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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 08 Dec Good 4


+7m Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 6.4


5mm last 24hrs, 55mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:02AM Monday 09 December
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 8/12 - 7:45am - Late Scratching R.2 No.7


Tue 03/12/19 11:00am


Wed 04/12/19 03:00pm


Thu 05/12/19 10:00am


Thu 05/12/19 12:00pm


Sun 08/12/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2

WEATHER –  OVERCAST           TRACK RATING – GOOD 4            RAIL – 7M

Chairman of Stewards – Mr N. Boyle
Stewards –  J. Hackett,  K. Daly, P. Reardon
Clerk of Scales – J. Robinson
Judge – P. Chilton, W. Ellis
Veterinarian –  Dr G. Silvestri
Swab attendants – J. Crompton, K. Warwick
Starter – R. Hanson
Race 1:  Canadian Club Maiden H’cap – 1600m
VINASTA  – Correct weight was delayed to allow stewards and jockey J. Byrne to view the start of the event. After viewing the film it was established that VINASTA, which was being held by an attendant, reared of its own volition and as a result was slow to begin. Under the circumstances VINASTA was declared a runner and correct weight was declared on the semaphored placings.
STARBEATS – Caught wide in the early stages of the event before taking up a forward position 3 wide without cover leaving the 1100m.
BOLD DELAGO – Slow to begin.  When asked to explain the seemingly improved performance of the gelding, trainer G. Hay advised stewards that the horse performed well 2 runs back at Toowoomba and finished the race off well, and at its last start at the Sunshine Coast was held up at the rear of the field prior to the home turn and was unable to gather momentum, and, in his opinion, finished the race off well over the final 200m.  Mr Hay further added the instructions given for today were similar to its previous start, that being to allow the gelding to find  his feet towards the rear of the field and, if circumstances permitted, to allow the gelding if necessary to come wide after passing the 700m so as he would have an uninterrupted run.  Mr Hay further stated that the circumstances today where it had an uninterrupted run and was able to be brought into the race on the home turn, allowed the gelding to finish off well.  Stewards noted the explanation.
WILCARUISE – Near the 1100m improved onto heels and shifted wider on the track and raced 3 wide with cover from that point.
MISSILE MANIA – Began awkwardly. After passing the 400m was forced wider on the course by  PILOTE , which shifted out to improve.
REAGAN’S MISTAKE – Approaching the 150m was crowded for room by SILENTUS, which laid in away from SPURIOUS.
HOSTILE STAR – Approaching the 100m had to be steadied when awkwardly placed at the heels of WILCARUISE, which shifted in away from BOLD DELAGO. G. Geran, rider of WILCARUISE, was reprimanded and advised to make greater effort to prevent his mounts shifting ground in similar circumstances.
TOUGH DECISION – Began awkwardly.
TYCOON MCKINNEY – Raced 3 wide for the majority of the race.

Race 2:  Maker’s Mark Class 5 H’cap – 1400m
PURE PULSE – Trainer C. Anderson was fined $100 for failing to scratch the horse by the prescribed time.
MR TICKETS – Slow to begin.
MYSTIC MIST  – Raced keenly in the early stages when being restrained to a trailing position.
Race 3: Jim Beam White Maiden H’cap – 1300m
AMIRAT JAMILA – Stewards permitted apprentice A. Thomson to claim 1 kilogram of his 1.5  kilogram allowance. Caught wide in the early stages before being restrained to the rear of the field approaching the 800m.
VALADYIUM – After being fractious in the mounting yard and slipping over was examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to start. Shifted its off hind plate en route to the barriers and had to be replated. 
LOVE VENUS – Slow to begin.
DACKAMA – Began awkwardly and threw its head in the air shortly after the start.
GRAND BARRAIL – Slow to begin.
MR SO GOOD – After racing in a forward position for the majority of the race, when placed under pressure approaching the 600m commenced to weaken and finished a distant last.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Trainer M. Renehan advised that the gelding would now be retired from racing however if circumstances were to change the gelding’s nomination would be refused at TAB venues until such time as its form improved by way of non TAB meetings.  
STEELCAPSTILLETOS – After passing the 300m commenced to lay in when placed under pressure and proved difficult to ride.
Race 4:  Jim Beam Black QTIS 3yo lMaiden Plate – 1400m
On return to scale a protest was lodged by jockey M. McGillivray, rider 4th placegeter, The Minivan, against Neptune’s Choice being declared the 3rd placegetter, alleging interference passing the 200m. .  After taking evidence from the parties concerned and viewing the stewards patrol video, stewards were of the opinion that whilst  there was contact when NEPTUNE’S CHOICE shifted out to obtain clear running, stewards  were not satisfied that interference was sufficient to materially affect the result of the race at the finish,  and the protest was dismissed and correct weight was semaphored on the Judge’s placings.  
NEPTUNE’S CHOICE – Slow to begin.
THE MINIVAN – Slow to begin.
MAKEDON – After passing the 1200m when in a trailing position commenced to overrace and had to be steadied away from the heels of LORD GRAYCLIFF, and then passing the 900m again had to be restrained when racing  in restricted room to the outside of THE MINIVAN and insode of LORD GRAYCLIFF.
FIREBOX – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
LORD GRAYCLIFF – Raced 3 wide with cover.
UP THE RIVER – Raced 3 wide with cover.
HALLSIDE HOT STUFF – Raced 4 wide without cover.
STUTTERING – A post race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have scalped both hind bumpers.
Race 5: Jim Beam Double Serve Class 1 Plate – 1000m
DRIFTER – Trainer S. Strazzieri made application to allow the  gelding to race without its approved gear of winkers and a tongue-tie.   Stewards acceded to the request however Mr Strazzieri was fined the sum of $200.
RAMBLIN’ MAN – Slow to begin.  A post race veterinary examination revealed moderate heat stress.
CRAZY GOOD – Began awkwardly and shifted out, losing ground.
LET’S CHEER AGAIN – Blundered shortly after the start.
BOLD SENSATION – Shortly after the start was crowded between runners and lost ground.
GENZAI THE WOLF – Inclined to lay in under pressure between the 300m and 100m.
WOOLSEY – Raced 3 wide without cover.
MILLION – Raced 3 deep with cover. Laid in rounding the home turn.
KATY’S DAUGHTER – Raced 3 deep with cover throughout.
Race 6:  Jim Beam Rye RQ Summer Provincial Series – Heat – Benchmark
75 H’cap 1200m
UTHRED – Began awkwardly.
DAPPER ONE – Slow to begin.
CATMOSPHERE – Approaching the 1000m, after being crossed by MACHU PICCHU, commenced to overrace and proved difficult to be restrained.   Improved on to heels passing the 100m and went to the line without being fully tested.
DAUNTING QUEEN -  Approaching the 100m was disappointed for a run to the inside of MANWAY and to the outside of MR STRACHAN, which shifted out slightly, and then went to the line without being fully tested.  
CORAL BAY – Approaching the 300m became awkwardly placed at the heels of LIMERICK MOON and had to alter course back to the inside.
LOVE SQUIRRELS – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
COPYWRITER  - Raced 3 wide with cover throughout.
MR STRACHAN – Jockey B. Stewart was reminded of his obligations regarding use of his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
Race 7:  Jim Beam Devil’s Cut F&M Class 1 H’cap – 1400m
WINERIES – The start was delayed when the horse had to have both hind plates refitted.
NON DE THEATRE – Connections advised that the horse would be ridden in the first half of the field if circumstances permit. Slow into stride and was unable to be ridden forward and settled in a rearward position.
EPIC BEL – Declared a late scratching on veterinary advice at 3.16 pm  after being found to be sore in the off fore tendon.  Trainer C. Stott was advised that mare would required a veterinary clearance prior to racing again.
PURE INDULGENCE – Slow to begin. Held up from the 400m until approaching the 100m and went to the line without being fully tested.
ARC OF GOLD – Shortly after the start when in a trailing position refused to settle and threw its
head in the air when being restrained. Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
JUST GIVEME RUBIES – Approaching the 200m was crowded for room between EDINGLASSIE FLYER to its inside and SHEZANDI AS to its outside, which steadied in and away from the heels of WINERIES.
LOVES A LOTTERY – Held up from the 300m until approaching the 150m.
FIRST DAWN – Raced 3 wide with cover throughout.
Race 8:  Canadian Club Spiced CG&E Class 1 H’cap – 1400m
DON’T CHEAT CHARLIE -  Slow to begin.
BACK THE ROCK – Began awkwardly. Approaching the 250m had to be checked. Jockey R. Maloney, rider of BACK THE ROCK,  pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding, in that approaching the 250m  he permitted his mount to shift out when insufficiently clear of BACK THE ROCK, which had to be checked and lost its rightful position.  Jockey Maloney was suspended from riding in races for a period of 6 days, to commence at midnight,  14 December and to expire at midnight 20 December.  In determining penalty, stewards were mindful of jockey Maloney’s good race riding record, the manners of BACK THE ROCK and the low degree of carelessness.  Raced 3 wide with cover.
THE WARDSMEN – Held up rounding the home turn.
NINE CIGARS -  Passing the 150m laid out under pressure whilst weakening.
FRUEDINKS – Improved on to the heels of NINE CIGARS approaching the 100m and had to be steadied and in doing so bumped ALPENDURANDA.
ALPENDURANDA – Bumped by FRUEDINKS approaching the 100m.
AIOLOS – Raced 3 wide without cover.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1.           Gary Geran – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)*
Race 8.           Ryan Maloney – Jockey – C/riding – 6 days – M/n 14.12.19 to m/n 20.12.19 -  AR131(a)*

Race 2.           Chris Anderson – Trainer – Late scr. Pure Pulse – $100 - AR181*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Pilote, Gregory, Better Ethics, Vogue, Genzai The Wolf, First Dawn, Aiolos
Warnings/ Bars
Race 7.           Epic Bel – Sore off fore tendon – Vet. Clearance – LR25.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Late scratchings
Race 7.           Epic Bel – 3.16 pm     
Race 4.           4TH The Minivan v. 3rd (Neptune’s Choice – Interference over final 200m - Dismissed              
Published subject to correction upon revision