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Toowoomba Turf Club

Toowoomba Provincial

Sat 27 Jul Good 4


+2 metres entire


Good 4 Pen 4.6


8mm last 24hrs, 22mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:07AM Sunday 28 July
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 27/7 - 7:45am. Late Scr R8 No 8, Rider Rpl: R1 No 8 & 13


Mon 22/07/19 11:00am


Tue 23/07/19 03:00pm


Thu 25/07/19 09:00am


Thu 25/07/19 12:00pm


Sat 27/07/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 6, 7

TRACK RATING – GOOD 4                     
Chairman of Stewards – C. Albrecht
Stewards – L. Carvosso, P. Reardon, T. Preston
Clerk of Scales – Club
Judge – S. Fahey, B. Poelstra
Veterinarian – Dr. G. Silvestri
Swab Attendants – R. Burchmann, T. Prebble
Starter – P. Brennan
Jockeys Advocate – B. Saunders
Stewards Secretary – M. Weir
Race 1: HYGAIN CLASS 3 H’CAP – 1300M
MAIL ESCORT – Whilst racing 3 wide in the early stages, the gelding was allowed to improve forward to obtain a leading position near the 800m.
FACTORY WARRIOR – Eased near the 1100m to avoid the heels of BRUTUS (App. M. Wishart) which shifted in when not completely clear. Apprentice Wishart was advised to exercise more care when shifting ground.
GETS SMOKIN’ – Slow to begin. Raced greenly throughout. Lost the near fore plate in running.
RED WEDDING – As K. Yoshida was dually engaged in this race, C. Eaton was substituted as the rider of RED WEDDING. Stewards accepted jockey Yoshida’s explanation regarding the dual engagement. Began awkwardly and lost ground. Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
INKULU – Shifted in under pressure in the home straight.
GOLFING – Stewards accepted Trainer R. Hay’s explanation regarding the late declaration of N. Thomas as rider.
LAST ROUND – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Raced extremely wide in the early stages and was restrained to obtain a position with cover at the rear of the field.
SOLID ASSET – Raced 3 wide with cover throughout.
CARD TRICKS – Eased when tightened for room shortly after the start.
EVAMAC – Bumped heavily on the hindquarters shortly after the start and became unbalanced. Inconvenienced by the weakening LAST ROUND whilst rounding the home turn. Stewards questioned Apprentice M. Savva and Trainer E. Ropiha in relation to the tactics adopted. Apprentice Savva advised that, from the wide barrier, her instructions were to obtain a position at the rear of the field with cover. Mr. Ropiha confirmed these instructions and advised that he had issued similar instructions in the past, however at its previous starts from inside barriers the mare had settled closer to the speed than anticipated. Stewards reminded Mr. Ropiha of his obligation to advise Stewards prior to the race of any intended change of tactics.
GLENBAWNS DUTCHESS – Shifted out at the start and made contact with LUKEY DEE. Raced 3 wide with cover throughout. When questioned by Stewards regarding the seemingly disappointing performance, jockey C. Eaton advised that the mare began fairly, and after travelling well throughout the race failed to respond over the final 600m. She added that the mare may not have backed up from its last race start at Gatton and, in her opinion, it may be better suited with its races spaced out in the future. Stewards noted the explanation. A post-race veterinary examination of the mare revealed no apparent abnormalities.
LUKEY DEE – Bumped at the start. Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
JACKO’S A NATURAL – Severely hampered when tightened for room shortly after the start.
NOREENA – Raced 3 wide with cover throughout.
HIGH CALL – Severely hampered when tightened for room shortly after the start.
REAL PATRIOT – Stewards questioned Trainer T. Sears in relation to the seemingly improved performance of the gelding which had been well supported in betting. Mr. Sears advised that the gelding has always shown good ability, and he was unable to offer any explanation for its previous disappointing performances. He added that after a spell, the gelding had been impressive in a recent barrier trial which it won by a considerable distance, and he had therefore expected a forward showing today. Stewards noted the explanation.
JACK OF SPADES – Slow to begin.
DUBLE MEANING – Began awkwardly and lost considerable ground. Faulted badly near the 400m and was retired from the race. The veterinary surgeon reported that the horse had sustained a major fracture to its off fore fetlock and was euthanased on humane grounds. Blood and urine samples were taken.
Stewards inquired into an incident near the 500m which resulted in TYCOON PLAYER (App. N. Fazackerley) and MISS MAKEPEACE (N. Nishio) being tightened for room and having to be steadied away from the heels of CONQUERMORE (R. Goltz). After taking evidence from all riders and viewing the patrol footage, Stewards established that near the 500m, CONQUERMORE, after obtaining cover behind ALLEVIATOR, commenced to hang in despite the efforts of its rider causing interference to TYCOON PLAYER and MISS MAKEPEACE. Stewards were satisfied that the racing manners of CONQUERMORE was the major contributing factor to the interference, and that it was not the result of any carelessness on the part of any one rider. Trainer D. Groves was advised that a warning will be placed on the horse’s racing manners.
The start of this race was delayed when COALBANK CAVIAR, which became fractious upon loading, lunged forward and made contact with the front of barriers. The gelding underwent a veterinary examination, and was passed fit to start. The start was further delayed when COALBANK CAVIAR had to be resaddled prior to being reloaded into the barriers.
Prior to the declaration of correct weight, Stewards permitted jockey Beau Appo, the rider of 4th placegetter THE BUMBLEBEE, to view the Stewards' patrol footage shortly after the start to ascertain whether he had grounds to lodge an objection. After viewing the film, jockey Appo indicated that he did not wish to proceed and correct weight was declared on the judge’s semaphored numbers.
ARDOYNE ROAD – Shifted in shortly after the start and bumped COALBANK CAVIAR. Raced wide throughout. Jockey E. Ljung reported that the filly was under pressure for the majority of the race, and it was unable to maintain a forward position. She added that, in her opinion, the filly would be better suited when racing over further distances than that of today’s race. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no apparent abnormalities.
SECLUDE – Steadied and forced inwards when awkwardly placed at the heels of MAN IN MOTION which shifted in when not completely clear near the 700m. Apprentice A. Thompson, the rider of MAN IN MOTION, in the presence of jockeys advocate Mr. B Saunders, was found guilty of a charge of careless riding under AR. 131(a) in that near the 700m he failed to make sufficient effort to prevent his mount from shifting in which resulted in SECLUDE being awkwardly placed at heels, and having to be steadied and forced inwards. In this incident, GOLDEN STREET and LETITRIPPOTATOCHIP, which were racing to the inside of SECLUDE, also had to be checked. Apprentice Thompson’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 13  days, to commence at midnight on Monday 5 August 2019, being the expiration of a pending period of suspension, and expire at midnight on Sunday 18 August 2019.
THE BUMBLEBEE – Steadied when tightened for room at the start between SECLUDE and MAN IN MOTION.
GOLDEN STREET – Severely checked when tightened for room near the 700m and, as a result, lost ground.
LETITRIPPOTATOCHIP – Checked when tightened for room near the 700m.
COALBANK CAVIAR – Bumped shortly after the start. Laid in under pressure in the home straight placing its rider at a disadvantage.
JAKAMA – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Shifted in under pressure over the concluding stages, and then had to shift out to avoid heels near the 50m.
PANIAGUA – Raced wide throughout.
WHITTERICK – Momentarily held up rounding the home turn.
ANNAZA – Began awkwardly, and then shifted in abruptly shortly after the start.
CALL ME STIRLING – As Apprentice B. Nothdurft was riding at another venue, he was unable to arrive on course to fulfil his engagement, and Apprentice N. Fazackerley was substituted as rider.
DANINA – Reared as the start was effected and lost ground.
MOCKING – Raced wide in the early stages before obtaining a position outside the leader passing the 800m.
The start of this race was delayed when BAY OF DRAGONS proved difficult to load. Trainer G. Cornish was advised that a warning will be placed on the filly for its barrier manners.
FAKE TAN – Tightened for room and checked shortly after the start when PUMP ACTION shifted in. Raced wide without cover from the 500m. B. Powell, the rider of PUMP ACTION, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 131(a) in that he failed to make sufficient effort a short distance after the start to prevent his mount from shifting in resulting in FAKE TAN being tightened for room and having to be checked. In this incident BAY OF DRAGONS, which was racing to the inside of FAKE TAN, was awkwardly placed at heels and steadied. Jockey Powell’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence at midnight on Saturday 27 July and expire at midnight on Sunday 4 August 2019. In determining penalty, Stewards took into consideration jockey Powell’s guilty plea, and his prior good record in relation to this rule.
BAY OF DRAGONS – Had to be eased near the 200m when inconvenienced by SGURR MOR.
BARTA LINES – Stood flat-footed as the start was effected and lost considerable ground and, as a result, trailed the field throughout and took no competitive part in the race. Trainer G. Blake was advised that the gelding must barrier trial to the satisfaction of Stewards prior to resuming racing.
PUMP ACTION – Raced wide in the early stages before obtaining cover near the 600m.
COMPLETE TRUST – After obtaining a position with cover on the rail behind the leaders in the early stages, the gelding commenced to overrace and proved difficult to settle and, as a result, shifted out abruptly and then continued to overrace whilst racing wide on the track and was allowed to improve forward to obtain a leading position near the 1200m. Trainer T. Dougall will be advised that a warning will be placed on the gelding’s racing manners.
I KNOW YVES – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Raced ungenerously whilst approaching the winning post on the first occasion, and had to be steadied from heels. Had to be steadied near the 800m when awkwardly placed at the heels of KEYHOLE which shifted in abruptly whilst overracing.
NOBLE ARTIST – Began awkwardly, and shifted out making contact with FILTERS.
SCILAGO – Commenced to overrace approaching the winning post on the first occasion, and had to be restrained after improving onto heels.
KEYHOLE – Tightened for room at the start after being slow to begin.
FILTERS – Bumped at the start.
SANTARENE – Apprentice S. Tomlinson reported that the filly, which settled at the rear of the field, may not have been suited to the tight track and found the line only fairly. He added that, in his opinion, the filly would be better suited on a wider track.
The start of this race was delayed when SURPRISE SELECTION proved difficult to load. Trainer J. Williams was advised that a warning will be placed on the horse’s barrier manners.
LEWCALA – Slow to begin and lost ground, and then trailed the field throughout. Trainer M. Boland was advised that in light of the performance today, the gelding will be prevented from racing at TAB meetings until such time as its form improves at country venues.
RED LINES – Declared a late scratching by Stewards at 8.15am.
SPARMAN – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4. App. A. Thompson – careless riding – 13 days (m/n 05.08.19 – m/n 18.08.19) – AR. 131(a)
Race 6. B. Powell – careless riding – 8 days (m/n 27.07.19 – m/n 04.08.19) – AR. 131(a)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Noble Artist
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Mail Escort, Blaine, Conquermore, Classic Pearl, Duble Meaning
Race 3. CONQUERMORE – racing manners – warning AR. 20(e)
Race 6. BAY OF DRAGONS – barrier manners – warning – AR. 20(e)
Race 6. BARTA LINES – uncompetitive – barrier trial – AR. 20(e)
Race 7. COMPLETE TRUST – racing manners – warning – AR. 20(e)
Race 8. SURPRISE SELECTION – barrier manners – warning – AR. 20(e)
Race 8. LEWCALA – barred to country venues until form improves – AR. 20(e)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.           RED WEDDING - Cecily Eaton
                        INKULU - App. Zoe White
Race 2.           GOLFING - Nathan Thomas
                        LAST ROUND - App. Noriyuki Masuda
Race 4.           BROWN LINES - App. Nathan Fazackerley
Race 5.           CALL ME STIRLING – App. Nathan Fazackerley
Late scratchings
Race 8.          RED LINES – 8.15am
Published subject to correction upon revision