A TAB race meeting has been scheduled for the Emerald JC on Wednesday 3 June 2020 following the abandonment (through weather) of the TAB meeting on Saturday 23 May.
EMERALD JC – Wednesday 3 June 2020
Open Plate (sw) 1200m $10,000
Benchmark 60 Hcp 1300m $10,000
Benchmark 55 Hcp 1000m $10,000
Rating Band 0-45 Hcp 1200m $10,000
Class 6 Plate (sw) 1000m $10,000
Maiden Plate (2yo & up sw) 1300m $10,000 plus QTIS monies
Nominations close: Thursday 28/5/20 at 11.00am
Weights: Friday 29/5/20
Acceptances close: Monday 1/6/20 at 9.30am
Jockey declaration: Monday 1/6/20 at 12.00pm
Final scratchings: Wednesday 3/6/20 at 7.30am