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Warwick Turf Club

Warwick Provincial

Tue 06 Jun Good 3


True Entire Course


Good 3 Pen Not available


Nil last 24hrs, 7mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:04AM Wednesday 07 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 6/6 - 7.45am. Rider Replacement R5 N9.


Wed 31/05/17 11:00am


Thu 01/06/17 03:00pm


Fri 02/06/17 09:30am


Fri 02/06/17 12:00pm


Tue 06/06/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 3, 4, 6

WEATHER – FINE            TRACK RATING – GOOD 3                  RAIL – TRUE
Chairman of Stewards – E. Barron
Stewards – R. Hitchener, N. Boyle, J. Childs, B. Cooke
Clerk of Scales –  D. Rossiter
Judge – J. Costello, S. Fahey
Veterinarian – B. Eastwell
Swab Attendants – R. Burchmann
Starter – S. Tou
Jockeys Advocate – S. Scriven
From Toowoomba 27.5.17 – Race 3: Stewards today reconvened an inquiry opened on the night of the race. After taking evidence on the night from apprentice S. Sweeney, the rider of AMERICAN FRONTIER, apprentice R. Ride, the rider of MALCRIADO, jockey L. McCoy, the rider of MARLAHN and also the trainer of MARLAHN, Mr G. Schwenke, stewards were of the opinion that after beginning well AMERICAN FRONTIER found the lead without being pressured and, despite the efforts of apprentice Sweeney to slacken the speed, her mount commenced to overrace passing the 1200m.
Stewards also believed that MALCRIADO began well and raced forward without being pressured and took up a position outside AMERICAN FRONTIER in the lead and then also overraced in that position despite the efforts of apprentice Ride in attempting to restrain her mount at that point. Stewards were also of the view that MARLAHN began fairly and then was ridden forward to comply with the trainer’s instructions, which were to obtain the lead if possible.
After passing the 1200m, when unable to find the lead, and racing in a three-wide position, MARLAHN also commenced to overrace and remained in a three-wide position until passing the 800m where it then obtained the position one wide outside the leader.
After giving consideration to all of the evidence tendered and reviewing all available films of the race, stewards determined that apprentice S. Sweeney’s ride on AMERICAN FRONTIER was to stewards’ satisfaction and therefore took no further action. Stewards also determined that apprentice R. Ride’s actions were to their satisfaction and also took no further action.
Stewards also determined that jockey L. McCoy may have had an opportunity to restrain her mount rounding the first turn at the 1300m, albeit for a short period, however she elected to persevere in pushing forward to comply with her instructions. Stewards conceded that after passing the 1200m MARLAHN commenced to overrace and from that point on jockey McCoy may not have had any option other than to take the action that she took at that stage.
Stewards also reviewed betting activity on the race to ascertain whether there were any discrepancies in wagering, however were satisfied that no further investigations needed to be undertaken.
In summing up, stewards determined that jockey L. McCoy may have erred by not restraining her mount in the early stages and taking up a trailing position when it appeared there was some opportunity to do so, however conceded that, in complying with her instructions and the fact that MARLAHN had commenced to overrace, her actions were not culpable under the rules and therefore accepted her explanation and took no further action.
As Bradley Appo and apprentice R. Plumb were indisposed due to illness, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
ROYAL ROUTINE, which was injured en route to the course, underwent a veterinary examination and was declared a late scratching at 12:07 pm on veterinary advice.
The start of this race was delayed when PHAR CZAR, which had been difficult to load, became fractious in the barriers, was removed and underwent a veterinary examination and declared a late scratching at 12:46 pm. On the announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on PHAR CZAR be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers:

11 cents in the dollar for the Win #4
9 cents in the dollar for place of winner #4
14 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #10
13 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #3
Trainer K. Kemp reported that the horse will now be sent for a spell. Stewards advised Mr Kemp that the horse will be required to perform satisfactorily in an official trial prior to racing again.
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow Beau Appo, the rider of 2nd placegetter REDHAZE, to view the stewards’ patrol footage over the concluding stages. After viewing the videos jockey Appo indicated that he did not wish to proceed with lodging an objection.
PUNDIT – Laid in in the early stages.
VICTORY DANCE – Hung out in the home straight. Shifted out abruptly approaching the winning post, making heavy contact with REDHAZE, then continued to shift out towards the outside fence, resulting in the apprentice S. Sweeney becoming unbalanced and eventually being dislodged. The horse then continued to break through the outside running rail and left the course. The horse was recaptured shortly thereafter and underwent a veterinary examination which revealed no abnormalities. As apprentice Sweeney was stood down from remaining engagements as she had been transported to hospital, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
KEEN TIARA – Made the home turn wide.
ELEGANT MISS – Raced wide throughout. Raced greenly in the home straight.
MISHANI LA SCALA – Commenced to hang in after passing the 400m.
REDHAZE – Steadied from heels near the 700m. Held up when entering the home straight and then laid in over the concluding stages.
Start of this race was rescheduled to 1:28 due to Apprentice Sweeny being transported to hospital.
EDDIEADO – Bumped at the start. Commenced to hang out passing the 800m. Raced greenly in the home straight.
C’MOME PADDYREILLY – Hung out rounding the home turn.
DYLANA – Raced wide for the majority of the event.
MY LUCKY RING –Taken wider rounding the home turn.
REJUVENATE – Began awkwardly, lost ground and threw its head up on a number of occasions in the early stages. Had to shift out near the 100m to obtain clear running.
COMEDY ACT – Steadied when tightened for room at the start.
JAREL’S DRAGON – Bumped at the start. Steadied from heels at the 700m and taken wider rounding the home turn.
LADY MARMALADE – Raced wide in the middle stages.
BO ROSSA – Bumped at the start. Laid in in the home straight. Accidentally struck over the head by the whip of M. Murphy (HAD ME AT HELLO) near the 50m.
CHOPHOUSE TEARS – Slow to begin. Overraced in the middle stages.
GOT NEWS FOR YOU – Slow to begin.
JAI’S LUCK – Tightened for room shortly after the start.
CASSE BLEU – Bumped at the start.
SPECTACULAR ROCK – Raced wide throughout. Hung out in the middle stages. Shifted wider rounding the home turn and commenced to lay in in the home straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
CAMBOOYA ROCK – Slow to begin. Apprentice N. Keal was fined $200 for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
MISHANI SHIRAZ – Laid in in the home straight.
ENCORE SALL – Tightened for room at the start. Laid in in the home straight.
SYLVAN PRINCESS – Made the home turn wide.
COALBANK CAVIAR – As apprentice H. Philips was to be overweight, apprentice H. English was substituted as rider. Apprentice Phillips was fined $100. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the horse was lame in the near foreleg. Trainer B. Hudson was advised that the horse will require a veterinary clearance prior to racing again.
BAIO – Tightened for room at the start.
EVERINGHAM – Raced wide and made the home turn wide.
STARWOOD – P. Hamblin was fined $200 for using the whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
OMISSION – Held up rounding the home turn.
SUNSET HILLS – Raced wide throughout.
CAPTAIN LEO – Hung out in the middle stages until straightening and was then inconvenienced on entering the home straight when MR BOXVALE shifted out. L. Tilley, the rider of MR BOXVALE, was reprimanded. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
MR SCARY – Raced in restricted room over the concluding stages.
FELIX – Tightened for room at the start. Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
MR BOXVALE – Raced in restricted room in the early stages.
LANDALE – Began awkwardly and was then tightened for room shortly after the start. Raced wide throughout.
TE RANGI – Raced wide throughout.
WILD BOYS – Apprentice N. Keal was fined $200 for using his whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m. In assessing penalty, stewards took into account apprentice Keal’s totality of whip use.
NAVAJO PRINCE – Steadied from heels at the 300m. Apprentice R. Ride reported that her saddle shifted during the event.
REGAL LAD – Tightened for room at the start.
REMISSIO – Overraced in the middle stages and had to be steadied from heels on a number of occasions leaving the 800m.
WENSLEY ROAD – Inconvenienced near the 200m.
DEMOCRAT QUEEN – Raced wide from the 800m.
PRICELESS DE HERO – L. Tilley reported at scale that although his mount travelled well throughout the event it failed to respond to his riding when placed under pressure and added that in his opinion it was not suited by today’s firm track.
STANLEY – Bumped at the 300m. Apprentice M. McGillivray reported at scale that the colt travelled well during the event, however when placed under pressure failed to respond to his riding. He added that in his opinion the horse was not suited by today’s firm track. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the colt to be lame in the near hind leg. Trainer M. Costa was advised that the horse will require a veterinary clearance prior to racing again.
GENERAL ASSAULT – Raced three wide without cover. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
AKUA – Slow to begin.
WORLD SERIES – Slow to begin. Made the home turn wide. Apprentice M. Savva was reprimanded for using the whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 5. L. Tilley – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 7. App. M. Savva – used whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 4. App. H. Phillips - $100 – overweight – AR. 120(b)
Race 4. App. N. Keal - $200 – used whip 9 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 5. P. Hamblin - $200 – used whip 10 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 6. App. N. Keal - $200 – used whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race day injuries/illness
App. S. Sweeney – injured – medical clearance req’d
Absent jockeys
Bradley Appo &  R. Plumb – ill – medical clearances req’d
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 1. PHAR CZAR – fractious in barriers, vetted and declared a late scratching – official trial – AR. 8(t)
Race 4. COALBANK CAVIAR – lame near foreleg – vet clearance – AR. 8(t)
Race 7. STANLEY – lame near hind leg – veterinary clearance – AR. 8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.         ELEGANT MISS – J. Taylor
Race 2.         DYLANA – J. Oliver
                     REJUVENATE – N. Keal
Race 4.         COALBANK CAVIAR – H. English
Race 5.         EARLY OPENER – J. Oliver
Race 6.         CONNOR – Adam Spinks
Late scratchings
Race 1. ROYAL ROUTINE – 12:07 pm – vet advice
Race 1. PHAR CZAR – 12:46 - vet advice
Published subject to correction upon revision