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Far North Queensland Amateur Turf Club

Ladbrokes Cannon Park Provincial

Sat 10 Sep Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 4.5

Nil last 24hrs, 11.6mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 3:16PM Sunday 11 September
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 10/9 - 7:45am


Mon 05/09/16 11:00am


Tue 06/09/16 03:00pm


Thu 08/09/16 09:30am


Thu 08/09/16 12:00pm


Sat 10/09/16 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7

WEATHER –  FINE                                     TRACK RATING –  GOOD 4/UPGRADED TO GOOD 3 AT 12 NOON                                 
RAIL – TRUE ENTIRE COURSE                        PENETROMETER - 4.5
Chairman of Stewards – Mr S. Woolaston
Stewards – Mr P. Lane, Ms J. Portch, Mr D. Griffiths
Clerk of Scales – Mr C. Gordon
Judge – Mr B. Gray/Mr I. Schultz
Veterinarian- Mr E. Moloney
Bookmakers Supervisor – Mr L. Myles
Swab Attendant - Mr C. Massingham
Starter- Mr P. Warren/Mr M. Henderson
Stewards Secretary - B. Palmer
Townsville Turf Club 30th August 2016
Race 3: Townsville Bulletin BenchMark 70 Handicap - 1400 metres
SECRET STEALTH - Trainer M. Geaney reported that a thorough veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have fractures its offside shoulder and was subsequently humanely euthanased.
Cairns: Far North Queensland Amateur Turf Club 9th September 2016
Race 4: Carlton Mid Open Handicap - 950 metres
STARLISTIC - Trainer Mr R. Tapiolas reported that following the disappointing performance of the filly, it will now be retired from racing.
All horses that were backing up from yesterday's Cairns meeting were examined by the Club's veterinary surgeon and cleared to start.
RACE 1: - Tattersall's Club QTIS 3-Y-O Handicap - 1250 metres
WE JUST LOVE IT - Began awkwardly.
Rounding the turn near the 900 metres MISHANI BELIEVER (Jockey R. Thompson), which was racing greenly, had to be steadied when racing tight to the inside of FAB FOUR (Jockey N. Day), which was carried inwards by SEDUCTIVE DREAM (Jockey F. Edwards) when that horse shifted in when not quite clear. Jockey Edwards was severely reprimanded.
FAB FOUR - Was inclined to lay in under pressure in the home straight.
RACE 2: Ireland Ram Sir Sydney Williams OBE Class 4 Handicap - 950 metres
HI MACKAY - Fractious in the barriers and then slow to begin. Had difficulty obtaining clear running in the early part of the home straight.
TELEPHOTO - Rounding the home turn had to be steadied when racing in restricted room.
RACE 3:  Aggreko Amateurs Bracelet Class 3 Plate - 1250 metres
1st -  LUSHAN  2nd -  BOSSY BEACH  3rd -  SUIT  4th  -  BOMBER MISS
WINDJAMMER - Slow to begin.
OUR SINGLE DOUBT - Slow to begin. Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
PURRFECT TYCOON - Began awkwardly. Raced very ungenerously rounding the first turn and lost ground.
BOMBER MISS - Made the first turn awkwardly.
LUSHAN - Raced keenly in the early stages.
CARACAS - Raced wide without cover throughout.
When questioned regarding his riding rounding the home turn and in the early part of the straight, and whether there was an opportunity to shift to the outside of FLYING IGGY (Jockey S. Wilson), Apprentice L. Attard explained that approaching the home turn he was racing to the inside of the eventual winner, LUSHAN (Jockey R. Thompson), and that he was unable to shift out at that point. He said that rounding the home turn FLYING IGGY shifted off the running rail marginally and he envisaged that runner shifting further. For this reason he persisted in attempting a run to the inside of FLYING IGGY, however when that runner shifted back in, he was then held up and had to be steadied, and shifted back to the inside, where the mare finished the race off strongly.
RACE 4: The Cairns Post BenchMark 70 Handicap - 1250 metres
ANZUS - Was examined by the veterinary surgeon behind the barriers. Acting on his advice that the gelding was lame in the near foreleg, Stewards ordered the late scratching of ANZUS at 2.24 p.m. Subsequently they ordered that all bets made on the gelding be refunded and that the following deductions apply:
            15¢ in the dollar for the win for the winner, PINYARDA
            11¢ in the dollar for the place for the winner, PINYARDA
            14¢ in the dollar for the place for 2nd, RISE TO THE TOP
            12¢ in the dollar for the place for 3rd, CYCLONE BILLY
Trainer Ms O. Cairns was told that she must furnish a veterinary clearance prior to ANZUS being permitted to race again.
SCHNELLES PFERD - Stood flat-footed at the start and lost ground.
ASSERTIVE LOVE - Slow to begin.
Approaching the first turn, near the 900 metres, COUTAINVILLE (Jockey S. Wiseman) shifted in away from PINYARDA (Jockey S. Wilson) and in doing so made heavy contact with the hindquarters of NEVETUS (Jockey G. Kliese), resulting in that runner then shifting out. At the same point, PINYARDA was inclined to shift in, resulting in both RISE TO THE TOP (Jockey W. D'Avila) and COUTAINVILLE being placed in restricted room and COUTAINVILLE having to be checked. A short distance later, NEVETUS continued to race ungenerously, shifted out abruptly and again crowded COUTAINVILLE, which had to be checked.
NEVETUS - Held up rounding the home turn. For some distance approaching the 100 metres was again held up and had to be shifted out to obtain clear running.    
RACE 5:  Century Cranes Class 1 Handicap -  1250 metres
1st  -  VAUNTING  2nd  -  EIRIAN  3rd  -  FRENCH AMOUR   4th  -  ZATOCHIO
GENTLY GUIDED - Stewards accepted the explanation given by trainer Ms O. Cairns for the late declaration of Jockey F. Edwards as rider of the mare.
SILVER BOWS - Slow to begin.
OUT OF THE BLUE - Slow to begin.
SKELETONS - When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of the mare, Apprentice C. Jokic explained that her mount never travelled comfortably at any stage of the race, was constantly under pressure and failed to respond to her urgings throughout. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
ZATOCHIO - Crowded for room shortly after the start.
RACE 6:  Carlton Mid Cairns Amateur Cup Open  - 2100 metres
1st -   ROCKNET  2nd -  ARTIBAI 3rd  -  ALAKRIS 4th  -  NUDGEE
MAJOR MAJOR - Slow to begin.
SIX BEAT - Made the first turn near the 1600 metres awkwardly. In the early part of the home straight was held up on the heels of the weakening LIL' RED MONKEY.
MASTER AVATAR - Raced 3 wide without cover in the middle stages.
CHATEAU DETTORI - Held up for some distance rounding the home turn and in the early part of the straight.
FIELDS OF TUSCANY - Buffeted between runners rounding the home turn.
NUDGEE - Had difficulty obtaining clear running in the early part of the home straight.
ROCKNET -  Jockey N. Day was fiined $400 under A.R. 137A for using his whip on the gelding on 7 occasions prior to the 100 metres, 3 of which were consecutive.  Jockey Day was fined $200 under A.R. 137(c) for making a celebratory gesture prior to the winning post.
Jockey B. Thomson pleaded guilty to a charge under A.R. 137A for usinig the whip on NUDGEE on 8 occasions prior to the 100 metres. Jockey Thomson's licence to ride in races was suspended  for a period to commence at midnight on Thursday, 15th September 2016, up to and including midnight on 22nd September 2016. In assessing penalty stewards took into account Jockey Thomson's poor record in regard to the rule.
Race 7: Kenfrost Homes Open Handicap - 1400 metres
1st -  HORACIO  2nd  -  CLEANSING ALE  3rd  -  BLAME GAME  4th -  LOCEANO  
ONE BAR NONE - Slow to begin.
STANDFORD - Slow to begin. Rounding the turn near the 800 metres improved onto heels, commenced to over-race and had to be steadied.
BLAME GAME - Raced keenly in the early stages.
LOCEANO - Raced wide without cover throughout.
When questioned regarding her riding of ONE BAR NONE, Jockey B. Thomson explained that she had been instructed to ride the gelding in a forward position, however if there was speed in the race to attempt to find cover. She said that when BLUE JEST (Jockey T. Treichel) showed an intention to lead, she elected to restrain her mount to comply with her instructions. After being crossed by that runner, ONE BAR NONE commenced to over-race, refused to settle and made the first turn, near the 900 metres, awkwardly. Jockey Thomson said that shortly after straightening she attempted a run between BLUE JEST and BOOM SHA LA (Jockey W. D'Avila), however at this point BLUE JEST shifted out resulting in her being hampered. She added that after her mount re-balanced she again attempted to improve between BLUE JEST and BOOM SHA LA, but when both of those runners again shifted ground, she was held up and went to the line without being fully tested. Her exlanation was noted.
Race 8: Patrons Cup Sponsored by Keith & Yvonne Delacy BenchMark 60 Handicap - 1900 metres  
KAMARAH - Reared as the start was effected and lost ground. Trainer Mr T. Rowe was told that a warning will be placed on the gelding.
ETRANGERE - Began awkwardly. Approaching the 200 metres was momentarily awkward on heels and was shifted to the inside to obtain clear running.
FILLE VILAINE - Raced 3 wide without cover in the early stages and was allowed to stride forward and assume the lead.
TURN UP THE VOLUME - Was held up for clear running rounding the home turn.
GO GIRLFRIEND - Shifted out under pressure over the concluding stages and made contact with IDLE SITUATION on 2 occasions.
Summary of action concerning Licensees
RACE 6: Jockey N. Day - $400: Use whip on ROCKNET 7 times prior to 100 metres.
RACE 6: Jockey N. Day - $200: Make celebratory gesture prior to winning post.
RACE 1: Jockey F. Edwards severely reprimanded - careless riding (A.R. 137(a))
Race 6: Jockey B Thomson – use of whip on NUDGEE (AR137A) to commence midnight 15th September 2016 up to and including 22nd September 2016.
Jockey Absenteeism
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed
All winners
Late Scratchings
RACE 4: ANZUS -  Behind barriers, at 2.24 p.m. Lame in near foreleg. Vet clearance required.
Summary of Rider changes/Late notifications
End of Report
Issued subject to correction upon revision.