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Townsville Turf Club

Townsville Provincial

Sun 22 Dec Good 4


+6m 1000m-W/P; +4m Remainder


Good 4 Pen 4.7


6mm last 24hrs, 54mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:01AM Monday 23 December
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 22/12 - 7:45am
TRACK INFO: Track upgraded from Soft 5 to Good 4 at 8:15am


Tue 17/12/19 11:00am


Wed 18/12/19 03:00pm


Thu 19/12/19 10:00am


Thu 19/12/19 12:00pm


Sun 22/12/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 3, 5, 7

WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING - GOOD 4              RAIL – 6M 1000M-W/POST, 4M REMAINDER       PENETROMETER – 4.7
Chairman of Stewards – P. Gillard
Stewards -  D. Lane, R. Smith, M. Braunberger, B. Pearson
Clerk of Scales – R. Pendreigh
Judge – J. Carter, M. Bates
Veterinarian – Dr D. Viero
Swab attendants – Ms M. Braunberger
Bookmaker Supervisor - Stewards
Starter – J. Cullen
Trainers E. Sewell, S. D’Avila and T. Parry were all reprimaned for failing to declare riders by the prescribed time.
Race 1:  Sky Racing QTIS 2yo H’cap – 1000m
ROYAL RUSKI – Began awkwardly and shifted out abruptly, losing ground.  
TENNESSEE BOY – Laid out for the majority of the race. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
Race 2:  Canadian Club Maiden H’cap – 1200m
YOU’RE IN MY HEART – Jumped outwards at the start, bumping with another runner.
MOSEF – Bumped by another runner on jumping. Raced wide for the majority of the race. On returning to scale the trainer reported the gelding had its tongue over the bit. Trainer M. Geaney advised that in view of today’s performance the gelding would now be sent for a spell and he would experiment with a further gear change prior to its next run. Rider W. O’Connell was fined the sum of $100 in that he used his whip in an excessive manner prior to the 100m. In considering penalty, Stewards took into account his recent good record under this rule.
BUOYANCY – Raced wide in the early and middle stages.
MCKEEGAN – Began awkwardly.
TICKET TO INDIA – Slow to begin. Raced greenly for a short distance after the start.
DREAM PIECE – Bumped on the hindquarters on jumping and became unbalanced. Restrained off heels near the 950m.
BELAR BLUE – Had a tendency to hang out from leaving the 800m until near the 350m. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
MOUNT DUMARESQ – Had difficulty obtaining clear running approaching the winning post.
Race 3: Hygain QTIS 3yo H’cap – 1400m
CRAIGLEA TOPAZ – A prerace veterinary examination of the filly, which competed in a race at Mackay on 21 December 2019, revealed no abnormalities and cleared the horse to start.  Raced wide for the majority of the race.
ZIGGI ROCKS – Began very awkwardly and shifted out, making heavy contact with another runner and lost ground. Rider T. Doyle lost the use of his offside rein for a short distance near the 200m before regaining it.
KWIKILLA – Bumped heavily at the start, and became unbalanced.  
HIT SNOOZE – Over-raced in the early and middle stages.
Race 4: TAB – Download The App Class 3 Plate – 1400m
FERINGO – Slow to begin. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be lame in the off front leg. Trainer R. Long was advised that it a veterinary clearance must be provided before the horse would be permitted to race again.
GOT THE TICKETS – Shifted in a short distance after the start, crowding runners to its inside before being corrected. Rider R. Payne was advised to show greater care in similar circumstances.
DORDOGNE – Forced inwards a short distance after the start bumping with a runner to its inside. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
REGAL REECE – Bumped by another runner a short distance after the start. Shifted wider from the 700m to improve.
HI ZERO – Over-raced in the middle stages.  Tightened for room near the 200m.
TRIUMPH STAR – When attempting a narrow run near the 200m was disappointed and shifted in, bumping with another runner, having to be restrained. Rider P. Cullen was advised to show greater care in similar circumstances.
Race 5: Brown Brothers Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1609m
MUSTARRID – Slow to begin. Raced wide in the early stages.
DO I HAVE TO – Slow into stride.
COUSIN MUSCLES – Shifted in under pressure near the 200m, tightening runners to its inside. Rider P. Romeo was reprimanded and advised to show greater care.
CENTRO SUPERIOR – Steadied when tightened for room near the 200m.
NEWSTEAD – Forced inwards near the 200m, tightening a runner to its inside.
WAS IT WORTH IT – Shifted out under pressure over the concluding stages.
AGILITY – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Race 6: Catch You At Cluden Ratings Band 0-60 – 1609m
MUSIC – Began awkwardly.
STONE PHILOSPHER – Began awkwardly.
DANCING DIVA – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
TEXT ME – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
FANTIZZY GIRL – Lost its near hind plate during running.  
Race 7: Carlton & United Breweries Benchmark 75 H’cap – 1000m
READY ZAIM FIRE – Began awkwardly.
AIRACOBRA – Slow to begin.
SHROUDED – Raced in restricted room for a short distance near the 500m, having to be restrained.
NIGHT ATTIRE – Race wide for the majority of the race.
BON TEMPS – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
FOUR EXCEL – Raced wide for the majority of the race without cover.
Race 8: Christmas At Cluden Ratings Band 0-60 H’cap – 1000m
POWERS OF DIVAS – Jumped outwards at the start, bumping with another runner.
SPIRIT’S SILK – Jumped inwards at the start, bumped with another runner.
DELTA MAGIC – Reared on jumping, losing considerable ground and taking no competitive part in the race. Trainer B. Williams was advised that the horse must obtain a further barrier certificate before being permitted to start again.
GOTTA MINUTE – Faltered during the race, being retired from the event near the 200m. Due to the severe injury to its near-side front leg the mare was euthanized on humane grounds
CHEEKY REWARD – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
OWENS – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
BOLLENTE – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Summary of action concerning licensees
W. O’Connell – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m/some consecutive – $100
Trainers – T. Parry, S. D’Avila, E. Sewell – Late declaration of riders. LR 67 (1) (3)  
Race 5.          Pietro Romeo – Jockey – Careless riding – AR131 (a). Shifted in when not clear.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners. 
Race 4.          Feringo – Lame off front leg – Vet. Clearance – AR 20 (e)
Race 8.          Delta Magic – Reared at start taking no competitive part in race – B/cert – AR 20
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.          McKeegan     M. Gray
Race 3.          Idle Jack        P. Romeo
Race 4.          Got TheTickets         R. Payne
Race 6.          Text Me          C. Whiteley
Race 7.          Ready Zaim Fire      J. Felix
Race 8.          Cheeky Reward        Z. White
                      Power of Divas         W. D’Avila
                      Gotta Minute            R. Payne
                           (Issued subject to correction upon revision)