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Toowoomba Turf Club

Toowoomba Provincial

Sat 16 Oct Soft 5


+3.5m Entire Course


Soft 5 Pen 5.1

Nil last 24hrs, 62mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:24AM Sunday 17 October
Last Track Rating Update: Races 3-7 postponed due to safety concerns.


Mon 11/10/21 11:00am


Tue 12/10/21 03:00pm


Thu 14/10/21 09:00am


Thu 14/10/21 12:00pm


Sat 16/10/21 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 4, 6, 7

WEATHER – Fine   TRACK RATING – Soft 5  RAIL – 3.5m Entire
Chairman of Stewards – B.Cooke
Stewards – J. Childs, P. Kennedy, R. Hanson, D, McDonald.
Clerk of Scales – A. Cuckson.
Judge – S. Fahey, M. Fahey.
Veterinarian – Dr G. Johnson.
Swab Attendants – R. Burchmann.
Starter – C. Wallace
Stewards excepted the explanation given by Apprentice J. Molloy why he failed to fulfill his riding engagement on COSSIE at Gatton on the 30/09/21.
At Toowoomba on the 2/10/21 BELLITA sustained an injury to its pelvis which was reported by Trainer/Jockey N. Evans. He also reported the horse will be spelled.
Following the running of race two, club officials notified the stewards that numerous lights located between the 1600m and the 1300m had malfunctioned. Due to this, stewards delayed the remaining events so that the club had sufficient time to fix the issue. The lighting was subsequently restored at 7:20pm. Following the lighting being restored, Stewards heard concerns from the majority of the riding delegation as they were of the opinion that the remaining events would proceed too late into the evening, and as a result, expressed concern for their safety and fatigue. After offering solutions to ensure a timely completion of the meeting, the delegation of riders opted to withdraw their services, therefore leaving stewards without any option but to postpone the remaining events.
Jockey S. Bogenhuber pleaded guilty to a charge of improper conduct under AR228(b) in that when present in the stewards room of the Toowoomba Turf Club on Saturday 16th October 2021, she directed offensive and obscene language towards a steward. Jockey Bogenhuber was subsequently fined $1000, $500 of which is to be wholly suspended for a period of two years. Jockey Bogenhuber was advised of her right to an internal review.
Race 1: GARDEN FINANCIAL SERVICES RATINGS BAND 0 - 58 Handicap 1110metres
SNAP ON - Began awkwardly and raced three wide without cover for the majority of the race.
HERECUM DA DRUMS - Began awkwardly. Had to be steadied near the 150m when GLOBAL FACTOR shifted out.Apprentice A. Jones, the rider of GLOBAL FACTOR received a reprimand for careless riding under AR 131(a).
GLOBAL FACTOR- Steadied from heels leaving the 550m. Raced in restricted room approaching the 400m. Approaching the 300m, shifted out to avoid the heels of OUR BOY BORRIS which shifted in marginally. Stewards inquired into the tactics adopted in the home straight by apprentice A. Jones, expressing concerns as to why she failed to take a run between OVIDIOUS and FRENCH OCEAN at a point approaching the 200m. Apprentice Jones stated that just prior this point, when trailing OVIDIOUS, she elected to shift to the outside to obtain clear running. She further added that at that point, when looking back to see whether she was sufficiently clear of runners to her outside, she failed to see the run present itself. Stewards advised Apprentice Jones that by not taking the run that presented itself following her shift to the outside, she erred in judgment. After viewing the available patrol footage, Apprentice Jones agreed with stewards. Stewards took no further action in relation to this incident and accepted Apprentice Jones’s explanation bearing in mind her inexperience as an apprentice.
SET TO GO WELL - Raced in restricted room approaching the 400m when SNAP ON shifted in marginally. Apprentice Cornish (SNAP ON) was advised by Stewards to exercise more care. Approaching the 300m, was placed in restricted room and was forced to ease when GLOBAL FACTOR shifted out to avoid heels.
OUR BOY BORRIS - Began awkwardly making contact with the inside barrier partition. Raced keenly in the early stages. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
Race 2: TOTALLY WORKWEAR BENCHMARK 70 Handicap 1300 metres
The declaration of correct weight was delayed when the connections of THE HAND made application to be declared a non-runner alleging that the straps on the barrier blanket, stayed connected to the horse on jumping. After viewing the available patrol footage, it was evident that upon jumping the barrier blanket failed to completely detach from the gelding and as a result the horse tailed the field in the early stages before the strap unattached at a point leaving the 1000m. Although stewards were of the opinion that this incident affected the horses performance, as the gelding was placed fourth by the judge, stewards were unable to declare the horse a non-runner under the provisions of AR204(1).
THE HAND - Slow to begin. Laid in throughout the middle stages. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant abnormalities.
BROKEN HERO - Began awkwardly.
LOVE YERS ALL - Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
DRAGON MISS - Began awkwardly.
BY THE LAW - Began awkwardly.
TREASURE OF GOLD - Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
Summary of action concerning licensees
R1 – Angela Jones – AR 131(a) - Careless riding.
R1– Apprentice M. Savva - $500. AR132(7)(a)(ii) Use of the whip 6 times before the 100m.
R2 – Trainer N. Stewart - $200. Late rider notification. LR67(1).
R2 – Jockey S. Bogenhuber - $1000 with $500 wholly suspended for 2 years – AR 228(b) improper conduct.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
R2 – BROKEN HERO - Ms Wendy Peel
R5 – TREMENDOUS - Ms Isabella
Late scratchings
R5 - Savviness – Stewards @ 2.11pm
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to an internal or external review.  The outcome of any internal review is published on the Commission’s website immediately after the release of the internal review decision to the Applicant.  External reviews are managed by QCAT, and are not published on the Commission’s website. 
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.