The display was orchestrated by venue manager John Rutherford (pictured, holding the third place flag) and his small team of green thumbs.
Together, they busily planted close to 3500 annuals in everything from planted beds to hanging baskets.
And all public and members areas were utilised, from the car park and main entrance to the front lawn with lots of potted colour, the parade ring and mounting yard.
Pink Petunias were planted in the mounting yard to draw from the grey wall, boarded with blue dwarf violas, while the top beds were planted with mixed dwarf snapdragons, said proud venue manager Mr Rutherford.
“We started preparation and planting in May with the over sowing of the grassed areas and bed preparation,” he said.
“The trick is to get all areas at their best at the same time, so we had to understand which location could take a bit longer to mature and they were first on our list to plant.
“We remove all flower buds until August 1 and then let them flower merrily until Carnival of Flowers but try to focus on the end of September and our Weetwood Carnival.”
Facing some stiff competition in the Commercial section which included full-time Nurseries and Horticulturalists, the TAFE horticulture department and the City Golf Club, Clifford Park racecourse came in a credible third place.