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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Fri 25 Oct Good 4


4 metres Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen 6.3

Nil last 24hrs, 40mm last 7 days

5mm last 24hrs, 5 mm last 7 Days


Track conditions update: 11:11PM Friday 25 October
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 25/10 - 7:30am Late Rider R.5 No.10


Mon 21/10/19 11:00am


Tue 22/10/19 03:00pm


Wed 23/10/19 10:00am


Wed 23/10/19 12:00pm


Fri 25/10/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – GOOD 4       RAIL – 4M              PENETROMETER – 6.30

Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – L. Hicks, K. Daly, P. McLean
Clerk of Scales – C. Fedrick
Judge – P. Chilton, C. Dunn
Veterinarian – Dr A. Murdoch
Swab attendants – K. Warwick, A. Challen
Starter – R. Hanson
Race 1: TAB QTIS 3yo H’cap -1000m
EMBATTLED – Prior to racing the gelding was examined by the veterinary surgeon after trainer  S. Kendrick reported the horse had blood in one nostril.  The  veterinary examination revealed a  minor laceration to the outside of the nostril and as this was deemed to be external trauma and only minor the horse was cleared to start.  Placed in restricted room shortly after the start and had to be steadied.  Commenced to hang out from the 900m and made the home turn extremely wide, placing its rider at a disadvantage throughout the event.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Trainer S. Kendrick was advised that the gelding must trial satisfactorily in an official trial prior to its next race start.
SAY HAYA – Slow to begin. Held up for clear running from the 400m until leaving the 300m. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
DYNAMIC VERSE – Was obliged to race in restricted room for a  short distance approaching the 800m and had to be restrained.
OH FIVE GLORY – Inclined to lay in under pressure over the final 200m.
COMBAT KID – Raced wide throughout.
Race 2:  Access Insulation Sunshine Coast QTIS 2yo Maiden Plate – 1000m
NO TREBLE – Due to transport difficulties, B. Stewart was unable to fulfil his engagement on the horse and was replaced by D. Griffin.
ONE MORE PINOT – Jumped away awkwardly.
STARFILLY – Jumped away very awkwardly, making heavy contact with the barrier partition and lost ground. This also caused its rider to almost have his off-side foot dislodged from the iron and took approximately 100 metres for jockey M. Cahill to become balanced again.  Jockey Cahill was fined $100 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
JABALIC – Raced greenly in the early stages and whilst racing wide commenced to hang out at the 800m, making the home turn extremely wide.   A post race veterinary examination  revealed no abnormalities. Trainer M. Boland was advised that the filly must officially trial prior to its next race start.
THE SILVER LADY – Raced greenly in the middle stages whilst racing wide. Then laid in under pressure in the home straight.   Jockey L. Tarrant  was reprimanded for using his whip in consecutive strides prior to the  100m. 
MISHANI MISS – Became awkward when obliged to race in restricted room leaving the 300m.
DISCO LIGHTS – Raced wide without cover.
Race 3:  Sea Vista Developments Maiden Plate – 1400m
MOSSFAIR – Stewards granted permission for jockey D. Smith to ride the filly half a kilogram overweight. Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground.
TRUSTABLE – Slow to begin. Stewards questioned jockey J. Bayliss regarding his riding in the home straight. Of concern to stewards was the section of the race near the 300m when there appeared to be a run available to him between MOSSFAIR and PEERLESS CRUISE, which he did not appear to take advantage of and was then held up for clear running and shortly afterwards shifted wider in order to secure clear running.  Jockey Bayliss explained that after following PUMPKIN DIAMOND, the eventual winner, he had shifted wider in an attempt to secure clear running and commenced to follow MOSSFAIR.  He indicated he had observed a run to the inside of that horse and attempted to have his mount shift back to the inside and  quicken to take advantage of that run, however shortly thereafter PEERLESS CRUISE shifted out under pressure,  which resulted in the run closing and he was obliged to stop riding and shift out as he did not feel there was sufficient room to continue to pressure his mount.  After viewing the surveillance footage in the presence of jockey Bayliss, stewards accepted the explanation and took no further action.
HALLBERG – Whilst weakening was inconvenienced by another runner over the concluding stages.
SWING SHIFT – Slow to begin.
Race 4:  Coastal Syle Constructions Class 4 H’cap – 1000m
POWER FROM WITHIN – A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
RABBIT HUNTER – Which turned its head as the start was effected was significantly slow to begin as a result.  Following this event jockey M. Cahill was examined by the doctor and stood down from his remaining engagements. Rider replacements were made as per the Stewards Summary Sheet.
Race 5: Nat McCall Racing Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1400m
GOT MY THRILLS -  When racing outside the lead was restrained by its rider and overraced from  the 1200m until leaving the 1000m.  Jockey M. Du Plessis reported his mount laid in throughout the event.
THE IRONS – Stewards questioned apprentice A. Thompson regarding the tactics adopted in that the horse settled in the second half of the field at its most recent start and in today’s event raced outside the lead and set a strong tempo in the middle stages.  He advised stewards he had been instructed  to obtain cover in the early stages, which had been his intention to ride the horse in the second  half of the field  however the horse overraced from shortly after leaving the barriers and he was unable to restrain the horse.  He added whilst attempting to restrain his mount it shifted in on a number of occasions brushing VIENNA MOON.  He advised stewards he accepted the pace in the middle stages was strong, however he was unable to have the horse settle at any stage. Stewards accepted the explanation tendered.
VIENNA MOON – Stewards questioned jockey regarding his tactics adopted on the mare as the horse, along with  THE IRONS, established a significant lead in the middle stages. Jockey Bayliss stated that after having obtained the lead in the early stages and following GOT MY THRILLS being restrained on his outside, his mount travelled comfortably from the 1200m until the 1000m when THE IRONS improved to his mount’s outside. He stated at this point his mount commenced to overrace and despite his efforts was unable to be restrained. He also added that on a number of occasions between the 800m and 400m his mount was brushed when THE IRONS shifted in.  Stewards accepted jockey Bayliss’s explanation.
Race 6: The Compass Institute Inc. Benchmark 80 H’cap – 1200m
SEE ME FLY – Slow to begin.
ATLANTIC CITY – Raced 3 wide without cover.
LAST ARMAGEDDON – Obliged to race in restricted room from approaching the 600m until nearing the 400m.
MISHANI ELECTRA – Checked and lost ground leaving the 200m.
CORAL BAY – Held up rounding the home turn. Approaching the 200m, altered course to obtain clear running and in doing so MISHANI ELECTRA was checked and lost ground.  Jockey D. Griffin, rider of CORAL BAY, was subsequently found guilty of a charge of careless riding for permitting his mount to shift in and tighten the running of MISHANI ELECTRA.  In issuing a reprimand, stewards took into account  jockey Griffin’s excellent record under this rule.  
Race 7:  Scott McMahon Electrical Ratings Band 0-60 H’cap  - 1200m
HOT SOCK – Slow to begin.
SOLID ASSET – Bumped by another runner and became unbalanced on jumping away. Obliged to race in restricted room after passing the 1000m.
ARC OF GOLD – Raced wide without cover.
HEAVENLY ARCHER – Lost its near hind plate in running.
HONOUR PROMISE – Obliged to steady to avoid heels nearing the finish line after shifting out under pressure .
NO DOUBT ACRACKER – Approaching the finish line shifted in.         
Race 8:  Mooloolaba Cup Day – Saturday 16 November Maiden H’cap –
JUST LIKE RULER – Declared a late scratching at 9.14 pm when  the horse unable to be effectively controlled when proceeding to the barriers resulting in apprentice A. Thompson being was dislodged. Subsequent to the event all monies invested on the horse were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable.
11 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
10 cents in the dollar on the face value of  win bets for the place
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
21 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets
Trainer G. Hay was advised that the gelding must trial satisfactorily prior to its next race start.
DIVINE KINGDOM – Declared a late scratching at 9.20 pm  when the gelding, which was proving difficult to load, turned its rump to the nearside and got the back gate of the barriers caught under its stifle and was therefore scratched on veterinary advice. Subsequent to the event all monies invested on the horse were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable.
10 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
7 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
21 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets
JACKMAN LANE – Slow to begin.
DURUNDUR LAD – Obliged to steady near the 900m to avoid heels.  Jockey D. Griffin, rider of ABSOLUTE ROCK, was reprimanded and advised to show greater care.  Inconvenienced and forced wider near the 200m. Raced 3 wide without cover.
ABSOLUTE ROCK – Inconvenienced and forced wider near the 200m.
STAGE PLAY – Shifted out under pressure near the 200m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.           Luke Tarrant – Jockey – Use whip consecutive strides prior to 100m – AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
Race 6.           Daniel Griffin – Jockey – Careless riding – AR131(a)*
Race 8.           Daniel Griffin – Jockey – Careless riding – AR131(a)*
Race 2.           Michael Cahill – Jockey – Use whip 9 times prior to 100m/total 14 - $100 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 5.           Stuart Kendrick  – Trainer – Late rider Got My Thrills -  $100 – LR67(1)(3)*
Race 6.           Brian Wakefield – Trainer – Late rider  Denarius  - $100 – LR67(1)(3)*
Race day illness
M. Cahill  - Clearance required*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners and Heavenly Archer
Horses swabbed pre-race
No Treble, Shooting Roses, Peerless Cruise, Hallberg, Denarius, Atlantic City, Maleeka Blues, Just Like Ruler
Race 1.           Embattled – Hung out – Official trial – AR20(e)
Race 2.           Jabalic – Hung out – Official trial – AR20(e)
Race 8.           Just Like Ruler – unable to be effectively controlled when proceeding to the barriers  AR20(e)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.           No Treble – D. Griffin
Race 5.           Got My Thrills – M. Du Plessis
Race 6.           Denarius – L. Cassidy
Race 7.           No Doubt Acracker  – D. Griffin
Race 8.           Absolute Rock – D. Griffin
Late scratchings
Race 8.           Just Like Ruler – 9.14 pm.  
                        Divine Kingdom – 9.20 pm
Published subject to correction upon revision