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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 09 Jun Soft 5


+9m Entire


Soft 5 Pen 6.7

2mm last 24hrs, 13mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:03AM Monday 10 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 9/6 - 7:45am/late Rider R.8 No.19


Mon 03/06/19 11:00am


Tue 04/06/19 03:00pm


Thu 06/06/19 09:30am


Thu 06/06/19 12:00pm


Sun 09/06/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 6

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – SOFT 5          RAIL – 9M         
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – J. Hackett, L. Hicks, P. Reardon            
Clerk of Scales – C. Fedrick
Judge – P. Chilton, W. Ellis
Veterinarian – Dr A. Murdoch                                                                    
Swab Attendants –  J. Crompton, L. Chaplin
Starter –  R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
Race 1 – Q Advertising QTIS 3yo H’cap – 1000m
TAMBO’S MATE – The start of this race was delayed when this gelding reared in the barriers and became cast. Declared a late scratching at 12.36 after  undergoing a veterinary examination, with the following deductions applicable.
43 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
34 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
34 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
Connections were advised that a further barrier certificate must be provided prior the gelding’s next race start.
LADY MCCABE – Which was in the adjoining stall to TAMBO’S MATE also underwent a veterinary examination  and was cleared to take its place in the field. Laid in for the majority of the event.
IMA TEAMBOY – The start was further delayed with the colt had to be resaddled prior to the start.
CARRERA TO THE MAX – Raced wide in the early stages before being restrained near the 700m to take up a trailing a position.
MOONAN JOYCE – Raced wide throughout and also had a tendency to hang out.
Race 2 – Give Me 5 For Kids QTIS 2yo H’cap  - 1000m
BETTER THAN MAGIC – After beginning very awkwardly, jockey A. Spinks became very awkward in the saddle and was dislodged.  Subsequently after being assessed by the doctor was stood down from his remaining engagement in the Race 4.  Riding change was made as per the Stewards Summary Sheet.
MAMA SAYS – Slow to begin.
CHAMPAGNE JET – Jumped away awkwardly and made heavy contact with the barrier partition and lost ground.  Inconvenienced by another runner near the 900m.
SPURIOUS – Raced very greenly  in the early stages and was unable to muster any speed.
BOOMSTRESS – Raced greenly and hung in during the early stages.
EMBATTLED – Was inconvenienced by the riderless BETTER THAN MAGIC  and was forced wider on the track near the 800m. Again inconvenienced near the 600m by  BETTER THAN MAGIC, taken wider near the 500m  and continued to be inconvenienced in the home straight until leaving the 300m,  and then was again inconvenienced and obliged to steady over the concluding stages.
Race 3 – NAB Class 3 H’cap  - 1400m
BRONZEGATE – The start of this race was delayed when this gelding  became fractious in the barriers. Underwent a veterinary examination before being cleared to start.  Slow to begin.
BLUE COMET – Slow to begin. Raced wide from approaching the 700m.
PLITVICE – Overraced when being restrained to obtain cover in the early stages. Held up for a short distance rounding the home turn.
HOT SOCK – Reared as the start was effected and lost ground. Laid in from approaching the 400m onwards.
SOARING HEART – Laid out under pressure in the home straight and made contact on a number of occasions with another runner. Jockey N. Day was advised to stop riding and straighten in similar circumstances.
CHAR CHAR – Was bumped on 2 occasions by another runner in the home straight.
GREAT POWERS – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
Race 4 – Crucial Insurance Class 1 H’cap  - 1600m
REMOLAD – Slow to begin.
FRANKEL STAR – Raced wide in the early stages before being ridden forward to take up the lead position near the 1000m.
TAMARIN – Hung out from the 600m onwards.
KIRIANA – Disappointed for a run near the 300m and as a result was obliged to shift back to the inside in an attempt to secure clear running. Over the concluding stages was tightened for room and had to be steadied when attempting to secure a run between TAMARIN and ULTIMATE RING, which shifted out under pressure. Jockey Orman, rider of ULTIMATE RING, was reprimanded for failing to stop riding and straighten when his mount was inclined to lay out under pressure.  KIRIANA then went to the line without being fully tested.
ULTIMATE RING – Laid out under pressure in the home straight.
Race 5 – Planet Smash Repairs Maiden H’cap  - 1200m
AUSTELL BAY – Change of tactics. Connections advised that the gelding  would attempt to be ridden with cover if circumstances permit. The horse was ridden accordingly. Slow to begin.
DEVINE FACTOR – Was required to reweigh after trainer  M. Costa when saddling the horse found jockey M. Cahill had weighed without stirrups.  Jockey M. Cahill was issued with a reprimand. Stewards took into account jockey Cahill’s good  record in relation to this rule.
SKINS – The start was delayed while the veterinary surgeon inspected the gelding  when it arrived at the barriers in a very distressed state.  After being examined by the veterinary surgeon was declared a late scratching at  2.50 pm, with the following deductions applicable.
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
22 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
18 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
7 cents in the dollar on the face values of 3rd place bets
A post race blood sample was taken from the gelding.
STOLEN PARADISE – Jumped away very awkwardly and lost ground.
TORRIENTE – When attempting to improve into a tight run after passing the 500m was disappointed  and had to be steadied.
BUSTER MOON – Held up from approaching the 500m and had to be steadied from heels near the 400m when disappointed for clear running.  Again obliged to steady when disappointed for clear running near the 200m before shifting out in an attempt to secure clear running shortly afterwards.
STONEFISH – Raced 3 wide without cover.
TRUMPFUL – Apprentice T. Williams was fined $200 for using her whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m. Stewards questioned trainer M. Mair in regards to the improved performance. He indicated he was not entirely disappointed with the horse’s most recent start, indicating that after racing in the lead the horse had fought on  strongly in the home straight. He also added that at the horse’s other 2 starts this preparation it was not suited to the sand track at Gympie and on 14 April did not race well on the very heavy surface at Kilcoy on 2 May.  He added that he had expected a forward showing in today’s event, however did not back the gelding.
Race 6 – Sunshine Toyota Open H’cap  - 1000m
BARNSLEY – Slow to begin.
RISING STOCK – Jumped away awkwardly. Had some difficulty securing clear running in the early stages of the home straight, and after passing the 300m shifted out to secure clear running.
LADRETTO – Approaching the 250m was awkwardly placed at the heels of the weakening PROMPT RETURN, which shifted in before being inconvenienced when placed in restricted room to the outside of RISING STOCK, which shifted out to obtain clear running.  After inquiring into this incident, stewards reprimanded both jockey J. Lloyd, rider of PROMPT RETURN, and apprentice jockey C. Bayliss, rider of RISING STOCK, for contributing to the interference suffered by LADRETTO.
PROMPT RETURN – Raced wide throughout.   When questioned, jockey J. Lloyd voiced his disappointment in the performance of the horse and advised his mount made an abnormal respiratory noise on pulling up. A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse had lost its near hind  plate, with no other abnormalities reported.   Trainer  T. Edmonds will be interviewed in the  coming days regarding the performance.  Following this event, Jockey J. Lloyd was stood down by the doctor.
DARKTOWN STRUTTER – Raced wide without cover.
Race 7 – Impact Office Supplies Class 5 H’cap  - 1200m
BOLD ASSASSIN – Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground.  Placed in restricted room passing the 800m.
NEW HORIZONS – Steadied when placed in restricted room after passing the 800m. Held up rounding the home turn.
BOOM BOOM EPIC – Inconvenienced and forced wider passing the 400m. Raced 3 wide without cover.
CLAIRVUE DIAMOND – Whilst weakening in the home straight was placed in restricted room near the 300m.
JOHNNY WHITESOX – Held up rounding the home turn.
BARNEY –  Raced 4 wide without cover.
MUDDY ROPE – Inconvenienced and forced wider passing the 400m. Raced wide.
SEND US A SIGN – Shifted out rounding the home turn, inconveniencing other runners. Continued to shift out under pressure in the home straight.  Apprentice C. Bayliss was reprimanded. A post race veterinary examination revealed  minor lacerations to the near hind leg.
Race 8 – Sunny Digital Class 1 H’cap  1200m
DOOM – Jockey T. Harrison was fined $100 for being dually engaged on DOOM and SMOOTH CELEBRATION.
DON’T DOUBT LARA – Slow to begin. Had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
MAGLEV – Slow to begin.
GREY SKIES – Reared as the start was effected and lost ground.  Commenced to overrace approaching the 1100m and as a result shifted wider on the track to improve before assuming a 3 wide position without cover outside the lead from the 900m.
OUT FOR JUSTICE – Was inconvenienced and forced wider near the 1100m for a short distance.
KITTY DAMOUR – Raced wide.
WOOKIEE – When asked to comment on the performance, jockey M. Du Plessis stated his mount travelled well in a favourable position until asked for a response on straightening and at that point  became awkward in its action and weakened. A post race veterinary examination  failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Trainer’s representative Mr M. Henderson indicated they would have veterinary tests performed during the week and would report back to stewards the results.  He also added that, in his opinion, the horse may not have appreciated the soft racing surface.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 5.           Taylor Williams – A/jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m/7 after 100m - $200 – AR132
Race 8.           Tegan Harrison – Jockey – Accept dual engagements  on Doom and Smooth Celebration - $100 -  AR127
Race 4.           James Orman – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)*
Race 5.           Michael Cahill – Jockey – Weigh out without stirrups – AR227(a)
Race 6.           Jeff Lloyd – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)
                        Cory Bayliss – A/jockey – AR131(a)
Race 7.           Cory Bayliss – A/jockey – AR131(a)
Race day injury 
Andrew Spinks – Injured – Medical clearance required*
Race day illness 
J. Lloyd – Illness -  Medical clearance required*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners,
Horses swabbed pre-race
Devine Factor, Willo Titto, Remolad, Char Char
Race 1.           Tambo’s Mate – Barrier manners -  B/cert
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 4.           Inveraray – T. Harrison
Race 8.           Doom – D Smith
Late scratchings
Race 1.          Tambo’s Mate – 12.36 pm
Race 4.          Skins – 2.50 pm.
Published subject to correction upon revision