The Queensland Off-The-Track (QOTT) Subsidised Lessons Program is an initiative to support retired Standardbred and Thoroughbred horses as they transition from the racing industry into the domestic horse community.
The Program enables new owners of retired Standardbred and Thoroughbred horses to receive tailored support across a range of areas including feeding and nutrition, general care, groundwork, behaviour and ridden components.
The Program operates through a voucher system, with approved Participants issued vouchers to subsidise the cost of lessons. Approved Participants are eligible for individual lessons of up to 45 minutes in duration with a QOTT Approved Coach.
From Friday 20 January 2023, the quantity of coaching lesson vouchers provided will be as follows:
(a) For Eligible Horses that have retired directly from racing, race training, and/or breeding within the eighteen (18) months prior to the date of application, approved Participants will receive ten (10) subsidised horse coaching lesson vouchers. These vouchers will entitle Participants to ten (10) free horse coaching lessons with one of QOTT’s Approved Coaches.
(b) For Eligible Horses that have been retired from racing, race training, and/or breeding for longer than eighteen (18) months at the date of application, approved Participants will receive three (3) subsidised horse coaching lesson vouchers. These vouchers will entitle Participants to three (3) free horse coaching lessons with one of QOTT’s Approved Coaches.
Please see below for the definition of an Eligible Horse.
Application Process
Step 1:
Please refer to the eligibility criteria and the Program Terms and Conditions to ascertain whether the Program is suitable for you and your horse (NB: The application MUST be in the name of the person who will actually be participating/riding in the lessons):

Step 2:
The person who will be participating in the lessons is to complete the online Application Form by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
Applicants must contact their preferred Approved Coach prior to nominating the Approved Coach on the application form to confirm the Approved Coach’s availability, suitability and location for where the lessons will be held. Participants are not permitted to change their Approved Coach once the application form has been submitted. View the full list of QOTT Approved Coaches and their contact details by clicking on the link below.
PLEASE NOTE: Approved Participants are issued with horse coaching lesson vouchers for use with the Approved Coach nominated on the application form. Participants are not permitted to change their Approved Coach once the application has been approved and the horse coaching lesson vouchers must be used with the nominated Approved Coach.
Please allow 14 business days for your application to be processed.

Step 3:
Following approval by QOTT to participate in the Program, QOTT will email a copy of the Program terms and conditions to you. You must sign and return a copy of the Program terms and conditions to be a Participant or Guardian in the Program within one (1) month of the date of QOTT’s email or your participation in the Program will be cancelled.
PLEASE NOTE: If you haven't received an email from us within 14 business days of submitting your application, please check your junk/spam folder.
Step 4:
Once QOTT has received a signed copy of the Program terms and conditions, Participants who have been approved will receive their coaching lesson vouchers via email.
Step 5:
Upon receipt of your coaching lesson vouchers, please contact your nominated coach to arrange your first lesson.
You must provide your nominated coach with a coaching lesson voucher at the commencement of every lesson. Each coaching lesson voucher has a unique number that corresponds with the lesson number you are undertaking. Please ensure that the correctly numbered voucher is provided to the coach before each lesson.
Coaching lesson vouchers for horse coaching lessons must be used between the date of issue and the date of expiry noted on the voucher.
Eligibility Criteria
Please see the eligibility criteria below to determine if your horse is eligible to participate in the Subsidised Lessons Program.
An Eligible Horse that is eligible to participate in the Subsidised Lessons Program:
(a) is a Thoroughbred or Standardbred that has been, or is eligible to be, registered for thoroughbred racing or harness racing in Australia; and
(b) a decision has been made not to race the horse, or the horse has retired from racing, race training and/or breeding; and
(c) the horse:
(i) was bred in Queensland but was unraced; or
(ii) has started in an official barrier trial or race in Queensland, and was domiciled in Queensland at the time of its retirement, as per Racing Australia or Harness Racing Australia records; or
(iii) is a broodmare or stallion and was domiciled in Queensland at the time of its retirement, as per Racing Australia or Harness Racing Australia records.
Please see the eligibility criteria below to determine if you, as an owner/rider, are eligible to participate in the Subsidised Lessons Program.
(a) Participants must have a Queensland residential address to apply to participate in the Program.
(b) To participate in this Program, Minors must be at least twelve (12) years of age.
Approved Applicants
- May only apply for lessons on the same Eligible Horse once per twelve (12) month period. Therefore, a new application can be submitted after the expiry date has been reached on the previously issued coaching lesson vouchers.
- Must not use more than one (1) coaching lesson voucher per Eligible Horse per day.
- Extensions to the coaching lesson vouchers expiry date will only be granted as per clause 5.11 of the Terms and Conditions.

If you require assistance with completing the application form, please contact QOTT at