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Brisbane Racing Club@Eagle Farm

Eagle Farm Metropolitan

Sat 06 Jun Good 3


+3m Entire Course


Good 3 Pen 4.4

Nil last 24hrs, 1.5mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:06AM Sunday 07 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 6/6 - 7:45am - Rider Replacement Races 7, 8 & 9
TRACK INFO: Irrigated 12mm 26/5, heavy dew on track 6/6, possible upgrade during the day


Mon 01/06/20 11:00am


Tue 02/06/20 03:00pm


Wed 03/06/20 09:00am


Wed 03/06/20 12:00pm


Sat 06/06/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2

WEATHER – FINE                          
GOOD 3 (Races 2 – 9)
Chairman of Stewards – P. Chadwick, D. Aurisch (Race 2)
Stewards – D. Aurisch, N. Boyle, P. Zimmerman, R. Hanson, C. Fedrick, A. Turner
Clerk of Scales – K. Daly
Judge – R. Thomas, A. Redding, G. Tozer
Veterinarian – Dr M. Lenz, Dr K. Caldwell
Sample Collection Officials – A. Challen, L. Chaplin, A. Schofield, R. Burchmann
Starter – P. Cousins, H. Anderson
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
From Doomben Saturday 30 May 2020 – Race 1:
Co-trainer W. Hulbert advised that subsequent to the event L’AMANTE underwent blood tests, the results of which he was satisfied with, and at present the filly will continue with its preparation.
Race 1: ASCOT GREEN BM80 H’CAP – 2200M
QUALITY SEEKER – Apprentice J. Huxtable reported at scale that his mount raced flat today.
ADVANCE WARNING – Overraced in the early stages. Hung out from the 800m and proved difficult to ride rounding the home turn, and continued to hang out in the home straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the gelding had a laceration in its mouth on the offside.
SEENTOOMANY – Had to be eased after passing the winning post on the first occasion when tightened for room by SO DAPPER, which was taken in by GALTERO. R. Maloney, the rider of GALTERO, was advised to provide his fellow riders with greater clearance when shifting ground in future. Finished tailed off. J. Guthmann-Chester could offer no tangible explanation other than that the mare appeared to race flat and did not respond when placed under pressure. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have cardiac arrhythmia. Trainer M. Costa was advised that SEENTOMANY must trial satisfactorily and he must produce a veterinary clearance, including the results of an ECG, prior to the mare being permitted to race again.
STARDOME – Raced three wide in the early stages until being ridden forward and crossing to a forward position one off the fence by the 1600m.
SO DAPPER – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
WINKLER – Hampered at the start when tightened for room between ADVANCE WARNING and SO DAPPER. Overraced in the early stages. Held up for clear running approaching the home turn.
Following the running of this event the track was upgraded to GOOD 3.
Race 2: TAB BM90 H’CAP – 1400M
RED CHASE – Had a tendency to lay inwards in the early part of the straight.
SOXAGON – Stewards will interview B. Stewart regarding his whip use.
PROMETHEUS – Slow to begin after jumping away awkwardly. Carried wider making the turn into the straight when RECKLESS CHOICE shifted outwards.
PINNACLE STAR – Had some difficulty securing clear running in the home straight until near the 200m.
CAPTIVATOR – Raced three wide with cover.
COLPO DI TAMBURO – Raced three wide without cover until a point near the 700m where it obtained cover trailing MAGIC FOX.
PLENTY – Jumped away awkwardly and was severely hampered soon after the start when tightened for room between TAKE TEA and TRUCULENT. Overraced in the early stages.
TOTALLY CHARMED – Bled from both nostrils. Connections were advised that the gelding will be ineligible to start for 3 months, and prior to resuming racing must gallop satisfactorily over 1000m in the presence of a steward.
I DREAM OF GREEN – Held up making the turn into the straight.
TRUCULENT – Inclined to lay in under pressure in the home straight.
MAGIC FOX – Overraced in the early stages and near the 700m, when continuing to overrace, was brushed by I DREAM OF GREEN, which shifted out, resulting in MAGIC FOX being taken wider and racing three wide for the remainder of the event. In this incident COLPO DI TAMBURO was momentarily taken wider on the track.
TAKE TEA – A post-race veterinary examination revealed the filly to have abrasions to the inside of the off hind hock. M. Cahill was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
STYLISH SAGA – Slow to begin. Overraced in the early stages. Had to be checked over the concluding stages when tightened for room between PINNACLE STAR and TOTALLY CHARMED, which shifted in under pressure. B. Thornton, the rider of TOTALLY CHARMED, was reprimanded.
ENDLESS DAYS – Overraced in the early stages. Inclined to lay out rounding the home turn.
GRESHAM – Steadied near the 1600m when momentarily tightened for room by MANGIONE. Inclined to lay in under pressure in the home straight.
BOLD ASSASSIN – Overraced in the early stages.
HIGH POWER – Held up rounding the home turn and in the early part of the home straight.
HELLAVA BABE – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
SEAT OF POWER – Raced three wide in the early stages before being ridden forward to race outside the leader by the 1500m. Momentarily tightened for room leaving the 300m between MANGIONE and PICKA PLUM, which shifted out when placed under pressure. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be foot lame in the near foreleg.
RED STINA – Improved around the field four wide from the 800m.
Race 5: TAB ALAN SHUCK BM85 H’CAP – 1000M
Trainer D. Duryea was reprimanded for presenting ICE FROST on course 15 minutes later than the prescribed time.
OZARK – Hampered at the start when tightened for room between ROYAL WITNESS and ICE FROST, both of which shifted ground.
AKASAKI – Began awkwardly. Held up and unable to secure clear running rounding the home turn and in the early part of the home straight until approaching the 200m.
PUBLISHING POWER – Inclined to lay out passing the 600m, became awkward at the heels of ICE FROST and lost ground.
JAMI LADY – Held up in the early part of the home straight until near the 300m.
SPIRIT’S CHOICE – Raced very fiercely in the early stages and near the 700m had to be steadied from the heels of HARD STRIDE and shifted in and made contact with ICE FROST. Continued to overrace and shifted out around the heels of HARD STRIDE to afford the mare clear running.
ICE FROST – Inconvenienced near the 700m.
SKY LAKE – Taken wider by SPIRIT’S CHOICE near the 500m.
WIRNPA – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
BALLISTIC BOY – Bumped after travelling a short distance by SUPERGIANT, which was taken out by MISHANI SECRET, which was also taken outwards by MARAKOPA. Shifted in under pressure in the home straight.
TRADUCE – Overraced in the early stages.
MISHANI SECRET – Became awkward at the heels of MAN OF SINN near the 600m and had to alter course to that runner’s inside to improve.
Race 7: XXXX DRY J.J. ATKINS – 1400M
WILD RULER – Slow to begin. Further inconvenienced shortly after when THE DRINKS CART was carried outwards by SAFFIANO. Eased near the 1200m when crowded to the inside of ISOTOPE, which shifted in. Taken wider near the 900m. Raced three wide throughout.
NOT AN OPTION – Became unbalanced when contacted on the hind quarters by SPOKESMAN at the 1100m and then was further hampered when tightened for room by SAFFIANO which, when overracing, was also racing tight to the inside of WILD RULER near the 700m.
THE DRINKS CART – Commenced to overrace near the 1200m and got its head up when tightened to the inside of WILD RULER, which was carried in slightly by ISOTOPE. SAFFIANO got its head up near the 1200m and shifted outwards, resulting in further crowding to THE DRINKS CART. Had to shift out abruptly when overracing near the 900m to avoid the heels of WILD RULER. Had to be checked outwards near the 800m when inconvenienced by SAFFIANO, which shifted out.
THUNDER MANIA – Hampered soon after the start. Held up approaching the home turn.
SAFFIANO – Shifted out when overracing near the 900m, resulting in WILD RULER being taken wider. Near the 800m became awkwardly placed on the heels of SUPERARE, which laid outwards slightly, and when racing keenly then became extremely awkward on the heels of MACROURA and shifted outwards abruptly. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the colt to have been galloped on on the off hind leg, sustaining a laceration to its outside heel.
WAY BEYOND – Hampered soon after the start. Made heavy contact with the running rail near the 1300m. Stewards will interview R. Wiggins regarding his whip use.
OVERLORD – Slow to begin. Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and then soon after straightening was disappointed for a run between GOTTA KISS and COSMIC GOSSIP, which shifted out to improve. Continued to have difficulty obtaining clear running and then inside the 100m was hampered after improving into a run between WILD RULER and THE DRINKS CART, which shifted in slightly under pressure. Lost the off fore plate in running.
MINJEE – Slow to begin. Raced wide throughout.
ISOTOPE – Raced three wide in the early stages and was ridden forward to race outside the leader near the 700m.
STAROSA – Hampered soon after the start when tightened between ISOTOPE and WISDOM OF WATER. Became unbalanced on a couple of occasions when racing keenly in the middle stages. Raced in restricted room to the inside of COSMIC GOSSIP near the 800m.
TREKKING – Raced wide with cover.
KEMENTARI – Held up in the home straight and as a result went to the line not fully tested by its rider.
NICCANOVA – Had to be checked near the 1000m. M. Cahill, the rider of TREKKING, was found guilty of a charge of careless riding under AR131(a) in that approaching the 1000m he allowed his mount to shift in when insufficiently clear of NICCANOVA. Jockey Cahill’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 7 days, to commence at midnight Sunday 14 June and expire at midnight Sunday 21 June 2020. Raced wide with cover. Shifted in under pressure over the final 200m.
VICTOREM – When asked to explain the performance, D. Smith stated that the gelding was unsuited on today’s firm surface. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be slightly short-striding in front.
TYZONE – R. Fradd was fined $500 for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
CRACK ME UP – Stewards will interview J. Huxtable regarding his whip use.
VEGA ONE – Fractious in the barriers, resulting in J. Byrne being momentarily unseated in his saddle. Restrained in the early stages to gain a position closer to the rail. J. Byrne was reprimanded under AR132(7)(a)(ii) for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m. In determining penalty, stewards were mindful of jockey Byrne’s previous very good record in relation to this rule.
CHIEF IRONSIDE – Jumped awkwardly, resulting in WINTER BRIDE being hampered. Raced wide without cover throughout. Stewards will interview C. Bayliss regarding his whip use.
DEEP IMAGE – Raced four wide without cover throughout.
WINTER BRIDE – Hampered on jumping. Tightened for room and had to be checked approaching the 100m. J. Orman, the rider of NICCANOVA, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR131(a) in that he permitted his mount to shift inwards at that point when insufficiently clear of WINTER BRIDE. J. Orman’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 11 days, to commence at midnight Sunday 14 June and expire at midnight Thursday 25 June 2020. Rider J. Bayliss was reprimanded under AR232(i) regarding the standard of evidence he gave at the inquiry into this incident.
BAM’S ON FIRE – A post-race veterinary examination at the request of the trainer revealed no abnormalities.
RUUCA was a late scratching at 3:28 pm when stewards acceded to a request by trainer Toby Edmonds to scratch the horse because of the firmness of the track.
KALIK – Raced three wide with cover throughout.
AQUITAINE – Raced three wide without cover.
SUKWHINDER – Raced four wide without cover throughout.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 3. B. Thornton – careless riding – AR131(a)
Race 3. M. Cahill – excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 5. Tnr. D. Duryea – present horse late on course – LR30
Race 8. J. Bayliss – standard of evidence at inquiry – AR232(i)
Race 8. J. Byrne – excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 8. R. Fradd - $500 – excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m – excessive use of whip prior to 100m – AR132(7)(a)(ii)

Race 8. J. Orman – careless riding - 11 days (m/n 14.6.20 – m/n 25.6.20) – AR131(a)
Race 8. M. Cahill – careless riding – 7 days (m/n 14.6.20 – m/n 21.6.20) – AR131(a)
Adjourned inquiries
Race 2. B. Stewart (SOXAGON) – whip use
Race 7. R. Wiggins (SAY BEYOND) – whip use
Race 8. J. Huxtable (CRACK ME UP) – whip use
Race 8. C. Bayliss (CHIEF IRONSIDE) – whip use
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Crack Me Up, Chief Ironside, Niccanova, Dawn Passage, Thunder Mania, Wild Ruler, Gotta Kiss, Macroura, Just Society, Navy Cross, Empire Games, Publishing Power, Wirnpa, Gresham, Red Chase, Pinnacle Star, Magic Fox, Hellava Babe, Bold Assassin, The Kingdom, Champagne Vega, Prometheus, Winkler, Seentoomany, Better Reflection, Sea Tonic, Tyzone, Trekking.
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners and Seentoomany, Soxagon, Totally Charmed, Gresham, Ozark, Supergiant, Gotta Kiss, Madam Rouge, Iced
Race 2. SEENTOOMANY – cardiac arrhythmia – trial, veterinary clearance including ECG results – AR20(e)
Race 3. TOTALLY CHARMED – bled both nostrils, 1st time – 3 month bar, 1000m gallop – AR79(4)(b)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.           SO DAPPER – M. Cahill
Race 6.           SMART METEOR – M. Du Plessis
Race 7.           THUNDER MANIA – T. Marshall
Race 8.           RANIER – M. Hellyer
Race 9.           AQUITAINE – J. Orman
Late scratchings
Race 9.          RUUCA – 3:28 pm – firmness of track
Published subject to correction upon revision