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Toowoomba Turf Club

Toowoomba Provincial

Sat 08 Jun Good 4




Good 4 Pen 5.9

Nil last 24hrs, 12.5mm last 7 days

3mm last 24hrs, 3mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 10:13PM Sunday 09 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 8/6 - 7.45am. L/Scr R5 No 20
TRACK INFO: overnight minimum temp feels like 0.5 degrees


Mon 03/06/24 11:00am


Tue 04/06/24 03:00pm


Thu 06/06/24 09:00am


Thu 06/06/24 12:00pm


Sat 08/06/24 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 6, 8, 9

WEATHER – Fine TRACK RATING –  Soft 5 (Race 1); Good 4 (Race 2 - 9)          RAIL – True
Chairman of Stewards – C Warren
Stewards – J Childs, T Preston & W Glass
Stewards permitted the following overweights at tonights meeting:
Race 2- Jockey N Tomizawa +1/2kg
As App J Molloy was unable to meet the allocated weight on his mounts in Races 2 and 3 Stewards permitted replacements as per Stewards race day summary. App Molloy was fined $200 under the provisions of AR190(3) as a result. In considering penalty Stewards noted App Molloys recent record in relation to the rule as well as the timely notification of his need to be replaced to both Stewards and connections.
Jockey N Tomizawa pleaded guilty to a charge under AR218(4)(b) in that he did have in his possession a mobile phone in the male jockey’s room following the commencement of the race-meeting. Jockey Tomizawa was subsequently fined $500, with $300 wholly suspended with the provisions of AR252 for a period of 12 months. In determining penalty Stewards noted Jockey Tomizawas forthrightness and record in relation to the rule.
RIVER ROGUE- Shifted out to improve and bumped passing the 400m.
OK ONE MORE- Slow to begin. Bumped passing the 400m. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Jockey K Yoshida advised that, in his opinion, his mount would derive an education benefit from the run and may be better suited to events over further distances.
SMALL DOSES- Momentarily held up for clear running on entering the home straight.
CROATIAN QUEEN- Began awkwardly and shifted out abruptly. Laid out passing the 400m. Raced greenly under pressure down the running.
ZOU ZOUTUKATUKIA- Taken wider by another runner on jumping.
MISHANI VOLTAGE- Slow to begin. Under pressure leaving the 500m.
Following the running of this event the track was upgraded to a Good 4
TOKYO BANDIT- Momentarily steadied approaching the 1500m after improving onto heels. Laid out passing the 1300m. Raced keenly down the back straight.
CAPE CRUSADER- Bumped on jumping. Taken in approaching the 1400m and crowded.
NO BETTER TIME- Taken in and crowded approaching the 1400m.
POWER PACK- Bumped on jumping. Momentarily crowded and obliged to steady approaching the 1400m. Raced keenly down the back straight. Raced wide for the majority. Lost an off-hind plate in running.
MORDECAI- Laid in under pressure down the running. Raced wide for the majority. Stewards intend to inquire into Jockey Allens riding of the gelding over the concluding stages.
CYGNET RIVER- Trainer N Petersen was reprimanded under the provisions of AR106(1) for having the gelding presented for pre-race inspection without blinkers. In considering penalty Stewards noted Mr Petersens general good record over an extended period.
MAKE HASTE- Raced keenly on heels approaching the 1000m.
UNTAMED SPIRIT (NZ)- Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination at the barriers after taking charge of its rider for a short distance in the preliminary and was passed fit to start. Shifted out approaching the 1500m and momentarily hampered POWER PACK. Jockey K Zechner was advised to exercise greater care in similar circumstances. Taken in and crowded approaching the 1400m.
ANOTHER DAZZLER- Crowded approaching the 1400m and was obliged to steady.
WHISTLIN' RULER- Shifted in when not fully clear of runners to the inside causing several to be crowded for room and ANOTHER DAZZLER to be steadied. Jockey M Wishart was severely reprimanded pursuant to AR131(a) as a result of this incident and advised to exercise far greater care in ensuring she is fully clear before shifting in similar circumstances.
As the field were arriving at the barrier prior to loading commencing Stewards noted a section of the course proper lighting between the 1000m and 300m were not operating. After conferring with the riding group at the barrier the determination was made that adequate natural lighting was still present to allow the event to proceed. Following the event minor remedial work was conducted and lighting issue was rectified.
RUBY'S LAD- Raced keenly passing the 1300m. Raced wide from the 1000m. Bumped passing the 350m.
CAPITAN DE SEDA- Raced keenly in the early stages of the back straight. Raced wide from the 400m. Stewards queried the tactics adopted by App O Webb, specifically the decision to shift excessively wide rounding the home turn and on entering the home straight when there appeared to be ample room to improve closer to the inside running rail where runs presented soon after the field entered the home straight. App Webb concurred with Stewards that a more preferable option, with the benefit of hindsight, would have been to remain nearer the inside running rail rounding the home turn and entering the home straight. Trainer P Wallace advised that the stable weren’t overly disappointed with the run, noting the gelding may have been over-represented in some markets.
TOP BOY- Began awkwardly and was slow to begin. Shifted wider rounding the home turn and was momentarily held up in the early stages of the home straight before shifting in to obtain clear running.
FLYING ROTHE- Began awkwardly. Improved onto heels having to be steadied near the 900m.
SEMAPHORE GIRL- Began awkwardly and lost ground.
AUSBRED BLUEBIRD- Raced wide in the early stages after beginning well from the wide barrier and was ridden positively to obtain a forward position. Shifted wider to improve passing the 350m and bumped. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which revealed the mare to be lame in the off-fore leg. Trainer M Currie was advised a veterinary certificate of fitness would be required, inclusive of X-Rays, prior to the mare again being permitted to start in a race or trial.
SHEPPEY- Raced keenly near the 1300m. Raced wide from the 500m. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Trainer S Kirkwood advised that, in his opinion, being shifted wide from the 500m was a telling factor in the finish.
ANYWAY YOU WANT IT- Began awkwardly. Lost an off-fore plate in running.
THE DEPUTY (NZ)- Shifted out in an effort to improve leaving the 500m and bumped before being momentarily held up on heels and shifted back in. Again, momentarily held up on heels approaching the 400m after being shifted wider in an effort to improve before being shifted back in to obtain clear running. Jockey W O’Connell was severely reprimanded under the provisions of AR132(5) for his use of the whip 16 times in totality throughout the event, which was deemed to be excessive. In considering penalty Stewards noted Jockey O’Connell had not breached AR132(7)(a)(ii) or any other whip related rule in the event.
KITRI- App O Webb dropped her whip passing the 250m.
SAXON SLAYER- Bumped leaving the 500m.
TIME FOR JACK- Raced keenly in the early stages of the back straight when being restrained in an effort to obtain a position with cover.
RICHUNCLEMONEYBAGS- Began awkwardly. Over-raced in the back straight. Laid out rounding the 900m. Improved onto heels near the 800m having to be steadied.
Declaration of correct weight was delayed when Jockey G Cartwright, rider of 4th placegetter SPRAY GUN, lodged an objection against 2nd placegetter FREYA’S MAGIC (N Tomizawa) citing interference near the 150m. After taking evidence from both riders and connections and reviewing the official patrol footage Stewards noted that near the 150m FREYA’S MAGIC had shifted out under pressure into the line of SPRAY GUN causing that runner to be restrained and lose its rightful running. Considering the manner in which SPRAY GUN was improving into the race at the time of the incident, the nature and severity of the interference as well as the manner in which both runners finished the event off subsequent to the incident, Stewards determined that the interference did have a tangible effect on the placings and as such upheld the protest and amended the Judges placings accordingly.
SPRAY GUN- Shifted in crowding the running of ONOMATOPOEIA near the 900m. Jockey G Cartwright was reprimanded pursuant to AR131(a) and advised to ensure her mounts don’t unduly shift ground in similar circumstances. Raced keenly on heels leaving the 500m. Inconvenienced and obliged to restrain near the 150m.
ALL I WANT IS YOU- Taken wider on jumping and lost ground, settled further back than may have been expected as a result.
ONOMATOPOEIA- Crowded and momentarily steadied near the 900m. Improved into a marginal run leaving the 500m having to be momentarily steadied. App D Bennett was advised to ensure he does not improve into runs unless sufficient room avails itself in similar circumstances.
RISE ANGELOU- Jockey A Allen was fined the sum of $400 under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) in that he did use his whip 9 times, 4 more than permitted, prior to the 100m. Stewards noted Jockey Allens whip use did not exceed 9 times in totality throughout the event which was deemed to be a mitigating factor in the breach.
NAVILLUS HELLFIRE- Tightened on jumping. Laid in and away from another runner approaching the 200m.
FREYA'S MAGIC- Raced keenly in the middle stages. Laid out under pressure down the running. Shifted out under pressure passing the 150m inconveniencing SPRAY GUN, before being quickly corrected by its rider. Jockey N Tomizawa was severely reprimanded pursuant to AR131(a) as a result of this incident. In considering penalty Stewards noted Jockey N Tomizawas excellent record in relation to the rule, having not been suspended under its provisions for a period exceeding some 12 months, as well as his corrective efforts, which whilst at too late of a juncture in the shift, were nonetheless notable.
MONTAGLIARI—Stewards accepted the reasons tendered by Trainer P Kalinowski for the late scratching of the mare.
GAVIN- Momentarily hampered when crowded near the 1400m.
YIPPEE BEAN- Laid in near the 1400m and crowded GAVIN. App D Bennett was advised to exercise greater effort in preventing his mounts from shifting in similar circumstances.
PARIAH ON FIRE- Performed below market expectations. Trainer C Geran advised on 9 June that the filly had pulled up well following the event and could offer no  tangible reason for the disappointing performance. Mr Geran further undertook that should anything become apparent regarding the fillies condition in the coming days to advise Stewards.
SAVVY STRYKE- Bumped on jumping. Raced keenly passing the 1500m. Raced wide from the 1300m.
CRY ME A RIVER- Began awkwardly, shifted in and bumped, becoming momentarily awkwardly placed on heels soon after. Laid in rounding the 800m and 400m turns. Laid in under pressure down the running.
IN THE PICTURE- Slow to begin before being crowded. Took the course proper 1500m crossing awkwardly.
LIZA IN LIGHTS- Began very awkwardly and lost ground. Took the course proper 1500m crossing awkwardly.
UNUSUAL MELODY- Momentarily awkwardly placed on heels leaving the 500m before being shifted in to improve.
BOOMLANDER- Began awkwardly and bumped. Laid in and away from another runner which shifted in abruptly approaching the 200m.
DRANG A TANG- Raced keenly and wide for the majority.
TONATIUH- Tightened on jumping and lost ground.
FALLGUY- Laid out passing the 900m. Raced keenly passing the 800m and shifted wider. Bumped on entering the home straight.
BRAVE CHAP- Dwelt on jumping and was slow into stride.
UNDERINVESTIGATION- Declared a late scratching after becoming cast in the stable box at 2:05pm. Trainer G Stephens was advised the filly would require a veterinary certificate of fitness prior to again being permitted to start in a race.
KEYBOARD- Began awkwardly and shifted in. Saddle slipped soon after the start placing App D Bennett at a slight disadvantage for a short distance. Momentarily held up passing the 400m. Disappointed for a run to the outside of DRANG A TANG on entering the home straight before being shifted in abruptly to obtain clear running. Whilst no direct interference occurred as a result of the shift App D Bennett was nonetheless advised to exercise greater care when exercising similar manoeuvres.
WINDOW TAPPER- Began awkwardly, shifted out and bumped.
SUNSHINE DAISEY- Crowded approaching the 200m, bumping the inside running rail having to be steadied.
ENFLAMED- Bumped on jumping.
MY SICADA- Raced greenly for the majority.
BOONAH FLASHER- Raced wide for the majority.
BRAIDWOOD QUEEN- Bumped on jumping.
DEMES GIRL- Bumped on jumping. Jockey K Yoshida advised on returning to scale that his saddle had slipped soon after the start placing him at a slight disadvantage.
KENTUCKY ROSE- Laid in rounding the home turn.
LA MANO- Bumped on jumping.
LOVE TO ALL- Slow to begin.
SPIKED- Performed below market expectations. App A Donald advised that her mount never travelled throughout the event. Trainer R Lipp advised that, whilst in his opinion the filly was over-represented in the market, the stable had expected a better showing and were disappointed in the performance. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which revealed a slow post-race recovery.
WINNING GAZE- Finished significantly tailed off. Jockey W O’Connell advised that his mount had been inclined to hang-in throughout which accounted for his tailing off. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Trainer M Callaghan advised that the stable were disappointed with the performance and he would look to experiment with the geldings gear going forward. Nonetheless, Mr Callaghan was advised the gelding would be required to trial satisfactorily prior to again being permitted to start in a race.
DUN WITH ROSES- Slow to begin. Laid in under pressure down the running becoming awkwardly placed on heels for a short distance at the 150m and again at the 100m. Raced wide for the majority.
PAN A MILLION- Bumped passing the 550m. Laid out under pressure down the running.
BLESSED DAY- Laid in passing the 500m.
DOLLY DISCO- Began awkwardly. Raced wide for the majority.
DOLLY'S FANCY- Slow to begin.
MONTAGLIARI- Slow to begin. Bumped passing the 550m.
SUNCRAFT- Raced wide for the majority.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2- Trainer N Petersen- Present with incorrect gear- AR106(1)- Reprimand
              Jockey M Wishart- Careless riding- AR131(a)- Severe reprimand
Race 4- Jockey W O’Connell- Excessive use of whip- AR132(5)- Severe reprimand
Race 5- Jockey N Tomizawa- Careless riding- AR131(a)- Severe reprimand
General- App J Molloy- Accept ride when overweight- AR190(3)- $200
               Jockey N Tomizawa- Possession of mobile phone in Jockeys Room- AR218(4)(b)- $500; $300 wholly suspended for 12 months
Race 5- Jockey A Allen- Use of whip prior to 100m- AR132(7)(a)(ii)- $400
Adjourned inquiries         
Race 2- MORDECAI- Jockey A Allen- Riding over the concluding stages
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 3- AUSBRED BLUEBIRD- Lame off-fore- Veterinary clearance inclusive of X-Rays
Race 9- WINNING GAZE- Hung-in- Barrier trial
Race 5- SPRAY GUN (4th) v FREYA’S MAGIC (2nd) – Upheld
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2- UNTAMED SPIRIT was ridden by K Zechner
Race 3- SEMAPHORE GIRL was ridden by App D Bennett
Late scratchings
Race 7- UNDERINVESTIGATION- Veterinary- 2:05pm
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.