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Gold Coast Turf Club

Aquis Park Gold Coast Metropolitan

Sat 16 May Good 4


+1m 1000m-400m, True Remainder


Good 4 Pen 4.5

3.5mm last 24hrs, 5mm last 7 days

2mm last 24hrs, 25mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:08AM Sunday 17 May
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 16/5 - 7:45am


Mon 11/05/20 11:00am


Tue 12/05/20 03:00pm


Wed 13/05/20 09:00am


Wed 13/05/20 12:00pm


Sat 16/05/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 6, 7

Chairman of Stewards – P. Chadwick
Stewards – P. Gillard, D. Aurisch, N. Boyle, B. Connell
Clerk of Scales – J. Robinson
Judge – S. McMahon
Veterinarian – Dr M. Lenz, Dr K. Caldwell
Swab Attendants – K. Kilpatrick, G. Gray
Starter – S. Andrews, K. Watson
Stewards Secretary – S. Rolls
Race 1: Darby McCarthy Class 3 Plate – 1200m
FISTICUFFS – Began awkwardly. Inclined to lay in when placed under pressure over the final 250m.
ALL TO DO – Slow to begin. Near the 800m commenced to hang out and when restrained from the heels of ORIENTAL RUNNER shifted out abruptly, resulting in SEA RAIDER being taken wider. Continued to hang out and made the home turn extremely wide. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding had returned with a laceration on the inside of its off side hock. Trainer S. Kendrick was advised that a warning would be placed on the gelding’s racing manners.
DESERT KNIGHT – When questioned regarding the tactics adopted Jockey L. Dittman explained that in the early stages he wanted to cross HERITAGE SASH and when it was apparent that runner was going to hold the lead he was unable to restrain his mount as it raced fresh and despite his efforts he was unable do so. Stewards noted his explanation.
Race 2: Heineken Open H’Cap – 2200m
LOTA CREEK GOLD – Began awkwardly and shifted in and bumped AKAGE. Inclined to lay in under pressure over the final 250m. Stewards questioned Jockey B. Ainsworth regarding the gelding settling in a midfield position with cover, which is in contrast to its most recent pattern where it has settled in a forward position.  Jockey Ainsworth explained that she had intended to race forward today however, when it began awkwardly and was soon afterwards crossed by SAUNTER BOY she elected to settle the gelding with cover. Jockey Ainsworth added that if the tempo was slow in the middle stages she would have improved around the field to the lead but as the pace of the race was genuine at that stage she elected to continue to race with cover. Stewards noted her explanation.
AKAGE – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
LE JUGE – For some distance between the 300m and passing the 200m had difficulty securing a clear run when racing in restricted room between FIGHTING TEO and SAUNTER BOY. Over the final stages became awkward at the heels of ROMAKASH and as a result Jockey M. Cahill was unable to ride the gelding out in his normal manner.
MONGOLIAN WOLF – Passing the 200m had to alter course to the outside of LOTA CREEK GOLD in order to improve.
Race 3: Bundaberg Rum C, G & E Benchmark 72 H’Cap – 1400m
As B. Stewart was delayed due to transport difficulties Stewards permitted J. Byrne to be substituted as the rider of PROMETHEUS.
THE GOLDEN HIND was replated by the farrier prior to entering the enclosure.
PAY WITH CASH was examined by the veterinary surgeon after being kicked by another runner and was cleared to start.
The start of the race was delayed when PAY WITH CASH proved difficult to load.
SIDETRIP – Connections advised the intention would be to have the gelding ridden with cover today if circumstances permit. The gelding settled in a midfield position with cover.
PAY WITH CASH - Proved difficult to load.  Trainer G. Heinrich was advised that a warning would be placed on the gelding’s barrier manners.
PROMETHEUS – Reared as the start was effected and lost ground.
STARDOME – Jumped awkwardly and made contact with YABA DABL DOYA.
EL CHAPARRO – Jumped awkwardly and made contact with THE GOLDEN HIND. Inclined to lay out under pressure in the home straight.
THE CHOSEN ONE – Raced greenly in the early stages when being restrained.
THE GOLDEN HIND – A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be coughing.
Race 4: XXXX Dry F & M Benchmark 72 H’Cap – 1400m
FLAUNT – Slow to begin.
MERLIN’S MAGIC – Slow to begin. Passing the 900m when overracing had to be restrained from the heels of SPECIAL THING. Lost the off fore plate in running.
SHIJIN – Pulled hard when leading in the early stages.
ZOULOU DANCER – Rounding the home turn was held up and unable to secure clear running. Near the 250m had to be eased when tightened for room between GOLDEN LILY, which shifted out and SELES.
GOLDEN LILY – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
SELES – Raced three wide with cover throughout.
BAREFOOT – Raced three wide with cover throughout.
LASHONI – Stewards questioned App B. Nothdurft regarding his riding of LASHONI over the final 400m where it appeared he had an opportunity to improve his position behind LOPE FOR JOYA. App Nothdurft stated that he had ridden LASHONI on a number of its race starts and the mare only possesses a short sprint, which Stewards had previously been made aware of, and for this reason he was instructed to hold the mare up and shift to the outside passing the 200m and make his final sprint. App Nothdurft added that he had considered soon after straightening improving between LOPE FOR JOYA and ROUND MOUNTAIN GEM but felt it was a better option to shift to the outside of AMICITIA to make his final run. Stewards noted his explanation.
Race 5: We Are Gold Coast Class 6 Plate – 1200m
RIGHT OR WRONG – As the gelding was having its first start since 20 October 2018 it was examined by the veterinary surgeon when it arrived on course and cleared to take its place in the field. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding had returned with blood in its near side nostril sustained from a laceration.
Race 6: TAB Ken Russell Memorial Classic – 1200m
SPOKESMAN – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Raced three wide early without cover until obtaining cover near the 600m. Ridden forward to obtain cover approaching the 600m trailing KAVAK.
ALWAYS ON SHOW – Jumped awkwardly and shifted out bumping SUPERARE.
KAVAK – Jumped awkwardly and shifted in bumping BANGERS AND MAYO.
TICK TOCK BOOM – Slow to begin. Near the 400m improved to the inside of DARING MAN and brushed that runner.
NEUTRON – Shifted in abruptly soon after the start.
SAFFIANO – After travelling a short distance had to be checked when tightened for room between MINJEE, which shifted in and SPOKESMAN, which was taken out by DARING MAN, which was racing greenly and shifted out slightly.
MINJEE – Near the 700m improved up on the heels of DARING MAN and shifted out, resulting in BANGERS AND MAYO being taken wider.
BANGERS AND MAYO – Raced three wide with cover until the 600m and then without cover for the remainder from the 600m. Bumped heavily on the home turn by DARING MAN.
DARING MAN – Raced greenlythroughout. Rounding the home turn after being bumped by TICK TOCK BOOM hung out across the heels of MINJEE and had to be severely checked.
WISDOM OF WATER – Shifted out under pressure over the final 100m.
FOX TERRIER – A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding had been galloped on and sustained a small laceration on its off fore cannon.
Race 7: James Squire Class 6 H’Cap – 1800m
HIGH POWER – Slow to begin. Held up approaching and rounding the home turn.
JOY’S REWARD – Overraced in the early stages. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have been galloped on the near hind leg sustaining a laceration at the back of the cannon and to have come down on its off hind bumper.
BLUE COMET – Raced three wide in the early stages before being restrained to a rearward position.
CALIBRATION – A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be lame in both fore legs. Connections were advised that a veterinary clearance must be provided prior to the gelding racing again.
App N. Keal (GRESHAM) was reprimanded for using his whip in excess of five occasions prior to the 100m.
Race 8: Brandons Gold Coast Guineas – 1200m
FINAL DECLARATION was examined by the veterinary surgeon after being fractious in the barriers getting its hind leg caught in the back of the barriers and was cleared to start.
SCATHING – Slow to begin.
FINAL DECLARATION – Raced very greenly in the early stages and when being restrained threw its head in the air. Shortly after leaving the 700m lost ground after getting its head up when being checked off the heels of RUUCA. At an inquiry it was established that FINAL DECLARATION got its head up on a number of occasions prior to the 700m when being eased. RUUCA also commenced to overrace approaching the 700m and shifted out abruptly thereafter RUUCA shifted back in and near the 650m shifted in again resulting in FINAL DECLARATION having to be checked. When taking into account the both horses’ racing manners Stewards did not proceed with a charge however, Jockey B. Stewart (RUUCA) was advised to exercise care when shifting ground.
RUUCA – Near the 800m shifted out from the heels of SCATHING, resulting in COMMAND’N’CONQUER being momentarily taken wider.
COMMAND’N’CONQUER – Making the turn into the straight had to be eased off the heels of ZAC ATTACK. On inquiry it was established that COMMAND’N’CONQUER was inclined to lay in slightly and at the same time ZAC ATTACK was carried outwards when HIGHTAIL shifted out and away from BELLEVUE HILL, which was carried slightly wider by THE ODYSSEY and GARIBALDI. Stewards were of the opinion there was insufficient evidence to warrant a charge however all riders were advised to exercise care when shifting ground. Raced three wide with cover throughout.
EXHILARATES – Held up in the early part of the home straight and shifted out approaching the 200m to the outside of HIGHTAIL in order to improve.
ZAC ATTACK – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
BARODA – Raced three wide with cover throughout.
HIGHTAIL – A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have been galloped on sustaining abrasions to both hocks.
Race 9: Attwood Marshall Lawyers Silk Stocking F & M Quality – 1200m
As B. Stewart was overweight Stewards permitted S. Galloway to be substituted as the rider of MANAYA. Jockey Stewart was fined $300.
LOVE YOU LUCY was examined at the barriers and cleared to start.
The start of the race was delayed when the crossover nose band had to be refitted on MANAYA after being loaded into the barrier.
RIVER RACER – Slow to begin. Near the 600m commenced to pull hard and improved to the inside of MULTAJA where there was insufficient room and as a result had to be checked. Lost the near hind plate in running.
TARDIS – Jumped outwards at the start resulting in MULTAJA being hampered.
BOLD ARIAL – Jumped awkwardly and shifted in bumping CLOCKWISE.
CLOCKWISE – Bumped at the start and lost ground. Had to be eased near the 1000m from the heels of RESIN, which shifted in when not quite clear.
FIESTA – When the pace steadied from the 700m had to be restrained from the heels of RESIN. Held up in the home straight until near the 200m.
MULTAJA – Near the 200m was restrained off the heels of FIESTA, which shifted outwards. Jockey M. Cahill (FIESTA) was reprimanded and advised to exercise greater care when shifting ground.
LOVE YOU LUCY – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
FRANGIPANI MOON – Raced three wide with cover throughout.
STAR REFLECTION – Raced three wide with cover throughout.

Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 7. N. Keal – App Jockey – Whip use – 8 times 12 in total - AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 9. M. Cahill – Jockey – Careless riding – AR131(a)
Race 9. B. Stewart – Jockey – Overweight - $300 – AR190(3)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 1. ALL TO DO – Racing manners - Warning
Race 3. PAY WITH CASH – Difficult to load – Warning
Race 7. CALIBRATION – Lame both fore legs – Veterinary clearance – AR20(e)
Change of Tactics
Race 3. SIDETRIP – Connections advised intention will be to have the gelding ridden with cover today if circumstances permit.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1. FISTICUFFS – M. McGillivray
Race 3. PROMETHEUS – J. Byrne
Race 4. GOLDEN LILY – S. Cormack
Race 8. READY BABE – M. McGillivray
Race 9. INTRINISC – S. Cormack
Race 9. BOLD ARIAL – M. Hellyer
Race 9. MANAYA – S. Galloway
Late scratchings

Published subject to correction upon revision