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Warwick Turf Club

Warwick Provincial

Tue 26 Dec Good 3


True Entire Course.


Good 3 Pen Not available

6mm last 24hrs, 16mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 25mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:09AM Wednesday 27 December
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 26/12 - 7:30am. Late Scratching R3 N9.


Tue 19/12/17 11:00am


Wed 20/12/17 03:00pm


Thu 21/12/17 09:30am


Thu 21/12/17 12:00pm


Tue 26/12/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

TRACK RATING – GOOD 3                 
Chairman of Stewards – E. Barron
Stewards – R. Hitchener, J. Childs, T. Reed
Clerk of Scales – D. Rossiter
Judge – M. Grew
Veterinarian – C. Reardon
Swab Attendants – M. Nixon
Starter – D. Hook
Stewards Secretary – M. Weir
As jockey R. Williams was indisposed due to illness, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
Following the running of Race 2, a complaint was lodged by Apprentice B. Nothdurft following a heated exchange which occurred between himself and Apprentice R. Ride in the scales area.
Apprentice R. Ride subsequently pleaded guilty to a charge of improper conduct under AR. 175(q) in that she did make physical contact with Apprentice B. Nothdurft by way of pushing him whilst engaging in a verbal altercation. Apprentice R. Ride was fined $400 as a result of this incident.
Apprentice B. Nothdurft was found guilty of a charge of improper conduct under AR. 175(q) in that he did engage in a verbal altercation with Apprentice R. Ride. Apprentice B. Nothdurft was fined $200 as a result of this incident.
The start of this race was delayed as the ambulance was late to arrive on course.
SUN WILL SHINE – Raced wide in the early stages. Laid in in the home straight.
ISN’T SHE ELEGANT – Apprentice B. Nothdurft was reprimanded for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
SCRAP COPPER – Apprentice N. Keal was reprimanded for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
SNUGGLE POT – Raced keenly in the early and middle stages. Jockey B. Derbyshire was reprimanded for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
The start of this race was delayed when CLOWN IN THE MOON (M. O’Brien) became fractious and flipped over the in the enclosure, dislodging its rider. The horse was subsequently examined by the veterinary surgeon and passed fit to start. Jockey M. O’Brien suffered a seemingly harmless fall and took her place in the event.
MY FRIEND ROB – Shifted out under pressure in the home straight.
RILEY’S STATESMAN – Began awkwardly.
CLOWN IN THE MOON – Hung out rounding the home turn.
COCKTAILSALLAROUND – Tightened for room between runners shortly after the start.
REMEMBER BELLA – Shifted out shortly after the start and bumped COCKTAILSALLAROUND. Tightened for room between runners shortly after the start. Raced 3 wide for the majority of the event. Laid out in the home straight.
RIPPER REEBA – Began awkwardly. Steadied from heels shortly after the start.
Apprentice H. English was dislodged from her mount after passing the winning post.  Apprentice English was subsequently examined by Queensland Ambulance Officers and cleared to fulfil her remaining engagements today.
Prior to the event, SANDRELLI, which placed second at Toowoomba on Saturday 23 December 2017, was examined by the veterinary surgeon, and passed fit to start.
JIM ‘N’ ANDY – Raced wide leaving the 800m.
VICTORY DANCE – Steadied from heels shortly after the start.
DREAM OF ASCOT – Began awkwardly.
SANDRELLI – Trainer B. Currie was fined $100 for the late declaration of N. Evans as rider.  Stood flat-footed at the start and lost considerable ground. Shifted out abruptly near the 500m, which resulted in OUTPUT being taken wider on the track. Trainer B. Currie was advised that a warning will be placed on the horse’s racing manners. Mr. Currie advised that the horse will now be retired.
CASSE BLEU – Declared a late scratching at 10.41am on veterinary advice.
OUTPUT – Began awkwardly. Raced keenly in the early stages. Steadied from the heels of DRUM MASTER (Apprentice E. Ljung) which shifted out near the 100m. Stewards advised Apprentice E. Ljung to exercise more care in similar circumstances in the future.
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow jockey S. Bogenhuber, the rider of 2nd placegetter COURT RULES, to view the Stewards' patrol footage to ascertain whether she had grounds to lodge an objection against 1st placegetter SIR BAM. After viewing the film, jockey S. Bogenhuber indicated that she did not wish to proceed and correct weight was declared on the judge’s semaphored numbers.
BONSEA – Apprentice B. Nothdurft was fined $400 for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m. In determining penalty, Stewards took into consideration the totality of whip use.
CALCETINES – Slow to begin. Raced wide for the majority of the event. Jockey W. O’Connell was reprimanded for using the whip in consecutive strides prior to the 100m.
COURT RULES – After racing wide in the early stages, jockey S. Bogenhuber allowed her mount to stride forward to take up a position outside the leader near the 700m.
DANISH DICTION – Slow to begin. Momentarily steadied from heels near the 500m.
DUBLEO’S LAD – Declared a late scratching at 8.29am on veterinary advice.
PARELEMA – Raced wide for the majority of the event.
SIR BAM - Apprentice H. English was reprimanded for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
ALL APPLES – Bumped by DANISH DICTION approaching the 550m, and as a result became awkward. Hung out rounding the home turn. Apprentice E. Ljung was reprimanded for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
BEACH DRUM – On return to scale, Apprentice R. Ride reported that the filly appeared to be exhibiting an abnormal respiratory noise and, in her opinion, choked down during the event. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. Apprentice R. Ride was reprimanded for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
Following the running of this event, Apprentice H. English was stood down for the remainder of the day. Riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary. Apprentice English was advised that she will be required to obtain a medical clearance prior to racing again.
MENDELSSOHN – Raced wide for the majority.
WICKED TRILOGY – Apprentice B. Nothdurft was fined $100 for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
AUSTRALIAN PHAROAH – Raced wide for the majority.
MALCRIADO – Apprentice N. Keal was fined $100 for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m.
ZIEGELBAUER – Raced wide for the majority.
FELIX - Raced wide for the majority.
ONEMORE TWIST – Blundered at the start and lost ground.
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow jockey the connections of the 2nd placegetter ONE GOLDEN DAY, to view the Stewards' patrol footage to ascertain whether there were grounds to lodge an objection against 1st placegetter LIMERICK MOON. After viewing the film, the connections advised that they did not wish to proceed and correct weight was declared on the judge’s semaphored numbers.
ONE GOLDEN DAY – Became fractious in the barriers, and began awkwardly. Apprentice B. Nothdurft was fined $200 for using the whip on more than 5 occasions.
LIMERICK MOON – Raced 3 wide in the early and middle stages.
BARNSLEY – Trainer G. Duncan was fined $100 for the late declaration of Apprentice E. Ljung as rider. Began awkwardly.
ZUMIKON – Raced wide for the majority of the event. Apprentice N. Keal reported to Stewards that, after being hampered at the start, he attempted to obtain a trailing position in the early stages behind ONE GOLDEN DAY, however as SMASHED IT maintained a trailing position one off the fence behind ONE GOLDEN DAY, he was unable to obtain a position one off the fence. He added that he then attempted to restrain to a trailing position behind SMASHED IT however that runner shifted wider on the track whilst hanging out near the 800m which forced him wider on the track and as a result he was unable to obtain that position. Apprentice Keal went on to say that as a result of these factors he was obliged to race wide throughout. Stewards noted the explanation.
SMASHED IT – Connections advised that it would be the intention for the gelding to be ridden off the pace today if circumstances permit. A public announcement was made to this effect. The horse was ridden accordingly. Overraced during the early and middles stages and hung leaving the 800m. Laid out rounding the home turn.
PICK OF THE PUBS – As Apprentice H. English was stood down following Race 4 today, N. Evans was substituted as rider when no other apprentice was available.
REJUVENATE – Slow to begin.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1. App. B. Nothdurft – use whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR.137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 1. App. N. Keal – use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 1. B. Derbyshire – use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 4. W. O’Connell – use whip consecutive strides prior to the 100m – AR.137A(5)(a)(i)
Race 4. App. E. Ljung – use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 4. App H. English – use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 4. App. R. Ride – use whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 2. App. R. Ride - $400 – improper conduct – AR. 175(q)
Race 2. App. B. Nothdurft - $200 – improper conduct – AR. 175(q)
Race 3. Tnr. B. Currie – $100 – Late rider declaration – LR. 67
Race 4. App. B. Nothdurft – $400 – use whip 11 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 5. App. B. Nothdurft – $100 – use whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 5. App. N. Keal – $100 – use whip 9 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 6. Tnr. G. Duncan – $100 – Late rider declaration – LR. 67
Race 6. App. B. Nothdurft – $200 – use whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race day injuries/illness
Apprentice H. English – injured – stood down following Race 4 – medical clearance req’d.
Absent jockeys
R. Williams – ill – medical clearance req’d.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 3. SANDRELLI – stood flat-footed at start, lost considerable ground – warning.
Race 2. Apprentice H. English – dislodged after passing the winning post.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.         RILEY’S STATESMAN – Beau Appo
Race 3.         SANDRELLI – Nathan Evans
Race 5.         MALCRIADO – App. Nicholas Keal
Race 6.         BARNSLEY – App. Emma Ljung
                     SMASHED IT – Beau Appo
                     PICK OF THE PUBS – Nathan Evans
Late scratchings
Race 3.         CASSE BLEU – 10.41am – veterinary advice.
Race 4.         DUBLEO’S LAD – 8.29am – veterinary advice.
Published subject to correction upon revision