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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 09 Aug Soft 6


+9m Entire Course


Soft 6 Pen 6.6

Nil last 24hrs, 14mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:03AM Monday 10 August
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 9/8 - 7:30am/Late Rider R.2 No.7


Tue 04/08/20 11:00am


Wed 05/08/20 03:00pm


Thu 06/08/20 10:00am


Thu 06/08/20 12:00pm


Sun 09/08/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – SOFT 6          RAIL – 9M           PENETROMETER – 6.6
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards –  E. Barron, P. Reardon, P. McLean
Clerk of Scales – J. Robinson
Judge – P. Chilton
Veterinarian – Dr T. Doherty
Sample Collection Officer – A. Schofield, E. Hodges
Starter – R. Hanson
Supplementary Report
From SCTC, 5.8.20 – Race 2
Trainer F. Phillips reported to stewards BEDTIME SONG had subsequently pulled up shin sore and would now be sent for a spell.
Race 1:   7 Day Skips Maiden Plate – 2200m
No racing incidents.
Race 2: Suncoast Marine Electrical QTIS 3yo H’cap – 1000m
SALBRIS – Trainer S. Kendrick was fined $200 for failing to declare a rider for the horse by the prescribed time.
JOLLO – Slow to begin.
MISS LOT WON – Slow to begin.
BELLISTIC MAN – Began awkwardly and lost ground.  Had a tendency to hang out rounding the home turn.
QUEEN SWEEPER – Commenced to hang out badly from the 700m until entering the home straight, causing the horse to lose ground. A post race veterinary examination found the horse to be lame in the off hindleg.  Trainer S. Kendrick was advised that he must provide a veterinary certificate for the horse and must trial satisfactorily prior to its next race start. Mr Kendrick advised stewards that in light of today’s performance he would consider sending the horse for a spell.
XERRI – When asked to comment on the performance, jockey R. Fradd stated, in his view.     the horse’s racing manners would improve if the horse were to undergo  a gelding operation.  Trainer T. Edmonds agreed with the comments  of jockey Fradd and indicated he would be discussing with the owners the likelihood of having the horse gelded.  
Race 3: Kerry’s Korner Shop Maiden Plate – 1000m
CASCUS – Declared a late scratching at 1.40 pm on veterinary advice after it became fractious in the tie-up stalls.
ENDLESS SIZZLE – A pre-race veterinary examination of the horse, which had not started for 2 years, cleared the horse to start.
PURPLE DIAMOND – Slow to begin. Inconvenienced and forced wider near the 900m.
LA FURIOSO – Slow to begin.
DEVINE KINGDOM – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Overraced in the early and middle stages, having to be checked from heels on a number of occasions. Bled during the race. As this was the first occasion on which the horse has bled, it will now incur a 3 month bar from racing.
ARRIVERDERCI ROMA – Began awkwardly.
I AM SUMI – Hung out rounding the home turn and when under pressure in the home straight.
ZEBEDABADOO – Finished a distant last,  after racing wide throughout,  underwent a veterinary examination which revealed no abnormalities.  Trainer T. Thomas was advised that a warning would be placed on the gelding’s competitiveness.
WHITS END – Near the 900m had to be steadied when racing to the inside of ZOOFARI, which shifted in when not clear. Jockey J. Byrne, rider of ZOOFARI, was reprimanded for this incident.
Race 4: Tensens Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1200m
MAKE AMENDS – Significantly slow to begin and finished a distant last.  Trainer D. Jones was advised  that the horse would be barred from TAB venues until its form improves.
LET’S CONQUER – Slow to begin.
BIG ARJAY – Overraced outside the lead during the middle stages.
TOO HOT TO HOLD – Jockey  A. Allen was reprimanded for excessive whip use prior to the 100m.  Jockey Allen dropped his whip after passing the 100m.
Race 5: Malt Shovel Taphouse Benchmark 75 H’cap – 1400m
TOAN THANG – Stewards acceded to a request from trainer G. Stockdale to declare the horse a late scratching at 11 am due to a family emergency.
BERNIE’S TIGER – Began awkwardly.
Race 6: Landsborough Hotel Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1600m
EIRA – Jockey R. Palmer was reprimanded for his whip use prior to the 100m.
BETTER ETHICS – Stewards questioned jockey J. Bayliss regarding the tactics he adopted from the 600m when after passing the 500m he commenced to shift out in an attempt to force MAYBACH wider on the track in order to secure clear running, which he was unsuccessful in doing so and as a result his mount was held up for clear running until leaving the 200m when in the early stages of the home straight an opportunity existed for him to improve on the fence inside the leader, ELRA. Jockey Bayliss stated at the 500m he was of the opinion his mount was travelling much better than the horse directly to his outside, which was MAYBACH. He was therefore of the view that as no run presented to him at this stage he elected to attempt to shift wider.  He did add however, in hindsight, that a run had commenced to open at the 400m and  he accepted that he would have been better served waiting for that run on the fence. Stewards whilst of the view that  it had been an error, they were not satisfied that it was an error that could be held  culpable under the rules and took no further action.
YABA DABL DOYA – When questioned as to the tactics adopted in settling outside the lead, which was not the horse’s established racing pattern, jockey N. Fazackerley stated it had been his intention to be in a position midfield or worse with cover, however in the early stages his horse commenced to overrace and rather than continue fighting the gelding  allowed the horse to stride forward to a position outside the lead. Stewards accepted the explanation.
Race 7: Chaps Menswear Class 1 H’cap 1400m
INFINITE ADVANTAGE – Trainer D. Jones was fined $100 for failing to declare a rider for the horse by the prescribed time.
HELSUN – Slow to begin. During the early stages of the home straight commenced to race erratically and laid in.
INFINITE ADVANTAGE – Buffeted between runners on jumping away and as a result lost ground. Finished tailed off.  A post race veterinary examination found the horse to have been galloped on on the near foreleg.
QUEEN OF THE NIGHT – Was severely tightened for room at the start and lost ground.
BETTER THAN GROOVY - Was severely tightened for room at the start and lost ground.
WINERIES – Tightened for room on jumping away.
SHINSHINTO – Jumped away awkwardly, tightening runners to the inside.

Race 8: TAB Class 1 H’cap – 1000m
EL PRADOS – Trainer B. Healey was fined $200 for failing to declare a rider for the horse by the prescribed time.  Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and  in the early stages of the home straight, and then disappointed for a run near the 300m and remained held up until the 200m.
RED HANA – Had difficulty securing clear running near the 300m and again near the 100m.
CANDY FLOSS – Raced wide.
AQUAJAK – Raced wide.
HAUNTED HOUSE – Raced 4 wide without cover.
BETTER THAN MAGIC – Jockey B. Stewart was asked to comment on the performance of his mount, which was below market expectation. He stated that he was obliged to settle 3 deep outside the lead without cover, which, in his opinion, had a detrimental effect on the horse’s overall performance. However he was also disappointed with the horse’s finishing effort.   A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities and a swab sample was taken.  
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.                   Stuart Kendrick – Trainer – Late rider Salbris - $200 – LR67
Race 7.                   David Jones – Trainer – Late rider Infinite Advantage –$100 -  LR67
Race 8.                   Bill Healey – Trainer – Late rider El Prados - $200 – LR67
Race 3.                   Jim Byrne – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)
Race 4.                   Anthony Allen – Jockey – Excessive whip use – AR132(7)(a)
Race 6.                   Rikki Palmer – Jockey  - Excessive whip use – AR132(7)(a)
Absent jockeys
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners,  Aiolos, Better Than Magic
Horses swabbed pre-race
Endless Sizzle, I Am Sumi, Clouds, One For Betty, Infinite Advantage, California Honey
Race 2.         Queen Sweeper – Hung out/Lame off hindleg – Vet. Clearance/trial  - AR20(e)
Race 4.         Make Amends – Significantly slow to begin/finished distant last – Barred from TAB venues until form improvement – AR20(e)
Race 3.         Devine Kingdom – 3 month bar from racing – AR53A
Race 3.         Zebedabadoo – Finished a distant last – Warning regarding competitiveness 
Late Scratchings
Race 5.         Toan Thang – 11 am
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
(Issued subject to correction upon revision)