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Toowoomba Turf Club

Toowoomba Provincial

Sat 16 Dec Good 4


+5m Entire


Good 4 Pen 5.8

4mm last 24hrs, 4mm last 7 days

5mm last 24hrs, 49mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 9:16AM Sunday 17 December
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 16/12 - 7:45am / Rider Replacement Race 3 No. 1


Mon 11/12/23 11:00am


Tue 12/12/23 03:00pm


Thu 14/12/23 09:00am


Thu 14/12/23 12:00pm


Sat 16/12/23 07:30am

Late Nominations

None set

WEATHER – Overcast/Showers         TRACK RATING –          Good 4         RAIL – Out 5m the entire
Chairman of Stewards – C. Warren
Stewards – J. Childs & E. Tickner
Clerk of Scales – F. Hartford
Judge – S. Fahey & B. Polestra
Veterinarian – Dr C. Bowden-Betts & Dr C. Ramsay
Swab Attendants – J. Pedofsky
Starter – B. Mallory & C. Higgins
Race 6: QR LEGENDS BENCHMARK 68 HANDICAP (1200m) – Ipswich Friday, 15 December 2023
HEROIC MISS- App T. Fenlon pleaded guilty to a charge pursuant to AR131(a) for careless riding in that from the 900m until a point leaving the 800m she did permit her mount to shift in when insufficiently clear of GET WHAT YOU GIVE, causing that runner to be tightened for room, restrained and shifted in tightening the running of RIGEL STAR. Apprentice T. Fenlon’s license to ride in Races was subsequently suspended for a period of 7 days, commencing 23rd December 2023 up and including 29th December 2023. In arriving at penalty Stewards determined the carelessness and degree of interference to be in the low-mid range, whilst also considering App Fenlons good record in relation to the rule, her status as an apprentice and her guilty plea to be mitigating factors. App Fenlon was advised of her right to an appeal.
GET WHAT YOU GIVE- Trainer A Campton advised that the gelding had pulled up only fairly following its disappointing performance, noting that this was not unusual for the gelding not having the strongest of constitutions. Mr Campton further stated that the veterinary surgeon would be attending the gelding on Monday 18th December and would advise should anything become apparent regard the performance subsequent to that.
As Jockey K. Yoshida was indisposed due to illness, Stewards permitted rider changes as per the race day summary. Jockey Yoshida was advised that he would require a medical clearance prior to race riding again.
The start of the race was delayed when COBURG threw a near-hind plate on exiting the mounting yard and underwent farrier attention at the barriers. When the plate was unable to be refitted Stewards permitted the removal of the other hind plate and the gelding raced bare behind.
The start of the race was further delayed when the barriers malfunctioned and the Starter signalled a false start. NICCI DE ROSA, COBURG, FLANK SPEED, SUPER THEIF and SPINNING SPIRIT, which were all loaded in the barriers at the time of the false start, were quickly secured by their riders and subsequently underwent veterinary examinations behind the barriers and were passed fit to start.
Declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow Jockey B Loy (SUPER THEIF) the opportunity to view the patrol footage of the concluding stages to ascertain whether grounds for an objection were present. After viewing the footage Jockey Loy elected not to proceed with any objection and correct weight was declared on the Judges semaphored numbers.
TURBOART- Raced wide for the majority.
SKIDDAW- Was declared a late scratching at 2:45pm due to transport difficulties.

SPINNING SPIRIT- Laid in becoming momentarily awkwardly placed on heels near the 350m.
SUPER THIEF (NZ)- Momentarily steadied passing the 850m. Bumped approaching the 400m. Momentarily held up for clear running on entering the home straight before shifting in. Obliged to check and lose its rightful running over the concluding stages.
INCOMPARABLE- Began awkwardly and bumped soon after the start.
TITANS – Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination and passed fit to start. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which revealed the gelding to be exhibiting symptoms of cardiac arrythmia. Trainer R Serverino was advised that as this was the first such occurrence the gelding would require a veterinary clearance inclusive of the result of an ECG and a satisfactory barrier trial prior to again being permitted to start in a race.
NICCI DE ROSA- Momentarily crowded passing the 850m. Bumped the inside running rail approaching the 500m. Bumped approaching the 400m.
COPPER SUNSET- Began awkwardly and bumped soon after. Raced wide with cover for the majority.
FLANK SPEED- Began awkwardly. App S Champkin pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under the provisions of AR131(a) in that over the concluding stages she did permit her mount to shift in, under riding, when insufficiently clear of SUPER THEIF causing that runner to be checked and lose its rightful running. App CHampkins license to ride in races was subsequently suspended for a period of 12 days to commence 17th December 2023, up to and including 28th December 2023. In determining penalty Stewards determined the carelessness and degree of interference to be in the mid-high range, App Champkins record in relation to the rule, her guilty plea and status as an apprentice. App Champkin was advised of her right to an internal review.
COBURG – Raced bare behind. Following the event Jockey L Tilley advised he had some minor soreness in his left knee.
KWINERN- Raced wide for the majority. App M Kennedy advised that, in her opinion, her mount travelled only fairly throughout the event.
Following the running of the event corrective works were carried out on the barrier electrical systems by an electrician and following subsequent testing was deemed to be in full working order.
The start was delayed when SIGOURNEY shifted a plate in the mounting yard and required Farrier attention. When the plate was unable to be refitted Stewards permitted the removal of the other hind plate and the mare raced bare behind. Trainer K Kemp was reminded of his obligation to ensure all runners are present to race being adequately shod.
MENARI MAGIC- Restrained approaching the 1000m in an effort to obtain cover and a position nearer the inside running rail, obtaining cover leaving the 900m.
UNION SPIRIT- Began awkwardly and was slow into stride, becoming momentarily awkwardly placed on heels soon after. Raced wide from the 800m when shifted wider after laying out.
BY BY BEAN- Raced wide for the majority.
ALFA LILY- Bumped on jumping. Restrained approaching the 1000m in an effort to obtain cover and a position nearer the inside running rail. Held up for clear running rounding the home turn. Shifted ground under pressure down the running.
MIDNIGHT GUN- Bumped on jumping when being momentarily crowded.
SIGOURNEY (NZ)- Raced bare behind.
FLOP TURN RIVER- Momentarily crowded passing the 900m.
CACTUS CAN- Tightened on jumping. Raced wide for the majority.
FALLGUY- Laid out passing the 800m and raced wide from that point.
TOTSPUR- Bumped approaching the 600m.
CHIRRUP- Bumped on jumping. Raced keenly when being restrained in an effort to obtain a position with cover leaving the 900m. Over-raced on heels leaving the 700m, shifted out and bumped approaching the 600m.
CRYPTIC SOUND- Restrained leaving the 900m in an effort to obtain cover and a position nearer the inside running rail but was unable to do so and was posted wide for the majority. Disappointed for a run and was momentarily held up on entering the home straight.
KICKS AND GIGGLES- Fractious in the barrier. Shifted in and bumped. Restrained in the early stages to obtain a position with cover nearer the inside running rail. In doing so lost contact with the field and settled in a trailing position. Laid in under pressure down the running. When queried regarding the tactics App Champkin stated she had restrained early from the wide barrier to obtain a position on the rail which she felt would benefit her mount being s first starter, but concurred with Stewards that she had erred by not pressure her mount slightly to maintain a position closer to the field in the run.
LOST MY NIGHTIE- Bumped on jumping. Raced ungenerously between the 800m and 700m when being restrained from heels.
LITTLEMISSCANCAN- Shifted out and bumped on jumping. After beginning well from the wide barrier was ridden positively in the early stages and settled further forward than may have been expected.
The start of the event was delayed when MCALLAR’S GOLD reared behind the barrier, became unbalanced and fell, dislodging Jockey L Miller and injuring his leg. Jockey Miller was attended to by QAS officers and transported to Hospital for further treatment. Jockey Mmiller was advised he would require a medical clearance prior to again being permitted to ride in races. MCALLAR’S GOLD was subsequently declared a late scratching at 7:20pm with all monies invested on the mare ordered to be refunded and the following deductions applicable to all successful wagers placed prior to 7:20pm;
0cents in the dollar for the win
1cents in the dollar for the place on the winner
2cents in the dollar for 2nd place
2cents in the dollar for 3rd place
Trainer C Allardyce was advised that the mare would be required to trial under race day conditions prior to again being permitted to start in a race.
KITEMA- Began awkwardly and bumped. Performed below market expectations. Jockey A Allen stated that after beginning very awkwardly his mount was inclined to over-race with the blinkers on for the first time but was nonetheless, disappointing when placed under pressure in the home straight. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
RENTA- Momentarily keen on heels passing the 700m.
LA BELLA DIVA- Bumped soon after the start.
TATTLE- Commenced to race keenly when crossed near the 1100m and continued to do so for some distance, over-racing on heels passing the 800m.
INSPIRED DREAM – Connections advised it would be the intention to have the mare ridden more conservatively from the wide barrier. Settled on pace after beginning well from the wide barrier. Raced keenly on heels  near the 900m. Lost a near-side winker passing the 800m.
VAN D'ORO- Stewards permitted App H Gillie to ride the mare without claiming the 1kg of her allowance to her advertised riding weight at the time of acceptances. Began awkwardly. Bumped passing the 1150m.
SEA OF CORTEZ- Restrained in the early stages after beginning well from the wide barrier to obtain a position with cover nearer the inside running rail. Consequently settled further back in the field than may have been expected.
BELACON- Began very awkwardly and was slow into stride. Raced keenly in the early stages when being restrained in an effort to obtain a position with cover nearer the inside running rail. Shifted out around heels to improve on entering the home straight taking another runner wider. Jockey L Tilley was reminded of his obligations to ensure he is fully clear to shift ground in similar circumstances.
BLUEPRINT- Began awkwardly, shifted in and bumped. Became awkwardly placed on heels soon after having to be eased.
ASHMOLEAN- Bumped on jumping.
L'IL BLINX- Compounded from the 100m. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.  
NEW JOY- Shifted out away from heels on entering the home straight.
SUPER FAIR- Crowded on jumping and obliged to ease. Momentarily crowded passing the 800m. Shifted out and away from heels on entering the home straight.
SEVERINE- Bumped on jumping. Bumped the inside running rail near the 900m.
FOREBEARS- As no suitable senior rider was available at the allotted weight Stewards permitted App O Kendall to replace Jockey L Miller as rider of the gelding. Bumped on jumping. App O Kendall dropped her whip leaving the 100m.
DAWN PARTY- Over-raced passing the 1300m when the pace slackened.
FREE CARRY- Bounded in the air as the start was effected and lost ground. Shifted in passing the 1100m momentarily crowding MAGIC IN PARIS. Jockey A Allen was reminded of his obligations as a result of this incident.
ROYAL GEORGE- After being caught wide in the early stages was permitted to stride forward on entering into the back straight and settled outside the leader near the 900m.
VISCOUNT SYDNEY- Over-raced on heels passing the 1300m when the pace slackened.
WITH RESPECT- Held up between the 500m and 350m before being shifted wider to improve.
MAGIC IN PARIS- Momentarily crowded passing the 1100m.
LADY PARVATI- Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
HARBELLE- Shifted in passing the 1700m momentarily crowding MT MORT SHARK. Jockey B Loy was advised to exercise greater care in similar circumstances. Tired noticeably from the 200m. An immediate, as well as a further subsequent post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have a notable cough. Trainer M Currie was advised the mare would require a veterinary clearance with the results of an endoscopic examination prior to again being permitted to start in a race.
SEA TREASURES (NZ)- Raced keenly in the early stages when being restrained in an effort to obtain cover, raced wide until a point to near the 1200m. Was taken wider by another runner 900m and raced wide from that point on.
MAN OF HEART- Slow to begin.
VISUAL ELEMENT- Crowded and obliged to steady passing the 1700m. Shifted into a one-off position passing the 900m taking another runner wider. Shifted ground under pressure down the running. App J Molloy was fined the sum of $300 under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) in that he did use his whip on 6 occasions, 1 more than permitted prior to the 100m.
PACKAGE- App T Fenlon was fined the sum of $400 under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) in that she did use her whip on 9 occasions, 4 more than permitted prior to the 100m.
LIZZIE'S PRIDE (NZ)- Held up for clear running for a short distance from the 400m-350m.
MT MORT SHARK (NZ)- Raced keenly in the early stages when being restrained in an effort to obtain cover. Momentarily crowded and shifted in and away from another runner passing the 1700m. App O Kendall was reprimanded under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) in that she did use her whip on 7 occasions, 2 more than permitted, prior to the 100m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 7- App O Kendall- Whip use prior to 100m- AR132(7)(a)(ii)- Reprimand
Race 7- App J Molloy- Whip use prior to 100m- AR132(7)(a)(ii)- $300
              App T Fenlon- Whip use prior to 100m- AR132(7)(a)(ii)- $400

IPSWICH 15th December 2023- Race 6- App T Fenlon- Careless riding- AR131(a)- 7 days; 23rd December- 29th December 2023 (inclusive)
Race 1- App S Champkin- Careless riding- AR131(a)- 12 days; 17th December- 28th December 2023 (inclusive)
Race day injuries/illness
Jockey L Miller- Medical clearance
Absent jockeys
Jockey K. Yoshida – Medical Clearance
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 1- TITANS- Cardiac Arrythmia- Veterinary clearance, ECG, Barrier trial
Race 4- MCALLAR’S GOLD- Pre-race manners- Barrier trial under race day conditions
Race 7- HARBELLE- Veterinary clearance and results of endoscopic examination
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1: COBURG – L Tilley
Race 2: SIGOURNEY (NZ) – N Tomizawa
             IRISH SALLY – K Zechner
Race 3: CACTUS CAN – M McDonald
Race 4: MCALLAR’S GOLD - L Miller
            RENTA – App J Molloy
Race 5: FOREBEARS – App O Kendall
Late scratchings
Race 1- SKIDDAW- 2:45pm
Race 4- MCALLAR’S GOLD- 7:20pm
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.