horse in the early stages and to obtain cover midfield. He added that during the early stages it became apparent he would be caught in a 3 wide position and rather than pressure  his mount he elected to steady and take up a trailing position with cover closer to the fence. Stewards accepted the explanation.   Lost its near fore plate in running.
PEGAPUS – When asked to comment on the performance, which was below market expectation, jockey J. Byrne indicated that, in his opinion, when racing in the lead the horse was obliged to work too hard and felt it did not entirely relax when another runner settled to his outside. He added that, in his opinion, the horse is not entirely suited to 2000m and would have raced better if able to obtain cover. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
ANTIGONE – A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse had bled from one nostril. Connections were advised that the horse must perform a 1000m gallop before stewards prior to its next race start.
Race 2: Kirralee Barnard – Summer Surf Ambassador F&M No Metro Wins H’cap – 1200m
INTRINSIC – Which was fractious in the barriers was slow to begin.
SORORITY SISTER –  Slow to begin. Overraced approaching the 800m and was checked from heels. Jockey E. Ljung reported her mount hung out throughout the event.
LOADED AND READY – Overraced approaching the 800m and was checked from heels. Had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
SUZY’S ROSE – Race wide throughout.
SPLASH OF CRISTAL – Raced wide throughout without cover.
SMARTYPY – Raced wide. Jockey J. Lloyd reported to stewards that upon straightening he had to shift wider to secure clear running and the horse responded to his riding, however whilst laying in weakened on its run over the final 200m and felt the mare in hindsight would be better suited being able to obtain clear running later in the event as it appeared not to be able to sustain a long run.
COONOWRIN RUBY – Jockey M. Hellyer reported that it had been his intention to lead, however he had been instructed not to pressure the horse overly in the early stages as it has had a tendency to overrace in the past. He indicated as a result of not pressuring the horse in the early stages he had elected to then steady and take up a trailing position. He indicated  when attempting to have the horse steady, it commenced to overrace and he therefore attempted to stride forward to the lead. He added the horse hung out throughout and placed him at a disadvantage.
Following this race the track rating was upgraded to Good 3.
Race 3: Paddy Walsh Painting Class 3 Plate – 1000m
MOGADOR – Slow to begin. Apprentice M. Murphy was fined $200 for using whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
WIRNPA – Shifted in near the 500m and had to be steadied from heels. Had a tendency to lay in throughout the event.
SO SKILLED – Jockey M. McNab reported his mount failed to muster sufficient early speed and was doing its best work over the concluding stages and would be better suited to races further than 1200m.
PARLAY VOUS – A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse had bled from both nostrils. As this was the second occasion on which it had bled, the gelding  will now incur a lifetime bar from racing.
Race 4: Marcoola SLSC Nippers QTIS 3yo H’cap – 1000m
IMA TEAMBOY – Which was fractious in the barriers, stood flatfooted and lost ground. After improving quickly leaving the 700m overraced at heels until leaving the 500m.
CAILINI – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
DEFENCE MISSILE – Had some difficulty securing clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
DESERT DIGBY – Raced greenly when placed under pressure in the home straight. Jockey
J. Orman reported it had not been his intention to lead, however after beginning well and being three-quarters of a length to the runner to his inside, he elected to allow the horse to stride forward and obtain the lead.
PIZONIE – Raced wide without cover.
OUR ALICIA’S LANE – Raced wide without cover.
SHAMURT – Raced wide.
Race 5: Bake Boss Open H’cap  - 1000m
DAL CIELO – Jumped awkwardly and lost significant ground. Lost its off fore plate in running.
ARGENT D’OR – Stood flatfooted and lost significant ground. Apprentice T. Marshall reported the horse did not muster any early speed despite being ridden vigorously.
VOLKOFF – Slow to begin. Placed in restricted room near the 700m and had to be steadied when crowded for room by STRATURBO.  Jockey M. McGillivray, rider of STATURBO, was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances. Stable representative Mr D. Guy was questioned regarding the seemingly improved performance. He indicated at the horse’s most recent start it had been slow to begin and was obliged to race wide. Stewards noted that this was reported by stewards at the horse’s most recent start. He also added that the stable had made gear changes for today’s event with the addition of blinkers and tongue-tie, which he believed aided the horse’s concentration.
HARD STRIDE – Near the 600m was obliged to steady when placed in restricted room to the inside of MISERY. Jockey M. Hellyer, rider of MISERY, was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances.
I AM THE GENERAL – Raced wide without cover.
Race 6: Yaroomba Beach CG&E NMW H’cap - 1200m
CAPITAL CONNECTION – Slow to begin. Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Raced 3 wide.
VICTORY EIGHT – Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner. Bumped by another runner near the 200m.
MISTER SPINKS – Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner. Jockey M. Hellyer reported his mount was inclined to hang out throughout the event.
JACK’S BAR -  Overraced in the early stages. Jockey J. Lloyd reported his mount was inclined to lay out throughout the event, more so from the 600m and proved disappointing.  When inconvenienced by another runner near the 200m reacted poorly and became very unbalanced, made contact with another runner and lost ground.   A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.  Trainer K. Lees was advised  that the horse must officially trial prior to its next race start. Mr Lees informed stewards in light of today’s performance the horse would be sent for  a spell.
SIR MAGIC – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
PHABENI – Raced 3 wide without cover.
DRUMBEAT’S CHOICE – Raced 3 wide.
BOLD ENDEAVOUR – Jockey R. Wiggins was fined $200 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m
Race 7: Marcoola Surf Life Saving Club Benchmark 75 H’cap – 1400m
ZAMEX – Was inspected by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to start after rider M. Du Plesis reported that the gelding had coughed on a number of occasions during the preliminary. Slow to begin.
BEL BURGESS – Slow to begin. Raced greenly whilst weakening in the home straight.
APOLOBOOM- When the pace slackened after passing the 1000m overraced at heels.
YABA DABL DOYA – When the pace slackened after passing the 1000m improved on to heels when overracing and shifted out, forcing another runner wider on the track. Raced 3 wide from that point onwards.
TIME TO TORQUE – After passing the 1000m improved onto heels when overracing and shifted wider on the track.
FORTENSKY – When racing 3 wide in the early stages was forced wider after passing the 1000m by another runner and as a result raced 4 wide from that point onwards.
SPUR LE JOUER – Jockey T. Harrison was fined $100 for using her whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
ZUMBELINA – Lost its near fore plate in running.
Race 8: Marcoola Surf Life Saving Club Benchmark 75 H’cap – 1400m
QUEEN GORGO – Stewards accepted the explanation from trainer M. Webb for the late declaration of S. Bogenhuber as the  rider for the horse. Blundered on jumping away.
SCHEDULE  - Jumped away very awkwardly, making heavy contact with the barrier partition and as a result lost significant ground.
SELFIE – Slow to begin.
SNAPPER – Slow to begin.
WHODUNNIT – Overraced for a short distance passing the 800m. Hung out during the early stages of the home straight and as a result had to be steadied from heels near the 300m.
MEDITERRANEAN – Held up after passing the 600m until entering the home straight.
IMPASSE – Obliged to alter course to secure clear running near the 300m.
HINGUS ROSE – Raced wide.
MR CHOW – Raced wide without cover. Apprentice M. Murphy was fined $300 for returning to scale in excess of  1 kilogram overweight.
DREAM KISSES – Jockey J. Byrne reported that his mount failed to run out a strong 1400m.
Race 9: North Shore Realty Class 6 Plate – 1600m
GOLD AMBITION – Change of tactics. Connections advised that the horse would be ridden more forward if circumstances permit. The horse settled at the rear of the field.  When asked to explain why he settled at the tail of the field after connections advised the horse  would be ridden more forward, jockey S. Galloway explained after beginning  only moderately the horse did not show sufficient speed to cross and he formed the view after a short distance he would be caught wide and elected to steady and take up a trailing position.  Stewards after examining the patrol footage were satisfied with the explanation.
MISS MIAO – Jockey R. Wiggins reported his mount overraced in the early stages and this had a detrimental effect on the horse’s finishing effort. Trainer G. Taylor advised that he would be looking to start the horse over shorter distances in future.
ROCK FOR THE LADIES – Stewards question jockey J. Lloyd regarding the positioning of the horse which raced in a more forward position in today’s event that at its most recent start.  Jockey Lloyd indicted he had not been instructed to ride in a forward position, however  advised the horse began well and he took advantage of that and settled forward.  Connections advised that the horse had been awkward and lost ground at its most recent start and  would have preferred the horse to race in a more forward position.  Stewards noted the explanation.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 3.           Michael Murphy – A/jockey – Use whip 7 times before 100m (Total 18) - $200 – AR137A*
Race 6.           Ryan Wiggins – Jockey – Use whip 7 times before 100m  (Total 18) - $200 - AR137A*           
Race 7.           Tegan Harrison – Jockey – Use whip 8 times before 100m (Total 15) - $100 -AR137A*           
Race 8.           Michael Murphy – A/jockey – Weigh in overweight - $300 - AR145*

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Divine Dice, Spur Le Jouer
Horses swabbed pre-race
Seductive Dream, Ima Teamboy, Phabeni, Mister Spinks, Apoloboom, All That Is, El Campeador
Race 1.           Antigone – Bled from one nostril – 1000m gallop before stewards – AR53A(6)(7)
Race 3.           Parlay Vous – Bled during event – 2nd bleed – Lifetime bar from racing – AR53A.
Race 6.           Jack’s Bar – Laid out throughout – Official trial – AR8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Late scratchings

Published subject to correction upon revision