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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 05 Jul Soft 6


+8m Entire Course


Soft 6 Pen 6.7

Nil last 24hrs, 24mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:06AM Monday 06 July
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 5/7 - 7:45am - Rider Replacements Races 3, 7 & 9


Tue 30/06/20 11:00am


Wed 01/07/20 03:00pm


Thu 02/07/20 10:00am


Thu 02/07/20 12:00pm


Sun 05/07/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 4

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – SOFT 7/SOFT 6 @ 11.40 AM
RAIL – 8M           PENETROMETER – 6.7
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – W. Hadley, B. Connell, P. Reardon
Clerk of Scales – J. Robinson
Judge – P. Chilton
Veterinarian – G. Silvestri
Sample Collection Officer – L. Chaplin, E. Hodge
Starter – R. Hanson
As B. Stewart was indisposed, riding changes were made as per the Stewards Summary Sheet.
Race 1: K. Smith & Son Jewellers Maiden Plate – 1000m
PRICKLY TICK – Slow to begin.
BEAUTA – Slow to begin.
ARCING HARD – Began awkwardly.
FINDLETON – Began awkwardly. Raced wide throughout.
LADY BRAHMOS – Held up rounding the home turn and had difficulty securing clear running until approaching the 300m.
AONACH MOR – Laid in under pressure in the home straight, causing its rider to be unable to fully test his mount over the concluding stages. Trainer B. Lockwood reported the horse would now be sent for a spell. Stewards advised Mr Lockwood that the horse would be required to trial satisfactorily in an official prior to racing again.
JUST RAFFERTY – Raced greenly throughout.
HAUNTED HOUSE – Apprentice A. Patis reported her mount commenced to hang out rounding the home turn and continued to do so for the remainder of the event.
Race 2:  Butler McDermott Lawyers QTIS 3yo Maiden Plate – 1000m
SERENE AFFAIR -  Was late arriving on course due to transport difficulties.  A veterinary examination cleared the horse to take its place in the field. Began awkwardly and lost ground before racing keenly in the early and middle stages, having to be steadied from heels on a number of occasions.
MAEVILA RULER – Trainer J. Johnson was fined $100 for failing to enact a stable return by the required time to advised the horse is now a gelding. Raced wide. After passing the winning post jockey A. Sewell was dislodged from his mount. Was examined by the club doctor and cleared to fulfil his remaining engagements.  A post race veterinary examination cleared MAEVILA RULER of any injuries.
KEEPMOVING FORWARD – Began awkwardly and made heavy contact with the barrier partition.  Obliged to race in restricted room and was steadied near the 500m when racing to the inside of ARRIVERDERCI ROMA, which was inclined to lay in.
SCRUFF’N’STUFF – Significantly slow to begin. Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
DANITES – Laid out under pressure in the home straight.
POET’S GIRL – Raced wide throughout.  A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse had shifted its near hind plate, and had sustained a minor laceration to the off hind fetlock.
SIR WHITTINGTON – Raced wide throughout. Had a tendency to lay out under pressure  over the concluding stages.
WANTOK – Following this event jockey S .Lacy was examined by the doctor and cleared to fulfil her remaining engagements.
Race 3: Access Insulation Sunshine Coast QTIS 2yo Maiden Plate – 1400m
SCOTTISH PRINCE – Slow to begin.
EARN OUT -  Overraced in the early stages.
NICKS – Had difficulty securing clear running passing the 400m when attempting a narrow run between  EARN OUT and KEEN AS A BEAN.
KEFALONIA – Stewards asked apprentice J. Huxtable to comment on the performance of the horse, which appeared disappointing. He indicated, in his view, the horse had found the lead comfortably and travelled comfortably throughout the event in the lead.  He added that approaching the home turn he was extremely confident the horse would finish the race off strongly, however when asked for an effort failed to respond to his riding and, in his view, was disappointing over the final 400m.  Trainer C. Munce advised stewards that in light of today’s performance the horse would now be sent for a spell.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
Race 4: Esprit Racing Maiden Plate – 1400m
GLOBAL CHOICE – Overraced in the early stages. Held up from rounding the home turn until approaching the 300m.
TIMETORINGTHEBELL – Forced wider for a short distance passing the 900m.
ACEME – Obliged to take hold to avoid the heels of SUN ‘N’ SURF, which shifted in approaching the 900m.  Jockey L. Cassidy, rider of SUN ‘N’ SURF, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR131 in that he allowed his mount to shift in  approaching the 900m when not clear and as a result of ACEME, resulting in jockey D. Griffin having to take hold of that horse and shift out across heels.  Jockey Cassidy was suspended from riding in races for a period of 8 days, to commence at midnight, 11 July and to expire at midnight, 19 July.
PLAYTHEFIELD – Jockey J. Bayliss  was fined $500 for excessive whip use prior to the 100m.
Race 5: Parklands Tavern Benchmark 68 H’cap – 1200m
ONE MORE CAST – Trainer S. Kendrick was reprimanded for failing to produce the Document of Description for the horse. Reared as the start was effected and lost significant ground.
VILLENEUVE LADY – Raced 3 wide without cover.
Race 6: XXXX Dry Class 1 H’cap – 1000m
CIMARRON KID – Jockey S. Lacy was granted permission to ride  half a kilogram overweight when no other rider was available to ride the horse at the weight.
IRISH ACE – Reared as the start was effected, causing jockey L. Cassidy’s head to make heavy contact with the barrier partition.  As a result of this IRISH ACE took no competitive part in the event until approaching the 400m. Jockey Cassidy was examined by the club’s doctor and was stood down from his remaining engagements.  Trainer S. Laxon was advised that a warning would be placed on the horse’s barrier manners.
BETTER THAN GROOVY – Slow to begin. Obliged to steady from heels near the 500m.
MORT DOYLE – Trainer L. Abbott was questioned regarding the seemingly improved performance. She stated that, in her opinion, the horse had performed below expectations at its most recent 2 starts as a result failing to handle the heavy 10 track conditions. She added that in today’s event she had removed the blinkers from the horse’s  gear and she felt this had assisted in having the horse settle during the middle stages of the race which she felt had a beneficial effect on the overall performance.
Race 7:  Glovers Concreting Pty Ltd Class 1 H’cap – 1000m
HINANO – Stewards ordered the late scratching of the horse acting on a report from the starter that the horse had got the clip on its lead rope tangled in a portion of steel fencing in the tie-up stalls. The horse had then pulled its head back and broke  this panel of fencing away from the rest of the fence and this panel of fence had hung from the horse’s bit for a period of time prior to anyone being able to have this removed from the horse. A veterinary inspection of the horse did not locate any injuries to the horse, however during the examination the veterinary surgeon was unable to do a full examination of the horse’s mouth due to its behaviour.  Therefore stewards were not satisfied that the horse, given the nature of the incident,  was fit to take its place in the field and was declared a late scratching at 3.30 pm.
BULLTRUCK – Tightened for room on jumping away and lost ground. Obliged to steady from heels near the 700m.
DE VEGA PEACH – Eased from heels near the 700m.
MILLION – Raced wide throughout.
ISA ROCKET – Hung out whilst racing wide for the majority of the race.
CONTLEMPTUOUS – When questioned regarding his riding over the final 100m when he stopped riding and eased his mount from the event, jockey B. Thornton explained that his mount had travelled strongly throughout the event and after commencing  to place pressure on his mount near the 250m the horse did not respond and he became concerned with the horse’s action and felt that the horse had given him the feeling  that there maybe something amiss  with the colt.  He further added that post race his mount had made an abnormal respiratory noise, adding that the stable has had some concerns that the horse may have a breathing issue. A post race veterinary examination  revealed the horse to have a significantly elevated heart rate.  Trainer S. O’Dea confirmed that the   stable has previously had concerns that the horse may have a breathing issue, however tests have not confirmed this.  Mr O’Dea was advised by stewards he must supply a veterinary certificate, accompanied by the results of an endoscopic examination, and the horse must officially barrier trial prior to racing again.
Race 8: TAB QTIS 3yo Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1000m
JET A ONE – Trainer T. Sears was fined $100 for failing to enact a stable return by the required time as this horse is now a gelding.
GOLLY HUTT – Trainer M. Reynolds was reprimanded for failing to produce the Document of Description for the horse.
ABLE MABEL – Declared a late scratching at 2 pm when the horse suffered a significant laceration  to the off hind leg when attempts were being made to  place the horse on the float to be transported to the racecourse.
DEEP ECHO – Slow to begin.
CLEVER MISS – After being steadied in the early stages took up a position trailing GHABBIE. The horse then commenced to lose ground and despite being ridden vigorously by jockey J. Bayliss the horse continued to lose ground until approaching the 500m, at which point the horse was obliged to steady when awkwardly placed to the inside of GHABBIE.   A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Stewards interviewed jockey J. Bayliss regarding the horse and its performance. He stated he was at a loss to explain the horse’s behaviour during the early stages  as despite his urgings the horse failed to respond, however was doing its best work over the concluding stages and found the line strongly. Trainer S. Kendrick advised stewards in light of today’s performance  he would give consideration to sending the horse for a short spell.
GHABBIE – Laid in throughout the event.
IDEA FROM HEAVEN – Trainer D. Smith was fined $100 for excessive whip use.
Race 9:  Double R Thoroughbreds QTIS 3yo Benchmark 68 H’cap – 1400m
POWERING – Slow to begin. Heavily bumped by TAVIS TOWN rounding the home turn and forced wider.
PHAT BEATS – Overraced during the early and middle stages. Jockey D. Smith reported, in his opinion, this had a detrimental effect on the horse’s overall performance. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Trainer D. Hansen was fined $100 for failing to notify that the horse had been gelded.
FRENCH OCEAN – Jockey S. Cormack reported his mount hung out from the 800m to the 400m.
TAVIS TOWN -  Held up for rounding the home turn and shifted out approaching the 400m, making heavy contact with  POWERING. 
BAMBALAM – Overraced whilst leading
Race 10: Neil Mansell Concrete Class 3 H’cap – 1400m
REAL ELUSIVE – Placed in restricted room shortly after the start and had to be steadied.
ENTERPRISE MOSS – Near the 1200m made contact with the running rail when placed in restricted to the inside of GALAXY GURU, which shifted in. Jockey B. Pengelly, rider of GALAXY GURU, was reprimanded for this incident. Had a tendency to lay in under pressure in the home straight.
SOARING HEART – When questioned in relation to the tactics in leading in  today’s event which was in contrast to its established racing pattern, jockey T. Marshall stated whilst he had been instructed to ride in the forward half of the field, he had  been advised that he should attempt  to obtain cover. However after travelling a short distance it became apparent he would not be able to secure a position closer to the fence with cover, and therefore near the 1200m he elected to allow the horse to stride forward  and assume the lead passing the 900m.
GALXAY GURU – Held up for a short distance passing the 500m when awkwardly placed at the heels of REAL ELUSIVE.  Obliged to steady after passing the 100m when attempting to secure clear running to the inside of SOARING HEART where there was insufficient room and as a result of this the horse went to the line without being fully tested.
GREEN JACKET – Held up for clear running from near the 350m, and then when disappointed for a run shortly after passing the 300m was obliged to shift out across the heels of VIENNA MOON, which had shifted in.  Jockey A. Mallyon, rider of GREEN JACKET, was again disappointed for a run near the 150m between VIENNA MOON and THE HAND, both of which shifted ground, and as a result of this, jockey Mallyon was obliged to stop riding and shift back to the inside to secure clear running.
REAL ELUSIVE – Jockey A. Allen reported his mount laid out for the majority of the event.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.                      John Johnston – Trainer – Failed to enact stable return advising  Maevila is now a gelding - $100  -  AR103(4)(c)*
Race 4.                      Jake Bayliss – Jockey – Used whip 7 times prior to the 100m/total 17 – $500 - AR132(7)(a)(ii)*
Race 8.                      Tony Sears – Trainer – Failed to enact  stable return advising Jet A One is now a gelding - $100  - AR103(4)(c)*
                                    Dale Smith – Jockey - $100 –  Use whip 7 times before 100m, total of 11. AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 9.                      Darryl Hansen -  Trainer - $100 – Fail to advise Phat Beats had been gelded – AR103(4)(c)
Race 4.                      Larry Cassidy – Jockey – C/riding – 8 days suspension – M/n 11.7.20 to m/n 19.7.20 – AR131*
Race 5.          Stuart Kendrick – Trainer - Fail to produce Doc. Of Description – One More Cast
Race 8.          Malcolm Reynolds – Trainer – Fail to produce the Doc. Of Description – Golly Hutt
Race 10.        Brad Pengelly – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)
Race day injury
L. Cassidy – Clearance required
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Green Jacket, Real Elusive, Dustins, Keen As A Bean, Wantok, Absinthe M’Lady
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, King Claws, Contemptuous, Global Choiced,  Viena Moon
Race 6.          Irish Ace – Reared as the start was effected – Warning.
Race 1.          Aonach Mor – Laid in under pressure in the straight – Official Trial – AR20(e)
Race 7.          Contemptuous – Significantly elevated heart rate – Vet. Certificate, results of an endoscopic exam, official trial – AR20(e)
Race 8.          Able Mabel – Vet certificate – AR20(e)
Late Scratchings
Race 7.          Hinano – 3.30 pm
Race 8.          Able Mabel – 2 pm
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race .1          Aonach Mor – J. Orman
Race 3.          Just A Paatsy – J. Orman
Race 7.          Clear The Bill – M. Cahill
Race 8.          Able Mabel – J. Orman
Race 9.          Jakama – A. Mallyon
(Issued subject to correction upon revision)