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Toowoomba Turf Club

Toowoomba Provincial

Sat 07 May Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 4.3

Nil last 24hrs, 9mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 8mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 3:26PM Sunday 08 May
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 7/5 - 7:45am. Late Rider R2 N14


Mon 02/05/16 11:00am


Tue 03/05/16 03:00pm


Thu 05/05/16 09:30am


Thu 05/05/16 01:30pm


Sat 07/05/16 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 3, 5






Chairman of Stewards – R. Hitchener
Stewards – J. Childs, L. Carvosso, T. Reed
Betting Steward – Club
Clerk of Scales – Club
Judge – Club
Veterinarian – P. McAuliffe
Swab attendants – A. Jones, J. Skinner
Starter – P. Brennan
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski


The start of this race was delayed when a number of horses, which were having their first start, proved somewhat difficult to load.

TISANI GREY – Tightened for room shortly after the start. Stewards questioned apprentice H. English in relation to the horse’s performance. Apprentice English advised that after beginning reasonably, the horse failed to muster the necessary speed to obtain a forward position, which she attributed to the horse racing greenly. She added that whilst on face value the run may have appeared disappointing, she felt the horse’s work over the concluding stages of the event would suggest it would be better suited in races over a further distance than tonight’s event. Stewards noted the explanation.

BRAND WORKS – Raced four wide without cover.

EVE’S JET – Raced wide without cover.

ROCK ON SKYE – Began awkwardly and shifted out, bumping another runner.

SAYKRID LADY – Tightened for room at the start and lost ground.

STRIDE OF PRIDE – Hung out during the middle stages and shifted wider on the track rounding the home turn.

WHAT A SMILE – On returning to scale K. Yoshida reported that he lost the nearside iron on jumping away.

DRUNK IN LOVE – Inclined to lay out from the 500m.


CHARLES THE THIRD – Had to be checked near the 1400m when tightened for room by other runners that were taken in by GALWAY TOWN (J. Hodge), which shifted in when insufficiently clear. Apprentice J. Hodge pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) and his licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence at midnight on Saturday 7 May and expire at midnight on Sunday 15 May 2016.

I AM THE WARRIOR – Tightened for room near the 1400m. Apprentice L. Tilley was fined $100 for using the whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.

SUMMER SONG – Slow to begin. On returning to scale N. Tomizawa reported that his mount travelled comfortably in the early stages of the event, however after receiving a heavy bump by another runner the horse became unbalanced and as a result of this he settled further back in the field than he anticipated. Jockey Tomizawa added that from that point the mare travelled only fairly and when placed under pressure failed to respond to his riding and proved somewhat disappointing.

GALWAY TOWN – Raced wide in the early and middle stages.

BRUBAKER – Raced wide throughout.

CHANGE OF LUCK – Near the 800m steadied to avoid the heels of GALLIVANTER CAT (L. Attard), which shifted in when not fully clear. Apprentice Attard was reprimanded. Momentarily steadied approaching the home turn. When questioned, apprentice M. Murphy advised that after beginning well he obtained the leading position, however at the 800m he allowed another runner to cross his mount. Apprentice Murphy added that from that point the horse proved one-paced and failed to sprint as he expected and ran on only fairly in the home straight. Apprentice Murphy further added that bearing in mind the manner in which the horse finished the race off, in his opinion it may have been a better option maintaining the leading position rather than allowing his mount to be crossed. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.

AHA I SEE – Tightened for room near the 1400m.

FEYTALISTIC – Slow to begin.

Race 3: NUTURF BM80 H'CAP – 1625M

The start of this race was delayed to hold for an interstate harness event in progress.

DAZZLING HALO – Raced with its head in the air for a short distance whilst being restrained after passing the 1400m.

ELEGIES – Raced wide with cover.

STORMY GREY – Connections advised that from the wide barrier the gelding would be ridden in a forward position if circumstances permit. Began somewhat awkwardly and failed to muster early speed. Forced wider on the track by another runner shortly after obtaining a position one off the fence and as a result raced three wide without cover for the remainder of the event.

GOLDONI – Raced keenly in the early and middle stages.


FAR NORTH – Raced keenly in the early stages.

JOHNNY BE QUICK – Hung out rounding the home turn.

DON’T TELL MAMA – Began awkwardly and as a result settled further back in the field than anticipated. Held up and unable to improve from the 500m until passing the 200m.

KID CRUIZE – Bumped passing the 600m.

BLUE STAR – Laid in during the early and middle stages of the event. Shifted out and bumped another runner passing the 600m.

WAR FRONT – Slow into stride.

ALL APPLES – Tightened for room shortly after the start. Raced wide without cover throughout.

WESTERN BELLE – Momentarily steadied to avoid heels near the 1000m. Steadied when awkwardly placed at the heels of another runner after passing the 600m.


The start of this race was delayed to hold for an interstate harness event in progress.

FIERCELY DEFIANT – Raced with its head in the air whilst being restrained after passing the 1000m. Hung out rounding the home turn.

STORM CRAZY – Bumped heavily at the start.

SELFIE – Began very awkwardly and shifted in, making heavy contact with another runner.

PINBALL DAWN – Stewards questioned apprentice H. English regarding her riding of the horse and the tactics adopted. Apprentice English advised that she was instructed to ride the horse quietly tonight and as a result after beginning well she restrained the horse to a position at the tail of the field. She added that whilst being restrained PINBALL DAWN threw its head in the air and as a result lost some ground and as a consequence settled a number of lengths from the main body of the field. Apprentice English went on to say that from the 700m the horse improved strongly into the race and ran on well over the concluding stages. Having had the opportunity to review the film, apprentice English agreed with the view of the Stewards that she erred in excessively restraining PINBALL DAWN in the early stages rather than allowing her mount to stride forward sooner than she did, which would have resulted in her racing in a position closer to the main body of the field. However, bearing in mind her status as an apprentice, Stewards took the matter no further other than to refer this ride to Racing Queensland’s Riding Skills Panel for tutelage. As trainer K. Kemp was not present at tonight’s meeting, he will be questioned at a later date with respect to the instructions issued and if in fact they were to ride the horse contrary to its customary racing pattern, whether he was in breach of the rules for failing to notify a change of tactics.


Stewards accepted the explanation tendered by trainer B. Azel for the late declaration of apprentice T. Brooker as the rider of FOR ME ARGENTINA.

FLINCH – Slow to begin and then was further hampered at the start when forced to ease to avoid the heels of HE’S A WITNESS.

KAVALONG – Improved on to the heels of a tiring runner approaching the 300m and was forced to shift out abruptly. Stewards inquired into the circumstances surrounding jockey S. Apthorpe returning to scale 400 grams lighter than the weight at which he weighed out. Whilst at scale, when asked for a reason as to the discrepancy, jockey Apthorpe indicated that a towel, which formed part of his packing, was missing from the gear which he weighed with. Stewards therefore questioned trainer P. Sexton who advised that upon an inspection of the tie-up stalls after the race he notice the towel which, due to an oversight, was left off when the horse was saddled. Mr Sexton pleaded guilty to a charge under AR. 140A of negligence in saddling and was fined $400. In assessing penalty, Stewards took into account this was Mr Sexton’s first breach under this rule over a lengthy period of training and that this negligence did not necessitate in the horse needing to be disqualified as the rider weighed in within the acceptable tolerance under the rules.

SABA LASS – Forced to steady when placed in restricted room approaching and passing the 800m.

VOYAGE OF DREAMS – Slow to begin.

HEART OF A REBEL – Raced wide throughout.


Trainer T. Sears was fined $100 for the late declaration of apprentice B. Newport as the rider of MATILDARE.

CAPTAIN’S SON – Laid out rounding the home turn.

MICKEY DAZZLER – Tightened severely at the start and lost ground. Raced wide throughout.

OPTIMISTIC HEART – Tightened severely at the start and lost ground. N. Tomizawa was reminded of his obligations regarding the use of the whip on horses that are out of contention.

MATILDARE – Raced wide throughout.

MRS MONASHEE – Laid in in the home straight and proved difficult to ride out.

WINSOME SAM – N. Nishio was reprimanded for using the whip in consecutive strides prior to the 100m.

LOPE ME GENTLY – Momentarily held up rounding the home turn.


Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 2. App. L. Attard – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 7. N. Nishio – use whip consecutive strides prior to 100m – AR.137A(5)(a)(i)

Race 2. App. L. Tilley - $100 – use whip 7 times prior to the 100m – AR.137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 6. Tnr. P. Sexton - $400 – negligence in saddling – AR. 140A
Race 7. Tnr. T. Sears - $100 – late rider declaration – LR. 67

Race 2. App. J. Hodge – careless riding – 8 days (7.5.16 – 15.5.16) – AR. 137(a)

Adjourned inquiries
Race 5. PINBALL DAWN – tactics

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses

Horses swabbed pre-race
Charles The Third, Summer Song, Maddy’s Girl, Dazzling Halo, Goldoni

Horses swabbed post-race
All winners

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2. FEYTALISTIC – J. Oliver
Race 5 SELFIE – B. Stower
Race 6 FOR ME ARGENTINA – T. Brooker
Race 7 MATILDARE – B. Newport

Late scratchings

Published subject to correction upon revision