Saturday, 5 May 2018
Ipswich Turf Club, 219 Brisbane Road, Bundamba
Entry is free and you can upgrade to become a member for a day for just $10 per person.
This meeting will also feature the 13th Ipswich Mile Gift, a foot race run by the Queensland Athletic League. Patrons will also be able to have a flutter with the event being the only foot race in Queensland which betting is allowed.
Declared sporting contingency
Racing Queensland declares the Ipswich Mile Gift to be conducted on 5 May 2018 at the Ipswich Turf Club to be a declared sporting contingency for the purpose of section 141 of the Racing Integrity Act 2016 for which:
a) racing bookmakers for the thoroughbred code of racing may carry on bookmaking at the Club when:
i. a race meeting is being held at the Club;
ii. Racing Queensland is managing the Club; and
iii. the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission is exercising control at the Club; and
b) racing bookmakers for the thoroughbred code of racing who hold an offcourse approval may carry on bookmaking at an approved place for the offcourse approval and at the times approved by the Minister.
P: 07 3282 1500
E: itcgm@ipswichturfclub.com.au
Website: www.ipswichturfclub.com.au
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ipswichturfclub/
The information set out on this event page is correct as at the date of publication and may be subject to further change by Racing Queensland or the event promoter (if Racing Queensland is not the event promoter) in their absolute discretion. Please visit http://www.racingqueensland.com.au/ for the current race calendars. Please check race schedules for final times two days before, race numbers are not final.