“Ideally we would have probably liked another week or two to have her prepared for her trial at The Meadows next Monday to determine her seeding and box draw, but she’s such an honest little bitch who just runs all day, I think she’ll go well,” Crawford said.
“She just loves to run, she’s had a couple of hit outs up our straight this morning and looks like she wants to go again, it’ll be sad to see her go but I look forward to watching her from afar and really hope I can get her back in Queensland one day.”
Crawford caught the staying bug early and has placed an emphasis on buying and breeding as many quality stayers as possible over his career.
“I’ve always had an affinity for stayers, the first bitch I ever trained Spiral Magic started out as a sprinter and ended up in a National Distance Final,” he said.
“In proportion to other kennels, we probably have had a higher percentage of stayers whether we went and found them as with Classy Ethics or bred them like Mrs. Thursday and Piping Hot who John Dart raced successfully with.
“I just find them an absolute thrill, it’s tough to get a hold of a good one but when you do, they’re a whole lot of fun to race.
“I’ve got a spare kennel now for a couple of months at least, I might have to go and find myself one again.”
Crawford has plenty to keep him busy while he keeps an eye on Classy Ethics, his kennels are the busiest they’ve ever been and stacked full of talent ready to return from season.
“I’ve got 25 dogs in work at the moment and had 17 runners last week which is our largest ever and a number we’ve been looking to get to for a while,” he said.
“On top of that, I’ve got two sets of pups at six and 12 months, a couple injured and a few coming back from season including Classy Ethics.
“Some others I’m looking forward to having back are Eulogia, Kiss And Spin, On El and Kiss And Roll who all came on season around the same time and put a bit of a dent on my high end runners, but they’ll all be back soon.”