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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Fri 11 Jan Good 4


+5m Entire


Good 4 Pen 6.5


4mm last 24 hours, 42mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 11:21PM Friday 11 January
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 11/1 - 7:45am - Late Scratching Race 6 No. 2


Mon 07/01/19 11:00am


Tue 08/01/19 03:00pm


Wed 09/01/19 09:30am


Wed 09/01/19 12:00pm


Fri 11/01/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – GOOD 4        RAIL – 5M         PENETROMETER – 6.53
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards –  P. Zimmerman, L. Hicks, S. Heidke
Clerk of Scales –  K. Daly
Judge – P. Chilton, C. Dunn
Veterinarian – Dr A. Murdoch                                                                    
Swab Attendants –  K. Warwick, L. Chapman
Starter – R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
Supplementary Report
From SCTC, 10.1.19
Stablehand Mr John Robbins today pleaded guilty to 3 charges under AR87,  AR87A, and AR87AB in that at approximately 1 o’clock at the Sunshine Coast Turf Club he was observed riding a registered thoroughbred without an appropriate saddle,  vest or helmet. Mr Robbins was subsequently fined $800.
Race 1: All Pest Qld Class 3 H’cap – 1200m
LITTLE JOHN – Declared a late scratching at 5.15 pm due to transport difficulties.
SPANKS – Change of tactics. Connections advised the horse would be ridden in the second half of the field from the awkward alley.  The horse was ridden according. Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Laid in under pressure from the 400m onwards.
OUR ROCK O’REILLY  – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
COPYWRITER – Laid in under pressure when attempting a tight run near the 350m and had to be checked after improving onto heels.
FLIP DE GLOIRE – Lost its near hind plate in running.
Race 2: K. Smith & Son Jewellers Maiden Plate – 1600m
WEWANNAWINNA - Declared a late scratching to 5.55 pm due to transport difficulties.
JANEMY – Was 3 wide in the early stages without cover. After obtaining cover near the 1200m commenced to overrace and was obliged to shift out to avoid heels, then raced 3 wide without cover until the 800m after having being permitted to stride forward to a position outside the lead.
SID – Overraced near the 1200m and improved on to heels and shifted wider and raced wide for the remainder of the event.
ONE MORE CAST – Overraced during the middle stages due to the slow pace being set in the event and had to be restrained from heels near the 600m.
Race 3:  Sedwick’s Boutique CG&E Class 1 H’cap – 1400m
JOEL – Jumped away awkwardly.
MY BELLY BUTTON – Slow to begin and was inconvenienced shortly after the start. Overraced in the early stages.  Had difficulty securing clear running rounding the home and again near the 300m.  Then laid in under pressure.
DEE CEE DELIGHTS – Raced wide without cover.
RATIONALE – Raced wide.
Race 4: Pitchers Hospitality Supplies QTIS 3yo Maiden H’cap – 1000m
LETSAVA JUNGLEJUCE – Was fractious in the barriers, then jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Then was pressured throughout the event and failed to taken any significant part in the race.   Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the filly’s competitiveness.
FAVOR OF GOD – Broke through the front of the barriers, dislodging its rider and galloped a short distance before being recaptured by the Clerk of the Course. The filly underwent a veterinary examination and cleared to take its place in the field.
DOLLY SPARTAN – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
SASSY STYLE – Placed in restricted room near the 850m and was steadied. Raced wide.
OSTEONICS – Raced greenly throughout the event, shifted out  near the 600m and made contact with another runner. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
SURFACE TO SURFACE – Bumped by another runner on 2 occasions near the 600m and became unbalanced.
MELBERN QUEENS – Hung out from the 700m until passing the 400m.
CATERHAM – Raced wide without cover.
Race 5: BCU Class 1 H’cap – 1000m
The start of this race was delayed due to a significant delay in Race 4.
HONOUR PROMISE – Fractious in the barriers.
GOSSIAUX – Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner. Apprentice S. Lacy reported at scale that her mount lost its off hind plate in running and that the  horse’s blinkers were covering it’s off-side eye.
PASS OF GOLD – Slow to begin.
LEROYTHECONQUEROR – Laid in during the early stages.
CEDAR RAPIDS – Placed in restricted room over the final 100m and went to the line without being fully tested.
I AM VENUS – Raced wide.
TINDER – Raced wide without cover.
MY UNICORN – Raced wide.
Race 6: Multimeat Australia Pty Ltd Benchmark 70 H’cap – 1400m
COASTAL BOY – Rounding the home turn attempted to shift out to obtain clear running and in doing so initiated heavy contact with another runner, causing his mount to become unbalanced.  Placed in restricted room near the 900m and had to be steadied.
BAREFOOT TYCOON – Placed in restricted room near the 900m and had to be steadied. Apprentice M. Nakao, rider of ROUND MOUNTAIN, was reprimanded for this incident. Was bumped heavily by another runner rounding the  home turn and became unbalanced.
JACKPOT – After being positioned 3-wide, apprentice Lacy, rider of JACKPOT, allowed her mount to shift in near the 150m when not sufficiently clear of MR BELLAGIO, which had improved to her inside, resulting in MR BELLAGIO  being taken in on to DAPPER ONE, tightening that mare and causing apprentice Gallagher, rider of DAPPER ONE, to take hold and check his mount. Apprentice Lacy was suspended from riding in races for a period of 11 days to commence at midnight, 20 January and to expire at midnight, 31 January.
MR BELLAGIO – Had difficulty securing clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
ROUND MOUNTAIN GAL – Raced wide without cover.
RISING LUCK – Raced wide.
Race 7: Southeast Stainless F&M Class 1 H’cap – 1400m
LA ACHIEVER – Slow to begin and lost significant ground.
HIMALAYAN SALT – Overraced in the early stages.
RUBY RED SLIPPER – Overraced in the early stages. Had a tendency to lay in rounding the home turn. Inconvenienced by another runner near the 350m, and again near the 300m was obliged to check when tightened for room.
PARADISO GIRL – Bumped near the 650m and forced wider on the track. Became unbalanced and weakened from that point onwards. A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to have a poor post-race recovery.
RELIABLE LASS – After being held up rounding the home turn and in the early stages of the home straight became very unbalanced at the heels of  PARADISO GIRL when attempting to secure clear running and lost ground and caused interference to another runner as a result. Jockey J. Stanley, rider of RELIABLE LASS, was advised in similar circumstances he should exercise more care. Obliged to alter course when placed in restricted room near the 100m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
From SCTC, 11.1.19
John Robbins – Stablehand – 3 charges under AR87, AR87A, AR87AB – Rode registered thoroughbred without a saddle, vest or helmet - $800
Race 6.           Miki Nakao – A/jockey – C/riding – AR137(a)
Race 6.           Stephanie Lacy – A/jockey – C/riding – 11 days – M/n 20.1.19 to m/n 31.1.19 AR137(a)
Jockey Absenteeism
D. Brown – Illness – Clearance required
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Horses swabbed pre-race
Vinaka Vakalevu, My Belly Button, Gossiaux, Round Mountain Gal, Reliable Lass
Race 4.           Letsava Junglejuce – Warning re competitiveness
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.           One More Cast – R. Stewart
Race 4.           Dolly Spartan – J. Orman
Race 6.           Mr Bellagio – M. McGillivray
Race 7.           Go Diamonds – M. Du Plesis
Late scratchings
Race 1.          Little John – 5.15 pm
Race 6.          Little John – 5.15 pm
Published subject to correction upon revision