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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 14 Jul Soft 6


+5m Entire Course


Soft 6 Pen 6.7

Nil last 24hrs, 10mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:05AM Monday 15 July
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 14/7 - 7:30am


Tue 09/07/19 11:00am


Wed 10/07/19 03:00pm


Thu 11/07/19 10:00am


Thu 11/07/19 12:00pm


Sun 14/07/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 6

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – SOFT 6          RAIL – 5M
PENETROMETER – 6.71        
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – D. Aurisch, P. Reardon, C. Fedrick           
Clerk of Scales – J. Robinson
Judge – P. Chilton, W. Ellis
Veterinarian – Dr A. Murdoch                                                                    
Swab Attendants –  K. Warwick, J. Crompton
Starter –  R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
Supplementary Report
From SCTC, 7.7.19 – Race 8
Trainer L. Ross advised stewards that subsequent to this event he had blood tests performed on  Mishani Roman, which did not find any significant abnormalities, and at this stage he would continue with the horse’s current preparation.
Race 1 – Jade Lily QTIS 3yo C&G Maiden Plate – 1000m
LOVE YA BLUE – The start was delayed when the gelding  had to have its off-fore plate reattached behind the barriers.
CLAIRVUE SPIRIT – Jumped away awkwardly, making heavy contact with the barrier partition and losing  considerable ground.
HINANO – Jockey D. Griffin was fined $200 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
Race 2 – Rivershore Resort QTIS 3yo Fillies Maiden Plate – 1000m
SPIRIT’S FIRST – Jumped away awkwardly and was steadied from heels shortly after the start. Held up rounding the home turn.
DISCIPLINE – Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner.
KURU LASS – Bumped shortly after the start.
SOUBRETTE – Hung out rounding the home turn.
MAHUSSEY –  Jockey R. Stewart reported that after racing 3 wide without cover his mount was disappointing in its finishing effort. He added the filly  has recently been required to obtain further barrier certificates due to being difficult to load, and, in his opinion, the extra jumpouts may have had a detrimental effect on the horse’s preparation. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
Race 3 – Suncoast Bricklaying Class 2 H’cap – 1400m
MAKATITI – Stood flatfooted at the start and lost considerable ground. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the horse. Overraced badly in the early stages.
RISING KING – Slow to begin.  Stewards questioned trainer R. Wrigley regarding the improved performance. She indicated the horse has drawn wide barriers at its 5 most recent starts, which has resulted in the horse being caught wide.  Mrs Wrigley added they have attempted to start the horse over longer distances, however have been unable to obtain suitable races and as a result  of this sent the horse for a short spell to be freshened up for today’s event, and after obtaining a good barrier draw Miss Wrigley indicated she had expected a forward showing in today’s event.  Jockey L. Tarrant was fined $100 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
IAMPAIDFOR – Placed in restricted room near the 1200m when RED HEAVY shifted in. Bumped heavily with another runner near the 850m.
IRON CRAFT – Inclined to lay out from the 800m until entering the home straight.
RECITAL –  Bumped heavily with another runner near the 850m. Raced 3 wide without cover.  Apprentice A. Thompson  dropped his whip near the 200m.
PAT KASH – Held up rounding the home turn.
MAGIC MYSTERY – Jockey R. Wiggins was fined $200 for using his whip more 5 times prior to the 100m.
Race 4  - Westcon Management Plate – 1400m
IDIDITMYWAY -  Slow to begin.  Raced greenly under pressure in the home straight. Was obliged to alter course near the 200m to secure clear running.
SLAVE – Slow to begin.
OH JAY MOWMOW – Overraced badly in the early stages.
GROOVY PLAYMATE – Had to be checked from heels when overracing approaching the 1200m. Then raced wide from that point onwards. Raced greenly for the majority of the race.
RHYTHM DANCER – After being restrained at the 800m to settle, then commenced to hang out and continued to hang out badly and made the home turn extremely wide, taking no further competitive part in the event.  A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to have a laceration to the off-side cheek.  Connections were advised that they must provide a veterinary certificate, and the horse must trial satisfactorily on 2 occasions prior to its next race start.  Connections advised  stewards that the horse returned to scale with its tongue over the bit.
PRUNDA – Raced wide without cover throughout.
BUSTER MOON – Approaching the 1200m, after being bumped by another runner, became extremely unbalanced and shifted in abruptly and as a result raced for a short distance  inside  the false rail as the shute meets the course proper at that point.  Stewards did inquire into this incident and found that the interference suffered  by BUSTER MOON was as a result of a shift from HONOVI, which shifted in after being bumped by  TAVEUNI.  Whilst stewards reprimanded jockey T. Brooker, rider of TAVEUNI, for allowing her mount to shift in at this stage, however did not ultimately feel that jockey Brooker should be held wholly responsible given the manner in which BUSTER MOON reacted to being bumped.
Race 5 – Quality Style Developments Class 1 H’cap – 1600m
MAGLEV – Slow to begin.
DON’T DOUBT LARA – Stood flatfooted at the start and lost significant ground. Jockey R. Wiggins was fined $400 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m. 
THE GOLDEN BEAR – Jockey J. Byrne was asked to comment on the performance. He indicated that he had to steady from heels when the pace slackened in the early stages, and then enjoyed a favourable run behind the lead throughout the event, however when he asked the gelding to quicken the horse was quite dour in its run to the line and, in his opinion,  was somewhat disappointing.
SPEAKING BETTER – Was obliged to steady over the concluding stages when awkwardly placed between runners. Stewards inquired into this incident and found that DON’T DOUBT LARA shifted out under pressure and NIATROSS, which had a tendency to lay in under pressure from the 400m, had also shifted in.  After considering the evidence, stewards advised both jockeys R. Goltz, rider of NIATROSS, and R. Wiggins, rider of DON’T DOUBT LARA, to exercise greater care in similar circumstances.
NIATROSS – Dipped near the 500m.  Laid in under pressure from the 400m.
Race 6 – Jades Legacy Class 4 H’cap – 1200m
CASINO GARDENS – Slow to begin.
JACKPOT – Was placed in restricted room after passing the 1000m and had to be steadied.
Overraced in the early and middle stages, and was then held up for clear running until passing the 400m.   
COPYWRITER – Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and until approaching the 200m. Was then obliged to shift ground to obtain clear running and was again disappointed for a run approaching the 100m and had to be steadied and went to the line without being fully tested.
RIPPIN ‘N’ TEARIN – Jockey M. Du Plessis reported his mount laid in under pressure in the home straight.
REEF KNOT – Was placed in restricted room after passing the 1000m and had to be steadied.  This was as a consequence  of having to avoid the heels of BACK CHAT.  As a result of this incident, rider M. Wishart, rider of BACK CHAT, was severely reprimanded.  
Race 7 – GJ Gardner Homes Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1800m
BRONZEGATE – Slow to begin.  Bumped by another runner passing the 1600m.
TACTICAL MANUEVER – Raced wide in the early stages and bumped with another runner on a number of occasions passing the 1600m.
ONE MORE CAST – Shifted wider at the 800m to improve and raced wide from that point onwards as a result.
MY DELILAH -  Stewards inquired into the riding tactics adopted on the mare.  Trainer B. Lockwood and apprentice T. Williams were both questioned.  Mr Lockwood advised that he had instructed apprentice Williams to ride forward and was satisfied for the apprentice to lead if necessary, however would prefer the horse to obtain cover if possible.  Apprentice Williams indicated that she had ridden forward and when passing the 1600m anticipated obtaining cover when LIKE  A RULER improved  to her outside. However shortly after this  her mount commenced to overrace and she was unable to restrain the horse sufficiently and the horse took charge  during the early and middle stages.   She accepted that the horse was setting a significant tempo, though it would not respond when she placed the horse under restraint.  Mr Lockwood, after viewing the patrol video, indicated that in hindsight the removal of the ear muffs and addition of winkers  may have caused the mare to become too keen in the event, resulting in the horse overracing.   Stewards accepted the explanation of apprentice Williams and placed a warning on the racing manners of MY DELILAH.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
Race 8 – Our Angel Class 1 H’cap – 1000m
TOOGOOLAWAH TRUMP – The start of this race was delayed when the horse lunged forward, making heavy contact with the barriers and causing them to open.  This also caused the nearby barriers of DEPTHS BELOW and SURFACE TO SURFACE to open and all 3 runners to leave the barriers and travel varying distances before being restrained.  All 3 runners were then examined by the veterinary surgeon and whilst this was being undertaken, all other runners were removed from the barriers, and all barriers were closed and tested. After being tested it was found that barriers 8,  9 and 10  had been damaged when the horses broke through. Therefore all runners from DEPTHS BELOW and wider were shifted 2 barrier positions wider. After being inspected by the veterinary surgeon, both SURFACE TO SURFACE  and DEPTHS BELOW were cleared to start, however TOOGOOLAWAH TRUMP was found to have blood in its off-side nostril and was declared a late scratching at 4.47 pm on veterinary advice with the following deductions applicable.
1 cent in the dollar on the face value of win bets
1 cent in the dollar on the face value of  place bets for the win
2 cent in the dollar on the face value of  2nd place bets
2 cent in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place  bets
Trainer Miss S. Leef was advised that a veterinary certificate would be required for TOOGOOLAWAH TRUMP prior to its next race start.
I’M JUST PINK – Slow to begin.
LITTLE DRUMMER BOY – Slow to begin
SURFACE TO SURFACE – Bumped with another runner on jumping away.
KOZARSKA – Bumped with another runner on jumping away.  Raced wide.
ELEGANT ZOUS – Raced wide without cover and was inclined to hang out.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1.           Daniel Griffin – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m/total 22 - $200 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
Race 3.           Luke Tarrant – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m/total 16 – $100 -  AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
                        Ryan Wiggins – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to the 100m/total 18 - $200 -  AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
Race 5.           Ryan Wiggins – Jockey – Use whip 9 times prior to the 100m/Total 19 - $400 - AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
Race 4.           Tiffani Brooker – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)*
Race 6.           Madeleine Wishart – A/jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)*               
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners,  Niatross, Rippin ‘N’ Tearin, One More Cast, Depths Below
Horses swabbed pre-race
Top Glamour, I diditmyway, Prunda, Red Heavy, Soubrette, Rising King
Race 3.           Makatiti – Stood flatfooted at start - Warning.
Race 4.           Rhythm Dancer – Hung out badly/laceration to off-side cheek – 2 trials, Vet. Clearance – LR25
Race 7.           My Delilah – Racing manners – Warning
Race 8.           Toogoolahwah Trump – Barrier manners – Vet. Cert. – LR25
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Late scratchings
Race 8.          Toogoolawah Trump – 4.47 pm.
Published subject to correction upon revision