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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 24 Nov Good 4


+3m Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 6.5

Nil last 24hrs, 34mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 12mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:03AM Monday 25 November
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 24/11 - 7:45am. Late Rider R2 N13 and R8 N17


Tue 19/11/19 11:00am


Wed 20/11/19 03:00pm


Thu 21/11/19 10:00am


Thu 21/11/19 12:00pm


Sun 24/11/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 4, 5

WEATHER –  FINE             TRACK RATING – GOOD 4           RAIL – 3M

Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards –  J. Hackett, L. Hicks, B. Connell
Clerk of Scales –  C. Fedrick
Judge – P. Chilton, W. Ellis
Veterinarian – J. Silvestri
Swab attendants – A. Challen, K. Warwick
Starter – R. Hanson
Race 1:  Noosa Cup Sunday 15th Decembere Maiden Plate – 1400m
On return to scale a protest was lodged by apprentice J. Huxtable, rider of the 4th placegetter, ROZEIRA, against DIVINE ELEVEN being declared 3rd, alleging interference on the home turn.  After taking evidence from the parties concerned and viewing the stewards patrol video it was established that at a point near the 400m, DIVINE ELEVEN was directed outwards in an attempt to obtain clear running and in doing so initiated heavy contact with ROZEIRA, forcing that horse to become unbalanced and be forced wider on the track.  After considering this incident, stewards were satisfied that the interference suffered by ROZEIRA was sufficient to uphold the protest given the nose margin.  Judge’s numbers altered to read:  No.12 – PURE INDULGENCE - 1st       No.14 – KALLIE – 2nd      No.15 – ROZEIRA – 4th     No.7 – DIVINE ELEVEN – 4th.   As a result of this incident jockey Byrne, rider of DEVINE ELEVEN, was advised to exercise more when shifting ground.
TYCOON MCKINNEY – Due to being fractious in the enclosure,  rearing on a number of occasions and becoming free from its handler,   was examined by the veterinary surgeon prior to being cleared to take its place in the field. Trainer J. Symons & S. Laxon was advised that due to its pre race manners,  the horse must trial in an official trial before starting again. Raced wide without cover. Inconvenienced near the 400m.
PRINNY’S SUCCESS – Slow to begin.
BOLD DELAGO – Slow to begin.
SILENTUS – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
CAMOUFLAGE GIRL – Bumped by another runner on jumping away.
DANISH EMPIRE – Commenced to overraced approaching the 1200m. Continued to overrace and raced greenly for the remainder of the race.   A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse was stepping short in front.  Trainer P. Busuttin was advised that he must provide a veterinary clearance for the horse, and trial satisfactorily in an official trial prior to racing again.
HIGHLAND SKIPPER – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
Race 2:   TAB Maiden Plate – 1400m
TRUSTABLE – Slow to begin.
RANGAS RULE – Jumped away awkwardly.  Raced greenly when placed under pressure near the 250m.
LIKEABEEL – Jumped away awkwardly and made heavy contact with the barrier partition, almost dislodging its rider.
STARBEATS – Jumped awkwardly. Raced wide.
MIZ MACEY – Shifted out near the 800m to improve and raced wide without cover from that point onwards.
BEAUREGARD – Obliged to alter course near the 300m in order to secure clear running.
MALEEKA BLUES – Lost its near hind plate in running.
Race 3:  Yalumba Wines Maiden Plate – 1000m
ASIAN BEAUTY – The start of this race was significantly delayed when the horse reared and became cast in the barriers. As a result of this, the entire field was removed from the barriers to safely remove ASIAN BEAUTY. Following this, the mare was declared a late scratching at 2.16 pm. Subsequent to the event all monies invested on the horse were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable.
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
11 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
18 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place  bets
TATACHILLA – Following this, TATACHILLA  was examined by the veterinary surgeon as that  horse had been struck when ASIAN BEAUTY became fractious and was declared a late scratching at 2.18 pm with the following deductions.  
7 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
7 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
14 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place  bets
MINT STRIP - Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground at the start.
WICKED FREDDY – Slow to begin.
DURUNDUR LAD – Laid in during the early stages.
HE’S IRISH – Overraced when restrained during the middle stages.
GENZAI THE WOLF – Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and until the 300m.
BUATISI – Was bumped by another runner near the 300m and then shifted out abruptly  as  a result.
SUCH IS LOVE – Shortly after the 300m shifted away from another runner which was shifting ground, causing its rider to stop riding and straighten.
EULEILAH – Was inconvenienced by another runner near the 300m and forced wider.
STUKWUN – Raced wide without cover.
Race 4:  McGrath Buderim & Mooloolaba Class 3 H’cap - 1000m
LET’S GO BOBBY – Trainer P. Jenkins was fined $100 for failing to scratch the horse by the prescribed time.
The start of this race was delayed due to the significant delay in the previous event.
On return to scale a protest was lodged by jockey M. McGillivray, rider of the 2nd placegetter, CAILINI, against  SLEEPY HEART being declared the winner, alleging interference rounding the home turn. After taking evidence from the parties concerned and viewing the stewards’ patrol video, it was established  that CAILINI had attempted to secure a tight run to the inside of SLEEPY HEART, which stewards were not  satisfied he had obtained at that point near the 500m, and when attempting this run was temporarily  held up and unable to improve.  Whilst stewards felt that there may have been a minor shift from SLEEPY HEART, they were of the view that TEAGZ may have had some bearing on the position of SLEEP HEART at that point of the race and this, coupled with the view that CAILINI had not obtained a run to the inside of SLEEPY HEART contributed to the objection being dismissed.  
CAILINI – Obliged to shift in near the 300m to secure clear running.
TEAGZ – Raced wide without cover.
USURP – Raced wide.
Race 5:  Flying Start Syndications Class 4 H’cap – 1600m
CERTAIN DOUBT – Severely tightened for room at the start and had to be checked, losing significant ground.
SPANISH HURRICANE -   Was bumped and became awkward on jumping away. Jockey J. Byrne reported when caught wide in the early stages he elected to press his mount to stride forward to the lead, which he did so approaching the 1400m. He then indicated he attempted to steady the pace of his mount, which then did not respond and overraced badly in the early and middle stages. He added that, in his opinion, this had a detrimental  effect on the horse’s overall performance.  Stewards noted the explanation.
ELTIZAAM – Was placed in restricted room at the start and was steadied.  Overraced in the early stages when wide and attempting to secure cover closer to the fence, however when unable to do so was permitted to stride forward to a position one off the fence closer to the lead passing the 1000m.
NO DOUBT ACRACKER – Jumped awkwardly and bumped heavily with another runner.
BLUE COMET – Overraced in the early stages when the pace was only steady.
SHELTER LADY – Apprentice  A. Thomson dropped his whip after passing the 400m.
AHMAH STAR – Which finished tailed off, was examined by the veterinary surgeon with no abnormalities detected.   Trainer L. Wanless was advised that the horse would be barred from TAB venues until its form improved.
Race 6:  Moreton All Body Care Fillies And Mares Class 1 H’cap – 1200m
JEOPARDISE ME – Slow to begin.
BOMBAY BULLET – Jumped away awkwardly.
SENTIMENTAL MISS – Had to be checked from the heels of another runner near the 1000m.  Obliged to race wide.
FIRST DAWN – When the pace slackened leaving the 900m improved onto heels and had to be checked anD shifted out as a result.
JUST GIVEME RUBIES – Placed in restricted room near the 850m and had to be checked to avoid heels.
EDINGLASSIE FLYER – Stewards inquired into the reasons for this horse being checked near the 1000m. After taking evidence from the riders involved, it was established that EDINGLASSIE FLYER was tightened for room between WINERIES, which shifted out slightly, and SPLENDID SPIRIT, which shifted in despite the efforts of its rider when inclined to hang in away from STAGE PLAY, was shifting ground.  After considering the evidence, stewards were satisfied that no rider had ridden carelessly and took no further action.  Following this incident commenced to overrace and continued to overrace from the 700m.   Placed in restricted room near the 200m and  obliged to stop riding and shift out to secure clear running. Obliged to race wide.
EPIC BEL – Placed in restricted room near the 400m and had to be steadied.
MAGESTIC IVY – Held up rounding the home turn until  the early stages of the home straight.
SPLENDID SPIRIT – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
FEARLESS QUEEN – Raced 4 wide without cover.
INDY BONBON – Obliged to race wide. Examined by the veterinary surgeon and found to have a poor post race recovery.
Race 7:  Workplace Central CG&E Class 1 H’cap – 1200m
THE WARDSMAN – Slow to begin.
EFFORT – Jumped away very awkwardly, making heavy contact with the barrier partition.
IT’S NOT AN ISSUE – Shortly after the start shifted in despite the efforts of its rider and had to be checked from heels. Then raced 3 wide. Jockey Sewell reported his mount returned to scale with blood in its mouth.
STYLISH SAGA – Laid out under pressure in the home straight.
CRAIGLEA ARION – Raced 3 wide without cover.
Race 8:  Ross Maclean Fellowship Ratings Band 0-62 – 1400m
KEEP ON ROCKING – Slow to begin.
TOP GLAMOUR – Held up  rounding the home turn. Continued to have difficulty securing clear running until passing the 150m.
STARBUSTER – Had some difficulty securing clear running from after passing the 400m until  the 300m.
TOO HOT TO HOLD – Had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
MADAM LOVE – Raced wide.
ALPENDURADA – Raced  wide.
SKYE  AND ME – Raced wide.
REAL ELUSIVE – Raced wide without cover.
Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 4.           Paul Jenkins – Trainer – Late scratching - Let’s Go Bobby – $100 – AR181
Race 3 & 6. Tina Cotsiopoulos – Trainer – Late Rider – Euleilah & Indy Bonbon - $100 – LR67
Jockey absenteeism
J. Hodge – Injured – Clearance required*
J. Guthman-Chester – Illness – Clearance required* 
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Mista Busy, Majestic Ivy, Big Brook, Genzai The Wolf, Blue Comet, Cairndow, Rangas Rule, Burn The Boots, Aurora Charm, The Wardsmen, Shining Blue, Madam Love
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Craiglea Arion
Warnings/ Bars
Race 1.           Danish Empire – Racing manners/stepping short in front – Vet. Clearance, trial – LR25
Race 5.           Ahmah Star – Poor performance – Barred TAB venues until form improvement
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.           Starbeats – L. Tarrant
Race 8.           Mista Busy – A. Fancourt  
Race 1.           4th  (Rozeira) v 3rd – Interference home turn - Upheld
Race 4.           2nd (Cailini)_ v. 1st (Sleepy Heart) - Dismissed
Late scratchings
Race X.          X  
Published subject to correction upon revision