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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 25 Aug Good 3


+6m Entire Course


Good 3 Pen 6.3


Nil last 24hrs, 18mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:01AM Monday 26 August
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 25/8 - 7:45am. Late Scr R7 No 13 & 15. Rider Rpl: R6 No13


Tue 20/08/19 11:00am


Wed 21/08/19 03:00pm


Thu 22/08/19 10:00am


Thu 22/08/19 12:00pm


Sun 25/08/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3

PENETROMETER – 6.25                 
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards –  C. Albrecht, B. Connell, C. Fedrick
Clerk of Scales -  P. McLean
Judge – P. Chilton, W. Ellis
Veterinarian –  Dr G. Silvestri
Swab attendants – J. Crompton, K. Warwick
Starter – R. Hanson
Race 1: Bloomhill Cancer Care Volunteers QTIS 3yo Maiden Plate – 1600m
SWING SHIFT – Bumped by another runner at the start. Overraced for a short distance after passing the 1300m when the pace slackened.  When asked to comment on the tactics adopted on her mount, particularly  where she positioned in the event, apprentice jockey Savva indicated she would have liked to have lead or raced on the pace, which has been the horse’s racing pattern, however the horse received a bump from another runner  on jumping away and despite her urgings failed to show any early speed and was obliged to settle in the second half of the field. Stewards noted the explanation.
WHITTERICK – When being restrained to obtain cover overraced in the early stages until approaching the 1000m. Shifted in near the 1400m and made contact with another runner on a number of occasions. Jockey T Harrison, rider of WHITTERICK, was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances.  Laid out under pressure in the early stages of the home straight.  Lost its off hind plate in running. A post race veterinary examination revealed a minor laceration to the off hind leg, consistent with having been galloped on.
CONQUER MEE - When being restrained to obtain cover overraced in the early stages until approaching the 1000m. Bumped by another runner and forced wider at the 800m and raced 3 wide without cover from that point onwards.
MISHANI SECRET – Buffeted by another runner on a number of occasions after passing the 1400m and then overraced at heels until approaching the 800m, at which point shifted off the fence and bumped another runner.
LUNCH SESSION – Commenced to lay out under pressure approaching the 300m and near the 200m the rider dropped his whip when  switching it into the left hand.
Race 2: Bloomhill Cancer Care Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1800m
MISS SEVERINA – Slow to begin.
BRONZEGATE –  When asked to comment on the performance of his mount, which he indicated was disappointing, stated that the horse settled at the rear of the field, as is its recent pattern, and despite travelling comfortably throughout did not respond to his riding and was very disappointing in the run to the line. He could not offer any tangible explanation for the performance other than to state that carrying 60 kilograms may have had some bearing. A post race veterinary examination  failed to reveal any significant abnormalities and a swab sample was taken.
VOLOMITE – Jockey M. Hellyer was fined $100 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m. In assessing penalty stewards took into account jockey Hellyer’s very good record in relation to whip rule breaches.
Race 3: All Computer Services Maiden H’cap – 1800m
ZEDGE – Slow to begin. Due to the pace being steady in the middle stages, had to be restrained from heels near the 700m.
I’M CHAUNCEY – The saddle shifted back on jumping away, placing jockey A. Sewell at a disadvantage for the remainder of the event. Caught wide in the early and middle stages and was permitted to stride forward and assumed the lead passing the 900m.
CLASSIC PEARL – Due to the pace being steady in the middle stages, had to be restrained from heels near the 700m. Had some difficulty securing clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
PRUNDA – Eased when placed in restricted room approaching the 300m.
CHIPO – A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be lame in the off foreleg. Trainer B. Healey was advised that a veterinary clearance must be supplied prior to its next race start.
Race 4: Bob Jane T-Marts Maroochydore Maiden H’cap - 1000m
EMPRESS US – Slow to begin and lost ground. The breastplate broke during the event and as a result  the saddle shifted back slightly.
MEANER – Steadied  when awkwardly placed at heels near the 900m.
HINANO – Had a tendency to lay out from the 600m.
ME AS I AM – Held up rounding the home turn and had difficulty obtaining clear running until the 350m.
KURU LASS – Raced wide without cover.
EL NINO’S CHOICE – Raced greenly throughout and was 4 wide without cover.
CUBIC ZICONIA – A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be lame in the off hindleg. Connections were advised that a veterinary clearance must be provided prior to its next race start.
Race 5: Sporting Chance Foundation Maiden Plate – 1400m
The start of this race was delayed due to holding for another venue.
LEICABLE  - Slow to begin.
TOP ME UP AGAIN – Jumped awkwardly.
STONEFISH – Jumped awkwardly.
LORD MINTY – Tightened for room at the start and lost ground.
JARROW – Raced greenly in the home straight.
BOLD ENCHANTMENT – Placed in restricted room passing the 400m and had to be steadied.
DON’T LOOK NOW – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
CUBAN MINT – A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
Race 6: Bloomhill Cancer Care Client Services Ratings Band 0-60 H’cap
SOLID ASSET – Apprentice G. Hayes was fined $300 in that he did after weighing out for this ride changed his vest to an alternative vest.  Hung out whilst overracing in the middle stages, then laid out under pressure near the 300m, causing its rider to stop riding and straighten.
ROTHFORD – Slow to begin.
ON THE BOSSA NOVA – Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground. Obliged to alter course near the 300m to avoid heels.
GET ME CHARLIE – Buffeted between runners on jumping away.  Obliged to race in restricted room near the 750m.  Overraced in the middle stages.
SHE ZA BOSS – Jumped away awkwardly and made heavy contact with another runner. Obliged to race in restricted room near the 750m
DOOM – Bumped on jumping away. Had to be steadied approaching the 1000m to avoid the heels  HEART OF AUSTRALIA, which shifted in very abruptly. Apprentice M. Nakao  was severely reprimanded for this incident. Stewards further questioned apprentice Nakao regarding the manner in which she steadied the tempo after obtaining the lead. Stewards advised apprentice Nakao that in similar circumstances she would be expected to hold her position rather than steadying the tempo as excessively as she had on this occasion. Stewards noted that as a result of the manner in which she steadied the tempo no other runners received interference as a result and therefore took the matter no further.  Near the 800m was steadied when placed in restricted room.
Race 7: Clinic One Dermatology Class 1 H’cap – 1000m
ELEGANT ZOUS – Trainer S. Kendrick was fined $100 for failing to scratch the horse by the prescribed time.
MASSABIELLE – Declared a late scratching at 9.20 am on veterinary advice.
INDY BONBON – Trainer T. Cotsiopoulos was fined $100 for failing to declare a rider for the horse by the prescribed time.
CHEVY NOVA – The start of this race was delayed when the gelding broke through the barriers and cantered for a short distance before undergoing a veterinary examination and cleared to take its place in the field. A post race veterinary revealed a minor abrasion to the off-side hip.
ARQUERA – Slow to begin.   Obliged to alter course near the 200m to secure clear running. A post race veterinary examination revealed the mare had bled from one nostril. Trainer T. Haydon was advised that the mare would be required to gallop 1000m in the presence of a steward.
INKY BAY – Jumped awkwardly.
THE SINNER – Jumped awkwardly and made contact with another runner and lost ground.  Steadied near the 800m when awkwardly placed at heels.
LAMPLIGHT LILI – Raced wide without cover throughout.
Race 8: Bloomhill Cancer Care OP Shops Class 1 H’cap – 1400m
MAGIC MYSTERY – Slow to begin. Restrained when placed in restricted room near the 800m. 
IT’S NOT AN ISSUE – When the pace slackened near the 900m overraced and had to be restrained from heels for a short distance.
HI ZERO – Raced 3 wide without cover outside the leader.
MISSED THE ALARM – Improved on to heels after the 800m and had to be steadied.
SECRET SITES – Held up rounding the home turn and had difficulty obtaining clear running approaching the 300m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.          Michael Hellyer – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m/10 after – $100 AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
Race 6.          Gregory Hayes – A/jockey – Changed vest after weighing out $300 – AR185*
Race 7.          Tina Cotsiopoulos – Trainer -  Late rider Indy Bonbon - $100 – LR67*
                        Stewart Kendrick – Trainer - Elegant Zous – Late scratching – $100 - LR68*
Race 6.          Miki Nikao – A./jockey – Careless riding – AR131(a)*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post race
All winners, Bronzegate, Missed The Alarm, The Sinner, Doom,
Horses swabbed pre race
Miss Severina, Kopella, Volomite, Cuban Mint, Vanderwink
Race 3.          Chipo – Lame off foreleg – Vet. Clearance – LR25
Race 4           Cubic Ziconia – Lame off hindleg – Vet. Clearance – LR25
Race 7.          Arquera – Bled from one nostril – 1000m gallop before stewards  - AR79
Late Scratching
Race 7.          Elegant Zous – 7.52 am
                        Massabiele – 9.20 am
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.          Drysdale – J. Bayliss
Race 2.          Belle’s Pluck – J. Bayliss
Race 3.          River Rocket – N. Day
Race 7.          Grey Skies – R. Palmer
                        American Love – J. Byrne
                        Real Estate – D. Smith
(Issued subject to correction upon revision)