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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 24 Mar Good 4


5 metres Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen 6.5

Nil last 24hrs, 14mm last 7 days

5mm last 24hrs, 5mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:02AM Monday 25 March
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 24/3 - 7:45am


Mon 18/03/19 11:00am


Tue 19/03/19 03:00pm


Thu 21/03/19 09:30am


Thu 21/03/19 12:00pm


Sun 24/03/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 4, 7

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – GOOD 4        RAIL – 5M
PENETROMETER – 5.45         
Chairman of Stewards – Mr J. Williamson
Stewards – K. Daly, N. Boyle, P. Reardon
Clerk of Scales –  C. Fedrick
Judge – P. Chilton, W. Ellis
Veterinarian – Dr G. Sylvestri                                                                    
Swab Attendants –  L. Chaplin, K. Warwick
Starter – R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
As C. Gallagher was indisposed, riding changes were made as per the Stewards Summary Sheet.
Jockey J. Orman pleaded guilty to a charge under AR218(4),  in that he did use his mobile phone in the jockeys’ room following the running of Race 1 at the Sunshine Coast Turf Club today, 24 March 2019. J. Orman was fined the sum of $1000, of which $500 is fully suspended for a period of 2 years provided he does not breach this rule in that period of time. In assessing penalty stewards took into account jockey Orman’s poor record in relation to this rule.

Race 1: Securetel QTIS 3yo H’cap – 1200m
SPIRIT OF CHEROKEE – Slow to begin. Steadied when passing the 500m.
RAWTEKK – Slow to begin.  Hung out between the 800m and 400m.
FOR THE RECORDS – Overraced when being restrained in the early stages.
SHE ZA BOSS – Had some difficulty obtaining clear running passing the 400m and was inconvenienced by another runner approaching the 300m.
Race 2: Secure Access I.T. Class 4 Plate – 2200m
CHOPPA –  A post race veterinary examination of the gelding, which overraced in the early and middle stages before weakening from approaching the 600m, failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the horse.
WU GOK – Jumped awkwardly lost ground.  Held up from the 600m until approaching the 300m and then laid in under pressure in the home straight, causing its rider to stop riding and straighten over the concluding stages. Jockey Lloyd reported connections had indicated to him in light of this they would now experiment with the addition of a bubble cheeker to the horse’s gear.
BROMACH – Slow to begin.
CORMAC – Jumped away very awkwardly and made heavy contact with the barrier partition, almost dislodging the rider’s off-side foot from his iron. Near the 1200m shifted wider on the track to improve to secure a position running second on the fence at a point passing the 1000m. A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse had an abrasion to the off-side hip consistent with having made contact with the barrier partition.
PERILOUS LOVE – Shifted wider near the 1100m to improve to a position behind the leader passing the 900m.
Race 3: Sonicwall Fear Less Maiden H’cap – 1600m
ALLOFIT – The start of the race was delayed as a result of the horse losing  its off hind plate en route to the barriers.  After attempting to reaffix this plate the farrier was unable to do so due to the horse being fractious. Stewards consulted with trainer T. Thomas before permitting the horse to start without iits off hind plate. Significantly slow to begin.
ESOR – Slow to begin.
YARBOROUGH – Tightened for room on jumping away and lost ground. Raced wide without cover. Whilst weakening approaching the 300m  was placed in an awkward position at the heels of HOLLY’S SONG, which shifted in despite the efforts of its rider. Shortly afterwards, OMNIA TIDAK TAKUT shifted out from the inside to obtain clear running, further inconveniencing YARBOROUGH and this resulted in YARBOROUGH clipping the heels of HOLLY’S SONG and blundering. Stewards could not be satisfied following an inquiry that the actions of any one rider were careless and took no further action.
OMNIA TIDAK TAKUT – Jumped away awkwardly and made heavy contact with another runner. A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to have abrasions to the off hind leg, consistent with having been galloped on.
HOLLY’S SONG – Overraced in the early stages.
SMARTCELLI – Bumped heavily by another runner near the 450m. Raced wide.
FAST DEALER – Shifted out to secure clear running near the 450m, making heavy contact with another runner.  Jockey R. Maloney was fined $100 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.  
GOTHIC ROMANCE – Raced wide.
Race 4: Eastcoast HR Group Ratings Band 0-60 H’cap – 1600m
FRANKEL STAR – When asked to comment on the seemingly improved performance trainer G. Newham  indicated  today with the addition of blinkers and removal of ear muffs from the horse’s gear he had,  in his opinion, expected an improved performance as jockey M. Cahill had suggested that the horse when asked for an effort at its most recent start had not responded to his riding.
MR RED SHOES – Pressured significantly in the early stages to remain in contact with the remainder of the field.  Had difficulty securing clear running on a number of occasions in the home straight and was obliged to stop riding and alter course near the 200m and again near the 100m.
ENTERPRISE JACK – Overraced in the early stages and steadied from heels near the 1300m, again after passing the 1200m.  Shifted wider approaching the 700m to improve and as a result raced wide from that point onwards. Bumped and forced wider near the 500m.
MOGUL  - Placed in restricted room near the 1100m and had to be steadied.
BLACKMAILER – Raced wide in the early stages before being ridden forward to assume the lead passing the 1100m.
IT AIN’T ALL HONEY – Shifted wider near the 600m to improve and race wide from that point onwards, and was bumped by another runner near the 500m, being forced wider on the track as a result.
CHICAGO NIGHTS – Raced wide without cover.
Race 5: Destiny Rescue Maiden H’cap – 1200m
MUFASTA - Change of tactics. Connections advised with the addition of blinkers the horse would be ridden more forward if circumstances permit. The gelding settled in the second half of the field. Jockey J. Orman stated the gelding did not begin as well as expected, so he therefore elected to restrain as he was of the opinion he would be caught wide if he continued to ride forward.  Improved onto heels near the 200m whilst laying in and had to be steadied before shifting out to secure clear running.
EURO ROCKSTAR – Slow to begin. Jockey N. Thomas reported to stewards that, in his opinion,  the horse may benefit from the addition of a tongue-tie as the horse  was abnormal in its breathing pattern throughout the event.
OUTPATIENT – Shifted in away from another runner near the 1100m and made contact with the running rail.  A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be suffering from heat stress.
POET LAD – Overraced significantly in the early stages and as a result and lost ground and became awkward near the 900m. Shifted out approaching the 300m in an attempt to secure clear running and was disappointed for a run, became awkward on heels and had to be steadied before shifting back to the inside to obtain clear running near the 200m. Jockey N. Day advised that in light of the horse overracing significantly today he recommended to connections  to removed the blinkers from the horse’s gear.  Trainer W. Hulbert indicated that would occur at the horse’s next race start.
TWILIGHT FLYER – Raced wide in the early stages before taking up its position to lead passing the 700m.
NINE CIGARS – Raced wide without cover.
STUKWUN – Raced wide.  A post race veterinary examination of the horse, which finished tailed off,  revealed the horse to be lame in the near hind leg. Connections were advised that a veterinary clearance must be supplied prior to its next race start.
DUVESSA – Raced wide.
Race 6: Secure I.T. 360! Class 1 H’cap – 1400m
WILLO TITTO – After the horse was examined by the veterinary surgeon in the enclosure at the request of the trainer, it was found to be significantly agitated and sweating profusely and showing signs of being in season. Upon this advice the horse was declared a late scratching at  2.54 pm on veterinary advice, with the following deductions applicable.
23 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
20 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
16 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place  bets
17 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets
A urine sample was taken from WILLO TITTO following its scratching.
KNUCKLE UP – Slow to begin.
ELUSIVE ELEMENT – Steadied near the 700m to avoid another runner which was shifting ground.  
STARKERS – Shift out near the 700m in order to secure running  and as a result caused another runner to be inconvenienced.
CAVALLI – Overraced in the early stages. Obliged to steady from heels when the runner it was following was restrained near the 700m and as a result shifted wider on the track for a short distance. A post race veterinary examination found the horse to be suffering from significant heat stress. The gelding was monitored, treated by the veterinary surgeon and recovered quickly.
Race 7:  D-Link For Business Class 4 H’cap – 1400m
EMSIE IS A STAR – Became awkward after overracing when restrained passing the 800m.
Race 8: Securevault Class 2 Plate – 1200m
MISS BENETEAU – Slow to begin.
YOU DON’T SAY MOLLY – Slow to begin.  A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be lame in the off foreleg. Lost its off fore plate in running. Trainer K. Geran was advised that a veterinary clearance must be suppled prior to its next race start.
PINNACLE STAR –  Jockey B. Pengelly, rider of I DREAM OF GREEN, was found  guilty of a charge of careless riding under AR131(a) in that he allowed his mount to shift in at a point approaching the 800m when not sufficiently clear of PINNACLE STAR, causing that horse to be checked by its rider and lose its rightful position at this stage and lose ground.  After hearing submissions from B. Pengelly stewards issued a severe reprimand after taking into account his good record under this rule over a significant period of time.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
Race 9: Microsoft Office 365 Benchmark 65 H’cap  – 1200m
KING RAGNAR – Slow to begin. When asked to comment on the disappointing performance, jockey M. Cahill confirmed his disappointment and could offer no tangible explanation. A post race veterinary examination  of the horse, which finished a distant last, failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.  Trainer R. Wilson advised stewards in his opinion the horse was beaten for early speed and would appreciate a step up in distance to 1200m and would take improvement from the run.  He also added  he would inform stewards in the coming days of any abnormality that becomes apparent.
BEZZINA – Slow to begin.
MILITARY FORCES – Blundered on jumping away and lost ground.
TEAGZ – Raced wide without cover.
NAVY – Raced wide without cover.  Jockey B. Thornton reported that, in his opinion, his mount raced like it would appreciate a step up in distance as it showed no early speed.
MR STRACHAN – Laid out under pressure in the early stages of the home straight.
HONOUR PROMISE – Raced wide.
MISTOFFELEES – Jockey L. Cassidy reported his mount laid out throughout the event.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 8.           Brad Pengelly – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)*
                        Jim Orman – Jockey – Possession of mobile phone in jockeys’ room - $1000, with $500 suspended - AR160B(3)
Race 3.           Ryan Maloney – Jockey – Use whip 7 times prior to 100m/9 times following the 100m - $100 -  AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
Jockey absenteeism 
Clayton Gallagher – Injured – Clearance required*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Willo Titto
Horses swabbed pre-race
Hot Sock, Star Justice, Portsea, Eva The Diva, Euro Rockstar, Sir Rotheway, Hekansplit, Starkers, Toca Picta
Race 2.           Choppa – Overraced/poor performance - Warning
Race 5.           Stukwun – Lame near hind leg – Vet. Clearance – AR20(e)
Race 8.           You Don’t Say Molly – Lame off fore tendon – Vet. Clearance  AR20(e)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.           Sir Rotheway – M. Murphy
Race 8.           She’s Fast – M. Murphy
Late scratchings
Race 6.          Willo titto – 2.54 pm  
Published subject to correction upon revision