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Townsville Turf Club

Townsville Provincial

Sun 27 Oct Good 4


True Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen Not available

Nil last 24hrs, 1mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 30mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:03AM Monday 28 October
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 27/10 - 7:45am


Tue 22/10/19 11:00am


Wed 23/10/19 03:00pm


Thu 24/10/19 10:00am


Thu 24/10/19 12:00pm


Sun 27/10/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6






Chairman of Stewards – P. Gillard
Stewards – C. Warren, D. Lane, P. Warren
Clerk of Scales – R. Pendreigh
Judge – J. Carter, M. Bates
Veterinarian – Dr D. Viero
Swab attendants – A. Lee
Bookmaker Supervisor - Stewards
Starter – J. Cullen


Trainers B. Williams, G. Caught and S. Adams were all reprimanded and reminded of their obligations to ensure that all riders were declared by the prescribed times.

Race 1: Carlton & United Breweries Pallarenda Stakes QTIS 2yo Colts – 1000m

MARVELLOUS HEART – Slow to begin.

WATERWAY – Brushed by another runner soon after the start and shifted wider, losing ground.

THE BLOCK – Began awkwardly. Raced greenly throughout and finished tailed off. A post- race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. Trainer A. Bailey advised stewards that the colt would now undergo a gelding operation. He was nevertheless advised that a warning would be placed on the horse’s racing manners.

Race 2: TTC Apprentice Jockey Of The Year ‘Amanda Thomson’ Maiden H’cap – 1200m

SEAMAD – Was declared a late scratching at 1.46 pm by order of the stewards when rider M. Murphy was unable to make the weight and no other suitable rider was available.
On the announcement of correct weight, all monies invested on the horse prior to 1.46 were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable.

1 cent in the dollar on the face value of win bets
1 cent in the dollar on the face value of place bets for the win
2 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
1 cent in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets

At a subsequent inquiry, jockey M. Murphy pleaded guilty to a charge under AR 229 (1) (a), in that he knowingly attempted to deceive the Clerk of Scales by resting his fingers on the scales monitor to weigh out, in an attempt to make the allotted weight until being challenged by a steward to re-weigh and was then found to be 3½ kilograms over his allotted weight. As a result of these actions SEAMAD was declared a late scratching at 1.46 pm when no other suitable rider was available. Stewards suspended the licence of M. Murphy to ride in races for a period of 1 calendar month, to commence at midnight, 5 November 2019 and to expire at midnight, 5 December 2019. Jockey M. Murphy was advised of his appeal rights. Further to that, M. Murphy was replaced as follows: Race 4. Gold Revenge – M. Elliott; Race 6. Green Anchor – M. Haley; Race 7. Going In Style – S. Sheargold.

TIMELESS GREY – Slow to begin.

WAKOOL – Slow to begin.

TIDES OF TOKYO – Began awkwardly and shifted out, tightening runners to its outside. Commenced to over-race for a short distance after the start.

LAST SPIN - Tightened for room by another runner, which shifted out at the start. Raced wide for the majority of the race.

DIEGO BAY – Tightened for room on jumping by other runners which shifted out. Shifted out near the 300m to obtain clear running, inconveniencing another runner. Rider N. Day was reprimanded and advised to be clear when shifting ground.

GALIAZZO – Began awkwardly.

NORWEGIAN WOOD – Bumped by another runner which shifted in leaving the 1000m, becoming unbalanced.

COLONEL PENAGA – Slow to begin. Steadied near the 900m when racing ungenerously. Again was steadied from heels leaving the 600m. Was disappointed for a run when being tightened for room near the 300m, having to be checked.

AGUIAS – Shifted in near the 1000m, bumped another runner. Raced wide for the majority of the race.

TICKET KEEPER – Raced wide for the majority of the race.

DISTRACTED – Raced wide for the majority of the race.

Race 3: TTC Trainer Of The Year ‘Roy Chillemi’ Class 3 H’cap – 1000m

LIEUTENANT DAN – Was fractious in the barriers prior to the start. Shifted out under pressure leaving the 200m, having to be steadied from heels.

FIELDS AVENUE – Jumped outwards at the start, tightening runners to its outside.

SIDTHEKID – Tightened for room on jumping.

KEODOR – Tightened for room on jumping.

DELTA MAGIC – Shifted inwards on jumping, tightening runners to its inside.

COUNTLESS ROCK – Began awkwardly. Raced wide for the majority of the race.

BANK TELLER – Raced wide for the majority of the race.

Race 4: TAB Pallarenda Stakes QTIS 2yo Fillies Maiden Plate – 1000m

GOLD REVENGE – As M. Murphy was unable to make the allotted weight on the horse he was replaced by M. Elliott.

GRACEFUL JEN – Began awkwardly. Raced greenly for the majority of the race.

CINDERELLA ROSE – Slow to begin.

SASSI ASSASSIN – Laid out rounding the home turn. Trainer reported following the race the filly had minor lacerations to both hind legs.

APOLLINE – Made the home turn awkwardly.

GOLD REVENGE – Raced wide for the majority of the race.

ALEYSA’S DREAM – Raced greenly under pressure over the concluding stages.

Race 5: Chris Whiteley Benchmark 69 H’cap – 1200m

AGGARWAL – Slow to begin.

MERCURY BULLET – Began awkwardly and then tightened between runners and lost ground.

PURE HAWK – Over-raced for a short distance near the 1000m.

DREAM I CAN – Commenced to over-race approaching the 1000m and continued to do so for some distance, having to be restrained.

CHEZBLACK – Raced wide for the majority of the race.

NO EFFORT NEEDED – Raced wide for the majority of the race.

BLAZING STEEL – Raced wide for the majority of the race.

Race 6: TTC Horse Of The Year ‘Dalon’ Open H’cap – 1400m

GREEN ANCHOR – As M. Murphy was unable to make the allotted weight on the horse he was replaced by M. Haley.

DURIF – After being slow to begin, shifted out bumping with another runner. Lost its off front plate during running.

PORTMAN – Slow to begin and was then bumped by another runner.

FRIENDLY DRAGON – Slow to begin.

BRACTEATE – Rider P. Cullen pleaded guilty to a charge under AR 132 (7) (a) (ii) in that he used his whip in an excessive manner prior to the 100m. In assessing penalty, stewards took into account P. Cullen’s recent good record in relation to this rule and he was fined the sum of $300.

PERFECT KNOWLEDGE – Trainer G. Bourke pleaded guilty to a charge under AR 100 (1) (a) in that she issued instructions to the rider to ride aggressively on the gelding early and lead, which was in contrast to its previous runs. Miss Bourke was fined $200. A post-race veterinary examination of the gelding, which compounded over the concluding stages, revealed the horse to have sustained a laceration to its near foreleg.

Race 7: The ‘Ride For Abbie’ Class 1 H’cap – 1300m

STRADA GRANDE – Began awkwardly. Restrained from heels near the 800m.

DRAGON PINS – Slow to begin. Raced wide for the majority of the race.

NEWSTEAD – Slow to begin.

CINNABARBOW – Was steadied near the 600m when crowded for room by another runner, which shifted in.

TRIUMPH STAR – Shifted in near the 600m, crowing another runner. Rider W. D’avila was reprimanded and advised to show greater care in similar circumstances. Raced wide for the majority of the race.

CAFFE ROMANO – Raced wide for the majority of the race.


Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 6. Georgie Bourke – Trainer (Perfect Knowledge) – Issue instructions which were contrary to the horse’s past runs – $200 – AR 100 (1) (a)

Peter Cullen – Jockey – Used whip 12 times prior to 100m - $300 – AR132 (7) (a) (ii)

Races 4, 6, 7 Michael Murphy – Overweight, knowingly attempting to deceive Clerk of Scales Race 2, replaced Races 4, 6, 7 – 1 Calendar month –
M/n 5.11.19 to m/n 5.12. 19 – AR 229 (1) (a)

Race 2. Nathan Day – Jockey – C/riding – AR 131 (a)
Race 7. Wanderson D’avila – Jockey – C/riding – AR 131 (a)

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses

Horses swabbed pre-race
Warwick Avenue, Juriff, Cinnabarbow

Horses swabbed post-race
All winners

Race 1. The Block – Raced greenly/finished tailed off - Warning

Late Scratchings
Race 2. Seamad – 1.46 pm
Race 7. Vandross – 12 pm

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1. Molongle Drifter – D. Edmonds
Marvellous Heart – P. Cullen
Race 2. Commentator – C. Whiteley
Seamad – M. Murphy
Tides Of Tokyo – P. Cullen
Race 3. Delta Magic – D. Edmonds
Race 4. Which Lily – P. Cullen
Cinderella Rose – D. Edmonds
Gold Revenge – M. Elliott
Race 5. Pure Hawk – D. Edmonds

(Issued subject to correction upon revision)