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Maranoa Diggers' Race Club

Mitchell Country

Sat 30 Apr Good




Good Pen Not available




Track conditions update: 10:49AM Wednesday 04 May
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 30/4 - 7:45am. Rider Alteration R2 N5, R4 N4, R5 N8


Tue 26/04/16 11:00am


Wed 27/04/16 03:00pm


Thu 28/04/16 10:00am


Thu 28/04/16 01:00pm


Sat 30/04/16 07:45am

Late Nominations

None set

Racing Queensland - Stewards Report


Weather – Fine Track Rating – Good (Dirt) Rail - True


Chairman of Stewards - Mr Tony Preston

Stewards - Mr Tony Reed

Jockey Advocate- Ms Rebecca Kerwin.

Clerk of Scales - Ms Kay Crosby

Judge - Club

Veterinarian - Dr W. Nason B.V.Sc. Roma Veterinary Clinic.

Betting- Stewards

Starter - Mr Lyle Connolly

Photo Finish Operator- Club


Stewards were advised by Trainer Mr Wayne Baker that his son Jockey James Baker would not be riding at today’s meeting as he was ill. Stewards advised Mr Baker that Jockey Baker would require a medical certificate before he was able to ride again. Riding changes as per race day summary.


CAST OUT (App. Ms S. Lacey) was slow to begin

OUR MAGIC MADGE- (J.King) was slow to begin.

NORDIC QUEEN (Appr Ms J.Brand) travelled wide throughout and hung out over the final stages of the event.


Stewards were advised by Trainer Mr Les Baker that his horse MEZZANOTTE would be a late scratching for this event due to no rider being available. Stewards officially scratched MEZZANOTTE at 1:05pm.

Due to a power failure on course which occurred during the running of this event there was no video surveillance footage or photo finish equipment available for a short time. Power was eventually restored without further interruption for the remainder of the program.

KOORAGAN LANE (Appr. Ms J. Brand) travelled wide for the majority of the event.

WASHER (D. Brown) rolled in marginally when rounding the turn at the 900 metre point resulting in the rider of another runner having to take hold. The gelding then hung out when leaving the 800 metre point for a short time.

FONDA DE LUCRE (J. King) when leaving the 900 metre point the horse rolled in marginally when receiving pressure from WASHER which was on his outside. This incident resulted in the rider of WONDERFUL TESS having to restrain his mount to avoid its heels.

WONDERFUL TESS (Appr.T. Germaine) began awkwardly and then veered in shortly after the start. At the 900 metre point the rider had to take hold of his mount to avoid the heels of another runner.

ASTRO NASCENTE (L.Appo) dipped at the start and lost ground. The gelding was held up for a run when entering the home turn.

Stewards spoke with Apprentice Jockey T. Germaine, Jockeys’ D. Brown and J. King after this race regarding an incident which occurred at approximately the 900 metre point. Stewards considered the evidence before them and as they were unable to attribute blame to one individual rider all riders were advised to exercise more care in the future.

KOORAGAN LANE- Ms J. Brand was reprimanded by Stewards under AR 144 for failing to weigh in for 5th placing.


HIGHWAY CHILD was presented to the mounting yard with a crossover nose band which was not specified as part of the horses gear prior to this event. When Stewards spoke with Trainer Mr R. Sullivan about this matter he advised that in his opinion the horse’s gear was changed prior to today’s event. Stewards considered Mr Sullivan’s request and allowed the horse to run with the gear change at today’s meeting. However, Mr Sullivan was advised that an inspection of the horses gear will be performed by Stewards and if this gear change was not correct a penalty under AR 140 (b) (2) would be issued to him in relation to this matter.

COOL HERO (Appr Ms S. Lacey) - the rider of the gelding advised stewards it had hung out during the early stages of the event.

SCINTILLER (B. Powell) - was slow to begin and lost ground.

WAYS AND MEANS (S. Egan) - travelled wide during the early stages of the race.

Stewards reprimanded Jockey S. Egan and L. Appo under AR137A (5) (ii) for using the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100 metre mark.

COOL HERO was reported to be lame in the near for-leg after running in this event. The horse was subsequently examined and treated for the injury by the attending Veterinarian. Trainer Mr B. Waldron was advised that a Veterinary Certificate would be required prior to the horse running again.

Steward Mr T. Reed advised the Chairman of Stewards that post- race he observed a trickle of blood coming from the near nostril of HIGHWAY CHILD which raced in the previous event. The horse was subsequently examined by the attending Veterinarian who advised Stewards that it is his professional opinion the horse had no trauma to the head and that the horse had Bled from one nostril. Stewards spoke with Trainer Mr R. Sullivan who advised them that he was unaware the horse had bled until he was advised by Steward Mr Reed. Mr Sullivan was made aware of his obligations to notify Stewards immediately when any horse in his charge bleeds during/post a race. Under AR 53 (A) (7) HIGHWAY CHILD will be required to undergo a 1000 metre gallop in the presence of a Steward before it is permitted to race again.


HOLY CLANGER was declared a later scratching at 7:55am due to no rider being available.

NOTHING VENTURED (Appr Ms S. Lacy) - after beginning well the horse drifted back sharply at approximately the 900 metre point. The horse then made heavy contact with the inside running rail at the 600 metre mark.

Stewards spoke with the rider of NOTHING VENTURED A/Jockey Ms S.Lacey after the race. Ms Lacey advised stewards that the horse had its head in the air as it jumped and the gelding’s head then came back hitting Ms Lacy in the face this resulted in the horse losing some ground. Ms Lacy further stated the horse was not travelling well at the 1000 metre point despite her best efforts. As it approached the 900 point it dropped back sharply. The horse did finish the race off well but lost all hope of finishing in the placings because of its racing manners. Stewards spoke with Trainer Mr B. Waldron regarding the performance of NOTHING VENTURED. He stated the horse has behaved in this way for the past few starts and he was at a loss as to explain what to do with this runner. Stewards considered Mr Waldron and Ms Lacey’s comments and placed a warning on the horse.

ALLOJO (D. Brown) - the rider of the gelding advised stewards the horse was not comfortable in the going and the tempo of the race today.

GUSTAVUS VASSA (B. Powell) was held up for a run prior to the 200metre point of the event.

MISHANI ISTANA (J.King) - was slow to begin.

SOME IDEA (S. Egan) travelled wide during the early stages of then event.

The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow the rider of the 5th placed horse A/ Jockey Ms S. Lacy to view the photo finish image. After viewing the photo Ms Lacy was satisfied with the Judge’s decision and correct weight was subsequently declared on the numbers semaphored.


TOUCAN UKELELE- (L.Appo)- the rider advised stewards post-race the gelding had not travelling well during the race largely due to the state of the track and the kick back.

ZAPATA FALLS (B. Powell) - travelled wide over the final stages.

DIAMOND RUSH (S.Egan) - stood flat footed at the gates and missed the start. A warning was issued.

Stewards Race Day Summary -

Summary of action concerning licencees

Reprimands –

Race 2- A/Jockey Ms J. Brand- AR 144- fail to weigh in for 5th placing.

Race 3- Jockey S. Egan- AR 137 A (5) (ii) - use of the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100 metre point.

Jockey L. Appo- AR 137 A (5) (ii) - use of the whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100 metre point.

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses

Horses swabbed –

All Winners were swabbed.

Pre- Race runners swabbed-

Race 1- FRISCO



Warnings/bars –

Race 4- NOTHING VENTURED- performance in running.

Race 5- DIAMOND RUSH- manners at the start.

Barrier Certificates


Veterinary Certificates

Race 3- COOL HERO- lameness post -race- near front leg.


Race 3- HIGHWAY CHILD- Bled in one nostril- AR 53 (A) (7)- 1000 metre gallop in the presence of a steward.

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications

Race 2- WASHER- D. Brown

Race 4- ALLOJO- D. Brown

Race 5- DOMINICO- A/Jockey T. Germaine.

Late Scratchings-

Race 2- MEZZANOTTE- at 1305 hrs- no rider being available.

Race 4- HOLY CLANGER-at 0755 hrs- no rider being available.

End of Report
